Structurae offers a literature database for publications regarding bridge, civil and structural engineering, architecture, and construction in general. It provides a bibliographic index of books, articles, conference papers and other types of publications. Structurae also recently started building a repository of digital publications that is being expanded regularly.
Repository for Digital Publications
Our repository makes digital publications available for download to users using our My Structurae service. Our goal is to add especially those publications which are unavailable elsewhere or difficult to find.
Literature Index and Catalogue
The literature index contains bibliographic data for more than 570,000 publications relating to bridge, civil and structural engineering as well as architecture and construction in general.
Recently Added Books
Recently Added Conference Proceedings
Structurae's literature index contains articles from around 650 periodicals. Unfortunately, not all articles from all periodicals have been catalogued yet. The following table lists those journals with the largest numbers of articles listed.
# | Title | Articles |
1 | Construction and Building Materials | 38670 |
2 | Engineering Structures | 18739 |
3 | Composite Structures | 17459 |
4 | Energy and Buildings | 13912 |
5 | Building and Environment | 12047 |
Browse by author
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z- Betriebsfestigkeitsbasierter Ermüdungsnachweis mit bauwerksspezifischen Wöhlerlinien. Ein Diskussionsvorschlag. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. :
- Der Feuchtigkeitszustands‐Wert (MCV) im Erdbau. Grundlagen und Erfahrungen im Labor. In: geotechnik. :
- Informationen und Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises 1.6 „Numerik in der Geotechnik“ zur Berechnung von Grundwasserströmungen und deren Auswirkung auf die Standsicherheit mit der FEM. In: geotechnik. :
- Skalierungseffekte bei monotoner Scherbeanspruchung von ungebundenen bewehrten Tragschichten. In: geotechnik. :
- Auffüllung geotechnisch gefährdeter Kippentieflagen mit dem Leichtbaustoff Perlite. In: geotechnik. :
- Influence of corrosion on bond strength in reinforced recycled aggregate concrete with fly ash. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. :
- Performance evaluation of M25 grade concrete with and without replacement of cinder aggregate: an extensive experimental investigation. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. :
- Shearing behavior of short high-performance concrete beams reinforced with swimmer bars: experimental and statistical studies. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. :
- The effect of real curing temperatures on early age concrete strength development in massive concrete structures. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. :
- Experimental study on the dynamic - static shearing characteristics of plain and rooted red clay. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. :