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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Loyola, Estefania / Shaikh, Faiz / Vargas, Felipe (2025): Effect of water as an alkali activator transport medium and other manufacturing factors in alkali activated copper mine tailings. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 465 (February 2025).


  2. Vera, Sergio / Figueroa, Camilo / Chubretovic, Soledad / Remesar, Jose C. / Vargas, Felipe (2024): Improvement of the thermal performance of hollow clay bricks for structural masonry walls. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 415 (February 2024).


  3. Navarrete, Ivan / Valdés, Juan / Lopez, Mauricio / Vargas, Felipe (2023): Replacement of pozzolanic blended cement by supplementary cementitious materials: Mechanical and environmental approach. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 394 (August 2023).


  4. Avet, Francois / Li, Xuerun / Ben Haha, Mohsen / Bernal, Susan A. / Bishnoi, Shashank / Cizer, Özlem / Cyr, Martin / Dolenec, Sabina / Durdzinski, Pawel / Haufe, Johannes / Hooton, Doug / Juenger, Maria C. G. / Kamali-Bernard, Siham / Londono-Zuluaga, Diana / Marsh, Alastair T. M. / Marroccoli, Milena / Mrak, Maruša / Parashar, Anuj / Patapy, Cédric / Pedersen, Malene / Provis, John L. / Sabio, Serge / Schulze, Simone / Snellings, Ruben / Telesca, Antonio / Thomas, Michael / Vargas, Felipe / Vollpracht, Anya / Walkley, Brant / Winnefeld, Frank / Ye, Guang / Zhang, Shizhe / Scrivener, Karen (2022): Report of RILEM TC 267-TRM phase 2: optimization and testing of the robustness of the R3 reactivity tests for supplementary cementitious materials. In: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 3 (19 March 2022).


  5. Li, Xuerun / Snellings, Ruben / Antoni, Mathieu / Alderete, Natalia Mariel / Ben Haha, Mohsen / Bishnoi, Shashank / Cizer, Özlem / Cyr, Martin / De Weerdt, Klaartje / Dhandapani, Yuvaraj / Duchesne, Josée / Haufe, Johannes / Hooton, Doug / Juenger, Maria / Kamali-Bernard, Siham / Kramar, Sabina / Marroccoli, Milena / Joseph, Aneeta Mary / Parashar, Anuj / Patapy, Cédric / Provis, John L. / Sabio, Sergio / Santhanam, Manu / Steger, Laurent / Sui, Tongbo / Telesca, Antonio / Vollpracht, Anya / Vargas, Felipe / Walkley, Brant / Winnefeld, Frank / Ye, Guang / Zajac, Maciej / Zhang, Shizhe / Scrivener, Karen L. (2018): Reactivity tests for supplementary cementitious materials: RILEM TC 267-TRM phase 1. In: Materials and Structures, v. 51, n. 6 (December 2018).


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