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Abdullah M. Zeyad ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Shaban, Wafaa Mohamed / Heniegal, Ashraf M. / Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Hassan, Hassan H. (2024): Effect of agricultural wastes as sugar beet ash, sugarcane leaf ash, and sugarcane bagasse ash on UHPC properties. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 98 (December 2024).


  2. Tayeh, Bassam A. / Bayrak, Barış / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Kaplan, Gökhan / Öz, Ali / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2024): Effect of hybrid fibers and high temperatures on the properties of geopolymer composites based on slag, metakaolin, and natural zeolite. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 451 (November 2024).


  3. Altwair, Nurdeen M. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Sryh, Lamen S. / Alsharif, Abdualhamid M. / Sreh, Muftah M. (2024): Accelerated environmental conditions study on palm oil fuel ash-incorporated engineered cementitious composites: A durability assessment approach. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 450 (November 2024).


  4. Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Abd-Elrahman, Mahmoud H. / Mostafa, Sahar A. (2024): Engineering characteristics of ultra-high performance concrete containing basil plant ash. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 21 (December 2024).


  5. Mostafa, Sahar A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Elboshy, Bahaa / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Seddik Hassan, Ahmed M. (2024): The effect of lightweight geopolymer concrete containing air agent on building envelope performance and internal thermal comfort. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 20 (July 2024).


  6. Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Bayagoob, Khaled H. / Amin, Mohamed / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Mostafa, Sahar A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad: Effect of olive waste ash on the properties of high‐strength geopolymer concrete. In: Structural Concrete.


  7. Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Rizk, Mostafa S. (2024): Effect of industrial wastes on the properties of sustainable ultra-high-performance concrete: Ganite, ceramic, and glass. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 428 (May 2024).


  8. Nindhita, Kharisma Wira / Zaki, Ahmad / Zeyad, Abdullah M. (2024): Effect of Bacillus Subtilis Bacteria on The Mechanical Properties of Corroded Self-Healing Concrete. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 18, n. 68 (11 March 2024).


  9. Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Heniegal, Ashraf M. (2024): Effect of peanut and sunflower shell ash on properties of sustainable high-strength concrete. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 89 (July 2024).


  10. Kellouche, Yasmina / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Chetbani, Yazid / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Mostafa, Sahar A. (2024): Comparative study of different machine learning approaches for predicting the compressive strength of palm fuel ash concrete. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 88 (July 2024).


  11. Zeyad, Abdullah M. (2024): Effect of harsh environment on ‎cement mortar ‎containing natural pozzolans. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 20 (July 2024).


  12. Abu el‐hassan, Khaled / Hakeem, Ibrahim Y. / Amin, Mohamed / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Elsakhawy, Yara (2024): Effects of nano titanium and nano silica on high‐strength concrete properties incorporating heavyweight aggregate. In: Structural Concrete, v. 25, n. 1 (January 2024).


  13. Ghanim, Abdulnour Ali Jazem / Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2023): Effect of modified nano‐titanium and fly ash on ultra‐high‐performance concrete properties. In: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 5 (October 2023).


  14. Alyami, Mana / Hakeem, Ibrahim Y. / Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2023): Effect of agricultural olive, rice husk and sugarcane leaf waste ashes on sustainable ultra-high-performance concrete. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 72 (August 2023).


  15. Ghanim, Abdulnoor A. J. / Ur Rahman, Fayyaz / Adil, Waqas / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Magbool, Hassan M. (2023): Experimental investigation of industrial wastes in concrete: Mechanical and microstructural evaluation of pumice powder and Fly Ash in concrete. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 18 (July 2023).


  16. Tarek, Dalia / Ahmed, M. M. / Hussein, Hesham Sameh / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Al-Enizi, Abdullah M. / Yousef, Ayman / Ragab, Ayman (2022): Building envelope optimization using geopolymer bricks to improve the energy efficiency of residential buildings in hot arid regions. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (December 2022).


  17. Adil, Waqas / Ur Rahman, Fayyaz / Abdullah, Gamil M. S. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. (2022): Effective utilization of textile industry waste-derived and heat-treated pumice powder in cement mortar. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 351 (October 2022).


  18. Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Hakeem, Ibrahim Y. / Amin, Mohamed / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2022): Effect of aggregate and fibre types on ultra-high-performance concrete designed for radiation shielding. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 58 (October 2022).


  19. Abdullah, Gamil M. S. / Alshaikh, Ibrahim M. H. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Magbool, Hassan M. / Bakar, B. H. Abu (2022): The effect of openings on the performance of self-compacting concrete with volcanic pumice powder and different steel fibers. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (December 2022).


  20. Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2022): Effect of ferrosilicon and silica fume on mechanical, durability, and microstructure characteristics of ultra high-performance concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 320 (February 2022).


  21. Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Megat Johari, Megat Azmi / Abutaleb, Ahemd / Tayeh, Bassam A. (2021): The effect of steam curing regimes on the chloride resistance and pore size of high–strength green concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 280 (April 2021).


  22. Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Amin, Mohamed (2022): Effect of different burning degrees of sugarcane leaf ash on the properties of ultrahigh-strength concrete. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 56 (September 2022).


  23. Tayeh, Bassam A. / Hakamy, Ahmad / Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2022): Effect of air agent on mechanical properties and microstructure of lightweight geopolymer concrete under high temperature. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 16 (June 2022).


  24. Magbool, Hassan M. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. (2021): The effect of various steel fibers and volcanic pumice powder on fracture characteristics of Self-Compacting concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 312 (December 2021).


  25. Tayeh, Bassam A. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Amin, Mohamed (2021): Effect of elevated temperatures on mechanical properties of lightweight geopolymer concrete. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 15 (December 2021).


  26. Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2021): Engineering properties of self-cured normal and high strength concrete produced using polyethylene glycol and porous ceramic waste as coarse aggregate. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 299 (September 2021).


  27. Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2021): Effects of nano cotton stalk and palm leaf ashes on ultrahigh-performance concrete properties incorporating recycled concrete aggregates. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 302 (October 2021).


  28. Alwesabi, Emad A. H. / Bakar, B. H. Abu / Alshaikh, Ibrahim M. H. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Altheeb, Ali / Alghamdi, Hussam (2021): Experimental investigation on fracture characteristics of plain and rubberized concrete containing hybrid steel-polypropylene fiber. In: Structures, v. 33 (October 2021).


  29. Makul, Natt / Fediuk, Roman / Mugahed Amran, H. M. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Garcez de Azevedo, Afonso Rangel / Klyuev, Sergey / Vatin, Nikolai / Karelina, Maria (2021): Capacity to Develop Recycled Aggregate Concrete in South East Asia. In: Buildings, v. 11, n. 6 (21 May 2021).


  30. Tayeh, Bassam A. / Hasaniyah, Mohammed W. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Awad, Mohanad M. / Alaskar, Abdulaziz / Mohamed, Abdeliazim Mustafa / Alyousef, Rayed (2020): Durability and mechanical properties of seashell partially-replaced cement. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 31 (September 2020).


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