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Traffic Load Simulation on Two Span Bridges

 Traffic Load Simulation on Two Span Bridges
Author(s): , , ,
Presented at IABSE Congress: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-23 September 2016, published in , pp. 408-415
DOI: 10.2749/stockholm.2016.0385
Price: € 25.00 incl. VAT for PDF document  
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Destia Ltd has collected data of the traffic flow at some 20 automatic monitoring stations. The collected data was analysed and stochastic variables were determined for various characteristics of t...
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Bibliographic Details

Author(s): (Destia Ltd, Helsinki, Finland)
(Destia Ltd, Helsinki, Finland)
(Destia Ltd, Helsinki, Finland)
(Finnish Transport Agency, Helsinki, Finland)
Medium: conference paper
Language(s): English
Conference: IABSE Congress: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-23 September 2016
Published in:
Page(s): 408-415 Total no. of pages: 8
Page(s): 408-415
Total no. of pages: 8
Year: 2016
DOI: 10.2749/stockholm.2016.0385

Destia Ltd has collected data of the traffic flow at some 20 automatic monitoring stations. The collected data was analysed and stochastic variables were determined for various characteristics of traffic composition (traffic volume, vehicle classes, features of queues, frequencies of meetings of heavy vehicles and queues, etc.). Aforementioned data together with statistics of vehicle weights were used as input parameters for stress simulations on two span bridges having variable span lengths and transversal stiffness characteristics. Results of these studies are used for the determination of appropriate design loads for load bearing capacity calculations and for the adjustments of Eurocode national parameters.

traffic loads traffic simulation peak over threshold value free flowing traffic congested traffic