Hochfeste nahtlose Rohre und Stahlbauhohlprofile für Krane und den Maschinenbau - Herstellung und Eigenschaften
Author(s): |
Thomas Müller
Boris Straetmans |
Medium: | journal article |
Language(s): | German |
Published in: | Stahlbau, September 2015, n. 9, v. 84 |
Page(s): | 650-654 |
DOI: | 10.1002/stab.201510310 |
Abstract: |
High strength seamless tubes and steel hollow sections for cranes and machine building applications - production and properties.High strength tubes and steel hollow sections for cranes and machine building applications are used with increasing utilization of the designs to cover continuously growing requirements. For many applications limiting construction weight is a necessity. Either regulatory inputs, like axle load limitation of mobile cranes, or other application-specific requirements such as load capacity of crawler cranes are covered. Additionally high strength steels allow wall thickness reductions and thereby give opportunity to reduce the effort of welding. For design and execution beside yield strength and static properties mostly ductility, impact properties and preferable easy processing through uniform properties of the used steel grade are key interests. This article will provide an overview of requirements, manufacturing and properties of high strength seamless tubes and steel hollow sections. |
Keywords: |
manufacture crane manufacturing property yield strength crane heat treatment fine-grain steel requirement thermal treatment
Available from: | Refer to publisher |
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data sheet - Reference-ID
10072149 - Published on:
28/09/2015 - Last updated on: