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Abudayyeh, Osama / Cai, Hubo / Mellema, Brock / Yehia, Sherif (2010): Quantifying Time and User Cost Savings for Rapid Bridge Construction Technique. In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, v. 2151, n. 1 (January 2010).
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Yehia, Sherif / Abdelfatah, Akmal / Abu Dabous, Saleh (2012): A conceptual framework for a bridge management system for the United Arab Emirates. In: Bridge Structures, v. 8, n. 2 ( 2012).
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Nawaz, Waleed / Elchalakani, Mohammad / Al-Ameri, Riyad / Yehia, Sherif / Hassanli, Reza / Liu, Huiyuan / Yang, Bo (2023): Shear performance of lightweight SCC composite beam internally reinforced with CFRP laminate stirrups and GFRP bars: Experimental and analytical study. In: Structures, v. 58 (December 2023).
Ran, Hongyu / Elchalakani, Mohamed / Boussaid, Farid / Yehia, Sherif / Sadakkathulla, Mohamed Ali / Yang, Bo (2023): Development and evaluation of conductive ultra-lightweight cementitious composites for smart and sustainable infrastructure applications. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 375 (April 2023).
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Abdel-Qader, Ikhlas / Pashaie-Rad, Sara / Abudayyeh, Osama / Yehia, Sherif (2006): PCA-Based algorithm for unsupervised bridge crack detection. In: Advances in Engineering Software, v. 37, n. 12 (December 2006).
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Ahmed, Sara / Alhoubi, Yazan / Elmesalami, Nouran / Yehia, Sherif / Abed, Farid (2021): Effect of recycled aggregates and treated wastewater on concrete subjected to different exposure conditions. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 266 (January 2021).
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Yehia, Sherif / Gunn, Cindy (2018): Enriching the Learning Experience for Civil Engineering Students through Learner-Centered Teaching. In: Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, v. 144, n. 4 (October 2018).
AlHamaydeh, Mohammad / Galal, Khaled / Yehia, Sherif (2013): Impact of lateral force-resisting system and design/construction practices on seismic performance and cost of tall buildings in Dubai, UAE. In: Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, v. 12, n. 3 (September 2013).
Yehia, Sherif / Qaddoumi, Nasser / Hamzeh, Layane / Farrag, Sharef (2013): Non-Destructive Techniques for Bridge Inspection in United Arab Emirates. Presented at: IABSE Conference: Assessment, Upgrading and Refurbishment of Infrastructures, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6-8 May 2013.
Abdelfatah, Akmal / Shanableh, Tamer / Yehia, Sherif / Saved, Ahmed El (2013): Bridge Management System for UAE: Database Development for Bridge Inventory. Presented at: IABSE Conference: Assessment, Upgrading and Refurbishment of Infrastructures, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6-8 May 2013.
Yehia, Sherif / AlHamaydeh, Mohammad / Abed, Farid / Rabie, Mohamad / Resheidat, Saja / El-Kalie, Shahinaz / Abudagga, Majd (2013): Evaluation of Concrete Properties for High Strength Steel Applications. Presented at: IABSE Conference: Assessment, Upgrading and Refurbishment of Infrastructures, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6-8 May 2013.
Yehia, Sherif / AlHamaydeh, Mohammad / Farrag, Sharef (2014): High-Strength Lightweight SCC Matrix with Partial Normal-Weight Coarse-Aggregate Replacement: Strength and Durability Evaluations. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 26, n. 11 (November 2014).
Yehia, Sherif / Kashwani, Ghanim (2013): Performance of Structures Exposed to Extreme High Temperature—An Overview. In: Open Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 3, n. 3 ( 2013).
Yehia, Sherif / Douba, AlaEddin / Abdullahi, Omar / Farrag, Sharef (2016): Mechanical and durability evaluation of fiber-reinforced self-compacting concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 121 (September 2016).
Aldabagh, Saif / Abed, Farid / Yehia, Sherif (2018): Effect of Types of Concrete on Flexural Behavior of Beams Reinforced with High-Strength Steel Bars. In: ACI Structural Journal, v. 115, n. 2 (March 2018).
Farrag, Sharef / Yehia, Sherif / Qaddoumi, Nasser (2016): Investigation of Mix-Variation Effect on Defect-Detection Ability Using Infrared Thermography as a Nondestructive Evaluation Technique. In: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 21, n. 3 (March 2016).
Yehia, Sherif / Abudayyeh, Osama / Nabulsi, Saleh / Abdelqader, Ikhlas (2007): Detection of Common Defects in Concrete Bridge Decks Using Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques. In: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 12, n. 2 (March 2007).
Abudayyeh, Osama / Yehia, Sherif / Abdel-Qader, Ikhlas / Zalt, Ammar (2008): GPR imaging for bridge deck condition assessment. In: Bridge Structures, v. 4, n. 2 (June 2008).