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Computations on fall of the leaning tower with considering air resistance

Medium: journal article
Language(s): English
Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , n. 1, v. 2756
Page(s): 012056
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2756/1/012056

The free fall of a sphere was studied by considering air buoyancy and resistance. After selecting the reasonable drag coefficient formula recommended by the literature, partial differential formulas on the motion of balls falling in the Leaning Tower of Pisa are solved. The variation process of acceleration, velocity and displacement over time during the falling process of two spheres is obtained. The research results indicate that the kinematics of free fall considering air resistance is different from that neglecting air resistance. Air Resistance must be considered in the free fall of the solid ball after 0.3005 seconds. In the free fall of the leaning tower, air resistance makes the solid ball land at 0.4418 seconds which is earlier than the hollow. The variation of the acceleration of a solid ball with time can be described by a second-order function a=-0.115t² -0.022t+9.801. Velocity does not satisfy the product of acceleration and time but can be described as a polynomial function of the velocity variation with time v = c1 + c2t + c3. About the relationship between displacement and time, for a solid sphere, displacement is proportional to 1.9526 power of time h=5.4945t1.9526, while for a hollow sphere, it cannot be expressed by a function. The relationship between air resistance and velocity during the falling process of an iron ball satisfies a polynomial function Fd=c1-c2v+c3 rather than a simple relationship where air resistance is directly proportional to the first or second power of speed, which was used in many papers as a reasonable assumption.

Structurae cannot make the full text of this publication available at this time. The full text can be accessed through the publisher via the DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2756/1/012056.
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