D. Wendland
- The construction and stereotomy of the medieval vaults in Notre-Dame: Planning, stone-cutting and building of the double-curved shells. Presented at: Seventh International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH), Lisbon, Portugal, 12-16 July 2021. (2021):
- The geometric design of the "Guarinesque" vaults in Banz and Vierzehnheiligen in relation to the treatises of stereotomy. Presented at: Seventh International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH), Lisbon, Portugal, 12-16 July 2021. (2021):
- (2013): Diseño de la cáscara de ladrillo en la reconstrucción de la bóveda de la capilla del Palacio de Dresde: un intento de recuperación del olvidado arte de construir bóvedas tardogóticas. In: Informes de la Construcción, v. 65 ( 2013).