Seven Structural Engineers
The Felix Candela Lectures
Preface:: |
Terrence Riley
Editor(s): |
Guy Nordenson
Medium: | book |
Language(s): | English |
Publisher: | The Museum of Modern Art |
Published in: | New York, USA |
Page(s): | 188 |
ISBN-10: | 0870707035 |
ISBN-13: | 978-0-87070-703-2 |
Cover: | paperback |
Purchase from: |
Author(s) | Title | Page(s) |
Anderson, Stanford | Eladio Dieste: A Principled Builder | 30-47 |
Balmond, Cecil | Informal Networks | 48-65 |
Billington, David | Thin-Shell Concrete Structures: The Master Builders | 160-174 |
Isler, Heinz | Shell Structures: Candela in America and What We Did in Europe | 86-101 |
Kawaguchi, Mamoru | The Design of Structures - from Hard to Soft | 102-121 |
Menn, Christian | The Art of Bridge Design | 122-139 |
Nordenson, Guy | Constellations | 8-29 |
Robertson, Leslie E. | A Life in Structural Engineering | 66-85 |
Schlaich, Jörg | On the Cultural and Social Responsibility of the Structural Engineer | 140-159 |