Liu, Deli / Zhou, Xiaoping / Li, Yu: Balancing performance and cost of LLMs in a multi-agent framework for BIM data retrieval. In: Architectural Engineering and Design Management.
Jia, Zhiming / Zhou, Xiaoping (2024): Numerical Simulation of Crack Propagation and Coalescence in Quasi-Brittle Materials under Compression Using the Field-Enriched Finite-Element Method. In: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 150, n. 12 (December 2024).
Shou, Yundong / Zhao, Zhi / Zhou, Xiaoping / Chen, Junwei (2024): Size Effect on Pore-Scale Variables and Heterogeneous Pore-Network Characteristics in Carbonate Rocks. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 28, n. 10 (August 2024).
Xiao, Nan / Berto, Filippo / Zhou, Xiaoping (2024): Three-dimensional stochastic reconstruction of porous media: A systematic review. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 91 (August 2024).
Wang, Pengyue / Guo, Maozu / Cao, Yingeng / Hao, Shimeng / Zhou, Xiaoping / Zhao, Lingling (2023): Pedestrian wind flow prediction using spatial-frequency generative adversarial network. In: Building Simulation, v. 17, n. 2 (December 2023).
Zhou, Xiaoping / Ma, Chengxi / Wang, Mengmeng / Guo, Maozu / Guo, Zhengjia / Liang, Xun / Han, Junjun (2023): BIM product recommendation for intelligent design using style learning. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 73 (August 2023).
Yang, Yalong / Wang, Yuanhang / Zhou, Xiaoping / Su, Liangliang / Hu, Qizhi (2022): BIM Style Restoration Based on Image Retrieval and Object Location Using Convolutional Neural Network. In: Buildings, v. 12, n. 12 (1 December 2022).
Han, Junjun / Zhou, Xiaoping / Zhang, Weisong / Guo, Qiang / Wang, Jia / Lu, Yixin (2022): Directed Representative Graph Modeling of MEP Systems Using BIM Data. In: Buildings, v. 12, n. 6 (7 June 2022).
Zhou, Xiaoping / Li, Haoran / Wang, Jia / Zhao, Jichao / Xie, Qingsheng / Li, Lei / Liu, Jiayin / Yu, Jun (2022): CloudFAS: Cloud-based building fire alarm system using Building Information Modelling. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 53 (August 2022).
Xu, Zhaoxia / Zhou, Xiaoping (2022): Determination of the Critical Slip Surface of Slope Based on the Improved Quantum Genetic Algorithm and Random Forest. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 26, n. 5 (22 March 2022).
Zhou, Xiaoping / Guo, Qiang / Han, Junjun / Wang, Jia / Lu, Yixin / Shi, Jin / Kou, Ming (2022): Real-time prediction of indoor humidity with limited sensors using cross-sample learning. In: Building and Environment, v. 215 (May 2022).
Shou, Yundong / Zhao, Xiaodong / Zhou, Xiaoping (2022): Novel Three-Dimensional Sarma Method with Vertical Slices for Stability Analysis of Rock Slopes. In: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 22, n. 3 (March 2022).
Chen, Junwei / Shou, Yundong / Zhou, Xiaoping (2022): Implementation of the novel perfectly matched layer element for elastodynamic problems in time-domain finite element method. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 152 (January 2022).
Wang, Jie / Gao, Xinao / Zhou, Xiaoping / Xie, Qingshen (2021): Multi-scale Information Retrieval for BIM using Hierarchical Structure Modelling and Natural Language Processing. In: Journal of Information Technology in Construction, v. 26 (January 2021).
Zhou, Xiaoping / Wang, Longfei / Jia, Zhiming (2021): Field-Enriched Finite-Element Method for Simulating Crack Propagation and Coalescence in Geomaterials. In: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 147, n. 10 (October 2021).
Zhou, Xiaoping / Wang, Mengmeng / Liu, Yu-Shen / Wang, Qian / Guo, Maozu / Zhao, Jichao (2021): Heterogeneous network modeling and segmentation of building information modeling data for parallel triangulation and visualization. In: Automation in Construction, v. 131 (November 2021).
Cheng, Hao / Zhang, Yuchen / Zhou, Xiaoping (2021): Nonlinear Creep Model for Rocks Considering Damage Evolution Based on the Modified Nishihara Model. In: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 21, n. 8 (August 2021).
Xu, Zhaoxia / Zhou, Xiaoping / Qian, Qihu (2021): Reliability Analysis of Seismic Slope Stability with Uncertain Probability Distributions. In: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 21, n. 6 (June 2021).
Qiu, Qi / Zhou, Xiaoping / Zhao, Jichao / Yang, Yalong / Tian, Shunyu / Wang, Jia / Liu, Jiayin / Liu, Hui (2021): From sketch BIM to design BIM: An element identification approach using Industrial Foundation Classes and object recognition. In: Building and Environment, v. 188 (January 2021).
Zhou, Xiaoping / Huang, Xiaocheng / Berto, Filippo (2018): An innovative micromechanics-based three-dimensional long-term strength criterion for fracture assessment of rock materials. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 12, n. 44 (April 2018).
Zhong, Yifeng / Qin, Wenzheng / Yu, Wenbin / Zhou, Xiaoping / Jiao, Lichao (2015): Variational asymptotic homogenization of magneto-electro-elastic materials with coated fibers. In: Composite Structures, v. 133 (December 2015).
Zhou, Xiaoping / Zhao, Jichao / Wang, Jia / Guo, Ming / Liu, Jiayin / Shi, Honghong (2020): Towards product-level parallel computing of large-scale building information modeling data using graph theory. In: Building and Environment, v. 169 (February 2020).
Zhou, Xiaoping / Zhao, Jichao / Wang, Jia / Huang, Xiaoyuan / Li, Xiaofei / Guo, Maozu / Xie, Peng (2019): Parallel computing-based online geometry triangulation for building information modeling utilizing big data. In: Automation in Construction, v. 107 (November 2019).
Zhou, Xiaoping / Cheng, Hao (2017): Multidimensional Space Method for Geometrically Nonlinear Problems under Total Lagrangian Formulation Based on the Extended Finite-Element Method. In: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 143, n. 7 (July 2017).
Cheng, Hao / Zhou, Xiaoping (2018): New Technique for Frictional Contact on Crack Slip in the Extended Finite-Element Method Framework. In: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 144, n. 8 (August 2018).
Cheng, Hao / Zhou, Xiaoping (2019): Numerical Simulation of the Dynamic Frictional Contact Problem for Crack Slip Based on the Multidimensional Space Method. In: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 145, n. 2 (February 2019).
Zhong, Yifeng / Zhang, Liangliang / Zhou, Xiaoping (2016): Postbuckling and Mode Jumping Analysis of Deep Hygrothermally Buckled Angle-Ply Laminated Plates. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 16, n. 1 (January 2016).
Zhou, Xiaoping / He, Yi / Zeng, Jie (2019): Liquid metal antenna-based pressure sensor. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 28, n. 2 (February 2019).
Yang, Haiqing / Wang, He / Zhou, Xiaoping (2016): Analysis on the damage behavior of mixed ground during TBM cutting process. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 57 (August 2016).
Yang, Haiqing / Huang, Da / Yang, Xiuming / Zhou, Xiaoping (2013): Analysis model for the excavation damage zone in surrounding rock mass of circular tunnel. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 35 (April 2013).