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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Niu, Zhiping / Zhang, Ling / Zhang, Xin / Lu, Chan / Wang, Tingting / Zheng, Xiaohong / Norback, Dan / Wang, Juan / Xu, Yanyi / Wei, Jing / Li, Feng / Peng, Li / Zhang, Zhenhua / Prapamontol, Tippawan / Yu, Wei / Deng, Qihong / Zhao, Zhuohui (2025): Association between air temperature exposure and childhood rhinitis risk, and the mediating role of ambient O3: A multi-city study of 40,103 Chinese preschool children. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 119 (February 2025).


  2. Zhao, Aiguo / Yu, Wei / Ye, Jing / Hu, Zhongping / Gao, Yongli / Cheng, Feng / Gu, Guoqing / Li, Shi / Li, Wenjun / Fang, Hai (2024): Design and verifications of three building acoustic metamaterials for simultaneous noise insulation and ventilation. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 456 (December 2024).


  3. Liu, Jinwei / Liu, Jinchao / Yang, Kai / Wang, Bo / Yu, Wei (2024): Analysis of the mitigating effect of post-grouting on the prestress loss of anchorage system. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 451 (November 2024).


  4. Yu, Wei / Luo, Xiaoxi / Wang, Bo / Liu, Jinwei / Zi, Xin (2024): Design approaches for active prestressed and prestressed yielding anchorage systems in large deformation traffic tunnels. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 152 (October 2024).


  5. Zhou, Haixia / Yu, Wei / Zhao, Keyao / Shan, Hanyu / Zhou, Shan / Zhang, Yan / Wang, Heqi / Wei, Shen (2024): Adaptative thermal comfort analysis in the elderly based on Fried frailty classification in residential buildings during summer. In: Building and Environment, v. 252 (March 2024).


  6. Yuan, Feng / Yao, Runming / Yu, Wei / Sadrizadeh, Sasan / Awbi, Hazim / Kumar, Prashant (2023): Dynamic characteristics of particulate matter resuspension due to human activities in indoor environments: A comprehensive review. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 79 (November 2023).


  7. Zhang, Bin / Norback, Dan / Cheng, Hong / Li, Baizhan / Zhang, Yinping / Zhao, Zhuohui / Deng, Qihong / Huang, Chen / Yang, Xu / Lu, Chan / Qian, Hua / Wang, Tingting / Zhang, Ling / Yu, Wei / Wang, Juan / Zhang, Xin (2023): Dampness and mould in Chinese homes and sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms – Associations with climate, family size, cleaning and ventilation. In: Building and Environment, v. 245 (November 2023).


  8. Ming, Ru / Li, Baizhan / Du, Chenqiu / Yu, Wei / Liu, Hong / Kosonen, Risto / Yao, Runming (2023): A comprehensive understanding of adaptive thermal comfort in dynamic environments – An interaction matrix-based path analysis modeling framework. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 284 (April 2023).


  9. Du, Chenqiu / Liu, Shihong / Yu, Wei / Li, Baizhan / Li, Bicheng / Lu, Bingjie / Meng, Chong / Zhou, Min (2023): Characterizing seasonal dynamics of indoor fungal exposure and its relations with allergic diseases/symptoms of children - A case-control based investigation in residences. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 69 (June 2023).


  10. Guo, Miao / Yu, Wei / Zhang, Yan / Li, Baizhan / Zhou, Haixia / Du, Chenqiu (2023): Associations of household dampness and cold exposure with cardiovascular disease and symptoms among elderly people in Chongqing and Beijing. In: Building and Environment, v. 233 (April 2023).


  11. Zhu, Junru / Zhang, Chuntao / Yu, Wei (2022): Compressive Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete after Cooling from High Temperatures. In: Buildings, v. 12, n. 11 (27 October 2022).


  12. Xi, Shaobo / Wang, Lingling / Shao, Feilong / Song, Minyu / Xie, Huaqing / Yu, Wei (2022): Ecofriendly chitosan-derived carbon aerogels based eutectic hydrated salts for good solar thermal energy storage and corrosion mitigation effect. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 271 (September 2022).


  13. Lei, Qiuxing / Wang, Lingling / Xie, Huaqing / Yu, Wei (2022): Active-passive dual-control smart window with thermochromic synergistic fluidic glass for building energy efficiency. In: Building and Environment, v. 222 (August 2022).


