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Assessment of RC Columns Under Axial Compression for Un-Corroded and Corroded Stirrups Scenarios: A Practice-Oriented Numerical Approach

Medium: journal article
Language(s): English
Published in: Buildings, , n. 4, v. 15
Page(s): 579
DOI: 10.3390/buildings15040579

This paper presents a practice-oriented numerical modelling procedure to assess the loadbearing capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) columns under axial compression loading. A simplified procedure was incorporated to analyse the performance of RC columns with corroded stirrups, a prevalent deterioration phenomenon in corroded RC columns. The modelling framework incorporates material and geometric nonlinearities caused by material and buckling failure under axial compression, utilising the Arc-length algorithm with integrated geometric imperfections. Stirrup corrosion scenarios were incorporated by removing stirrups and modifying core concrete confinement properties, providing a practice-oriented approach to assess the loadbearing capacity of corroded columns. The study focused on square RC columns that are commonly used in low-rise buildings with nominal reinforcement detailing. The modelling method was validated against experimental data, and it showed a good agreement. A comprehensive parametric analysis was then conducted to examine the effects of critical design parameters, including (1) slenderness, (2) eccentricity, (3) stirrup corrosion, and (4) material properties, on axial compression performance. Parametric analyses demonstrated that the developed modelling technique appropriately predicted the axial compression behaviour of un-corroded RC columns in alignment with analytical design rules. For stirrup-corroded RC columns, the absence of confinement for up to 300 mm length near the base, due to stirrup corrosion, led to premature buckling. Based on the analysed cases, the reduction in bearing capacity of the stirrup-corroded RC columns could range between 4.9 and 18.6% (higher for slender columns) as compared to corresponding un-corroded RC columns.

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