Shaban, Wafaa Mohamed / Heniegal, Ashraf M. / Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Hassan, Hassan H. (2024): Effect of agricultural wastes as sugar beet ash, sugarcane leaf ash, and sugarcane bagasse ash on UHPC properties. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 98 (December 2024).
Tayeh, Bassam A. / Bayrak, Barış / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Kaplan, Gökhan / Öz, Ali / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2024): Effect of hybrid fibers and high temperatures on the properties of geopolymer composites based on slag, metakaolin, and natural zeolite. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 451 (November 2024).
Altwair, Nurdeen M. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Sryh, Lamen S. / Alsharif, Abdualhamid M. / Sreh, Muftah M. (2024): Accelerated environmental conditions study on palm oil fuel ash-incorporated engineered cementitious composites: A durability assessment approach. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 450 (November 2024).
Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Abd-Elrahman, Mahmoud H. / Mostafa, Sahar A. (2024): Engineering characteristics of ultra-high performance concrete containing basil plant ash. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 21 (December 2024).
Mostafa, Sahar A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Elboshy, Bahaa / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Seddik Hassan, Ahmed M. (2024): The effect of lightweight geopolymer concrete containing air agent on building envelope performance and internal thermal comfort. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 20 (July 2024).
Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Bayagoob, Khaled H. / Amin, Mohamed / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Mostafa, Sahar A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad: Effect of olive waste ash on the properties of high‐strength geopolymer concrete. In: Structural Concrete.
Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Rizk, Mostafa S. (2024): Effect of industrial wastes on the properties of sustainable ultra-high-performance concrete: Ganite, ceramic, and glass. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 428 (May 2024).
Nindhita, Kharisma Wira / Zaki, Ahmad / Zeyad, Abdullah M. (2024): Effect of Bacillus Subtilis Bacteria on The Mechanical Properties of Corroded Self-Healing Concrete. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 18, n. 68 (11 March 2024).
Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Heniegal, Ashraf M. (2024): Effect of peanut and sunflower shell ash on properties of sustainable high-strength concrete. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 89 (July 2024).
Kellouche, Yasmina / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Chetbani, Yazid / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Mostafa, Sahar A. (2024): Comparative study of different machine learning approaches for predicting the compressive strength of palm fuel ash concrete. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 88 (July 2024).
Zeyad, Abdullah M. (2024): Effect of harsh environment on cement mortar containing natural pozzolans. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 20 (July 2024).
Abu el‐hassan, Khaled / Hakeem, Ibrahim Y. / Amin, Mohamed / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Elsakhawy, Yara (2024): Effects of nano titanium and nano silica on high‐strength concrete properties incorporating heavyweight aggregate. In: Structural Concrete, v. 25, n. 1 (January 2024).
Ghanim, Abdulnour Ali Jazem / Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2023): Effect of modified nano‐titanium and fly ash on ultra‐high‐performance concrete properties. In: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 5 (October 2023).
Alyami, Mana / Hakeem, Ibrahim Y. / Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2023): Effect of agricultural olive, rice husk and sugarcane leaf waste ashes on sustainable ultra-high-performance concrete. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 72 (August 2023).
Ghanim, Abdulnoor A. J. / Ur Rahman, Fayyaz / Adil, Waqas / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Magbool, Hassan M. (2023): Experimental investigation of industrial wastes in concrete: Mechanical and microstructural evaluation of pumice powder and Fly Ash in concrete. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 18 (July 2023).
Tarek, Dalia / Ahmed, M. M. / Hussein, Hesham Sameh / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Al-Enizi, Abdullah M. / Yousef, Ayman / Ragab, Ayman (2022): Building envelope optimization using geopolymer bricks to improve the energy efficiency of residential buildings in hot arid regions. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (December 2022).
Adil, Waqas / Ur Rahman, Fayyaz / Abdullah, Gamil M. S. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. (2022): Effective utilization of textile industry waste-derived and heat-treated pumice powder in cement mortar. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 351 (October 2022).
Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Hakeem, Ibrahim Y. / Amin, Mohamed / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2022): Effect of aggregate and fibre types on ultra-high-performance concrete designed for radiation shielding. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 58 (October 2022).
Abdullah, Gamil M. S. / Alshaikh, Ibrahim M. H. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Magbool, Hassan M. / Bakar, B. H. Abu (2022): The effect of openings on the performance of self-compacting concrete with volcanic pumice powder and different steel fibers. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (December 2022).
Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2022): Effect of ferrosilicon and silica fume on mechanical, durability, and microstructure characteristics of ultra high-performance concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 320 (February 2022).
Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Megat Johari, Megat Azmi / Abutaleb, Ahemd / Tayeh, Bassam A. (2021): The effect of steam curing regimes on the chloride resistance and pore size of high–strength green concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 280 (April 2021).
Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Amin, Mohamed (2022): Effect of different burning degrees of sugarcane leaf ash on the properties of ultrahigh-strength concrete. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 56 (September 2022).
Tayeh, Bassam A. / Hakamy, Ahmad / Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2022): Effect of air agent on mechanical properties and microstructure of lightweight geopolymer concrete under high temperature. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 16 (June 2022).
Magbool, Hassan M. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. (2021): The effect of various steel fibers and volcanic pumice powder on fracture characteristics of Self-Compacting concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 312 (December 2021).
Tayeh, Bassam A. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad / Amin, Mohamed (2021): Effect of elevated temperatures on mechanical properties of lightweight geopolymer concrete. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 15 (December 2021).
Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2021): Engineering properties of self-cured normal and high strength concrete produced using polyethylene glycol and porous ceramic waste as coarse aggregate. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 299 (September 2021).
Amin, Mohamed / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Tayeh, Bassam A. / Agwa, Ibrahim Saad (2021): Effects of nano cotton stalk and palm leaf ashes on ultrahigh-performance concrete properties incorporating recycled concrete aggregates. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 302 (October 2021).
Alwesabi, Emad A. H. / Bakar, B. H. Abu / Alshaikh, Ibrahim M. H. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Altheeb, Ali / Alghamdi, Hussam (2021): Experimental investigation on fracture characteristics of plain and rubberized concrete containing hybrid steel-polypropylene fiber. In: Structures, v. 33 (October 2021).
Makul, Natt / Fediuk, Roman / Mugahed Amran, H. M. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Garcez de Azevedo, Afonso Rangel / Klyuev, Sergey / Vatin, Nikolai / Karelina, Maria (2021): Capacity to Develop Recycled Aggregate Concrete in South East Asia. In: Buildings, v. 11, n. 6 (21 May 2021).
Tayeh, Bassam A. / Hasaniyah, Mohammed W. / Zeyad, Abdullah M. / Awad, Mohanad M. / Alaskar, Abdulaziz / Mohamed, Abdeliazim Mustafa / Alyousef, Rayed (2020): Durability and mechanical properties of seashell partially-replaced cement. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 31 (September 2020).