Ensayos sobre comportamiento a largo plazo de vigas reforzadas con CFRP a la intemperie
Author(s): |
A. Recuero
J. P. Gutiérrez C. López A. de Diego |
Medium: | journal article |
Language(s): | Spanish |
Published in: | Hormigón y acero, 3rd Quarter 2001, n. 221-222, v. 52 |
Page(s): | 39-42 |
Abstract: |
Tests on long-term behaviour of CFRP strengthened beams exposed to weatherA great number of infrastructures worlwide is in need of repair or upgrade due to corrosion, increased traffic, and increased service loads. Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials are being used for the upgrade of existing structures, given their advantages compared to conventional upgrade materials, such as corrosion resistance, lightweight, high strength-to-weight ratio and high stiffness-to-weight ratio. This paper presents the tests performed at Institute for Construction Sciences Eduardo Torroja about the long-term behaviour of reinforce concrete beams strengthened with externnaly bonded CFRP laminates and exposed to weather. |
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