  14. Ming, Ru / Li, Baizhan / Yu, Wei / Du, Chenqiu / Wu, Yuxin / Kosonen, Risto / Yao, Runming (2022): A comparative field study of occupants’ thermal exposure in non-heating and decentralized heating environments. In: Building and Environment, v. 207 (January 2022).


  15. Du, Chenqiu / Liu, Hong / Yu, Wei / Ji, Yu / Yan, Ke / Ruan, Liyang (2021): Characteristics and comfort evaluation of sinusoidal airflows by regulating motor rotating frequency of a floor fan. In: Building Simulation, v. 15, n. 6 (December 2021).


  16. Hao, Jingjun / Zhang, Peng / Yu, Wei / Mou, Xiaoqing (2021): Causes of Spatial Patterns of Livability in Chinese Cities: MGWRL Analysis Based on Didi's Big Data. In: Journal of Urban Planning and Development, v. 147, n. 3 (September 2021).


  17. Wu, Yihu / Yu, Dan / Yu, Wei / Qin, Tao / Li, Yifen (2014): Double-layer ramp-metering model for incident congestion on expressway. In: Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), v. 1, n. 2 (April 2014).


  18. Ma, Longxiang / Zhang, Chao / Ouyang, Huajiang / Yan, Qixiang / Yu, Wei (2021): 2.5D modelling of wave propagation in longitudinally curved viscoelastic structure using a coupled FEM-PML approach. In: Engineering Structures, v. 226 (January 2021).


  19. Yu, Wei / Li, Baizhan / Jia, Hongyuan / Zhang, Ming / Wang, Di (2015): Application of multi-objective genetic algorithm to optimize energy efficiency and thermal comfort in building design. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 88 (February 2015).


  20. Li, Xinyi / Yao, Runming / Liu, Meng / Costanzo, Vincenzo / Yu, Wei / Wang, Wenbo / Short, Alan / Li, Baizhan (2018): Developing urban residential reference buildings using clustering analysis of satellite images. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 169 (June 2018).


  21. Ming, Ru / Yu, Wei / Zhao, Xuyuan / Liu, Yuan / Li, Baizhan / Essah, Emmanuel / Yao, Runming (2020): Assessing energy saving potentials of office buildings based on adaptive thermal comfort using a tracking-based method. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 208 (February 2020).


  22. Liang, Xi / Li, Huijian / Yu, Wei / Yang, Xiao / Zhang, Yanan / Wang, Xiaoxing (2015): Application of combinational sphere element in meso-mechanical analysis of cemented particulate composite. In: Composite Structures, v. 131 (November 2015).


  23. Micallef, Daniel / Ferreira, Carlos / Herráez, Iván / Höning, Leo / Yu, Wei / Capdevila, Hugo (2020): Assessment of actuator disc models in predicting radial flow and wake expansion. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 207 (December 2020).


  24. Guo, Xinxin / Wang, Bo / Wang, Zhenyu / Yu, Wei / Ma, Zhenwang / Yang, Tielun (2020): Application of the Microclamped Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensor in Rock Bolt Support Quality Monitoring. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2020 (January 2020).


  25. Cai, Jiao / Li, Baizhan / Yu, Wei / Wang, Lexiang / Yao, Yinghui / Wang, Yujue (2020): Damp indicators in different areas of residence in different periods are strongly associated with childhood asthma and wheeze. In: Building and Environment, v. 182 (September 2020).


  26. Ke, Shitang / Yu, Wei / Wang, Tongguang / Ge, Yaojun / Tamura, Yukio (2017): Analysis of the effect of blade positions on the aerodynamic performances of wind turbine tower-blade system in halt states. In: Wind & Structures, v. 24, n. 3 (March 2017).


  27. Bu, Zhongming / Wang, Jiahui / Yu, Wei / Li, Baizhan (2018): Dermal exposure to phthalates in home environment: Handwipes, influencing factors and implications. In: Building and Environment, v. 133 (April 2018).


  28. Wang, Han / Li, Baizhan / Yu, Wei / Wang, Juan / Norback, Dan (2015): Early-life exposure to home dampness associated with health effects among children in Chongqing, China. In: Building and Environment, v. 94 (December 2015).


  29. Yu, Wei / Wang, Lexiang / Wang, Qingqin / Wang, Xiaofei / Li, Guozhu / Wang, Junliang / Awbi, Hazim (2020): Design selection and evaluation method of PM2.5 filters for fresh air systems. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 27 (January 2020).


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