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Building Complex Shapes with Simple Tools: Fast Track Design of "the Future of Us" Gridshell in Singapore

 Building Complex Shapes with Simple Tools: Fast Track Design of "the Future of Us" Gridshell in Singapore
Author(s): ,
Presented at IABSE Symposium: Tomorrow’s Megastructures, Nantes, France, 19-21 September 2018, published in , pp. S28-123
DOI: 10.2749/nantes.2018.s28-123
Price: € 25.00 incl. VAT for PDF document  
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Building freeform gridshell structures usually implies dealing with complex geometries, which nowadays can be managed with integrated digital modelling tools. The ease of use of digital tools to ma...
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Bibliographic Details

Author(s): (Passage Projects, Singapore)
(Passage Projects, Singapore)
Medium: conference paper
Language(s): English
Conference: IABSE Symposium: Tomorrow’s Megastructures, Nantes, France, 19-21 September 2018
Published in:
Page(s): S28-123 Total no. of pages: 8
Page(s): S28-123
Total no. of pages: 8
DOI: 10.2749/nantes.2018.s28-123

Building freeform gridshell structures usually implies dealing with complex geometries, which nowadays can be managed with integrated digital modelling tools. The ease of use of digital tools to manage complex geometries often leads the designer to neglect some of the project parameters such as the simplicity of buildability or cost. On the contrary, when very short time constraint is the priority, simplicity of fabrication and installation must become the driving design parameters. The “future of us” gridshell is a steel structure that supports 11000 perforated aluminium panels, spanning approx. 50m and rising to 16m. From start of design to completion of installation was only 5 months. This document describes how the boundaries of simplicity have been pushed during all the steps of the project, by using basic construction concepts, digital modelling tools and compromises in order to meet the challenge of building a free form complex structure on time.

lightweight structures gridshell steel structures digital modelling tools

Structure Types

Geographic Locations