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The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Turk, Kazim / Katlav, Metin / Bitkin, Rifat Enes (2025): The use of high-volume hybrid steel fiber instead of compression rebar to improve the structural performance of high-strength SCC beams under bending. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 470 (April 2025).


  2. Katlav, Metin / Donmez, Izzeddin / Turk, Kazim (2024): Electrical resistivity of eco-friendly hybrid fiber-reinforced SCC: Effect of ground granulated blast furnace slag and copper slag content as well as hooked-end fiber length. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 438 (August 2024).


  3. Katlav, Metin / Turk, Kazim / Turgut, Paki: The impact of different length hooked‐end fibers on the structural performance of RC folded plates. In: Structural Concrete.


  4. Turk, Kazim / Katlav, Metin / Turgut, Paki (2024): Effect of rebar arrangements on the structural behavior of RC folded plates manufactured from hybrid steel fiber-reinforced SCC. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 84 (May 2024).


  5. Turk, Kazim / Cicek, Nazlı / Katlav, Metin / Donmez, Izzeddin / Turgut, Paki (2023): Electrical conductivity and heating performance of hybrid steel fiber-reinforced SCC: The role of high-volume fiber and micro fiber length. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 76 (October 2023).


  6. Donmez, Izzeddin / Katlav, Metin / Turk, Kazim (2023): Improvement of fresh and hardened properties of a sustainable HFRSCC using various powders as multi-blended binders. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 371 (March 2023).


  7. Katlav, Metin / Turk, Kazim / Turgut, Paki (2023): Flexural performance of V-shaped RC folded plates: The role of plate thickness and fiber hybridization. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 400 (October 2023).


  8. Kina, Ceren / Tanyildizi, Harun / Turk, Kazim (2023): Forecasting the compressive strength of GGBFS-based geopolymer concrete via ensemble predictive models. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 405 (November 2023).


  9. Bassurucu, Mahmut / Turk, Kazim / Turgut, Paki (2023): The effect of hybrid fiber and shear stud on the punching performance of flat-slab systems. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 77 (October 2023).


  10. Turk, Kazim / Kina, Ceren / Tanyildizi, Harun (2023): Extreme Learning Machine for Estimation of the Engineering Properties of Self-Compacting Mortar with High-Volume Mineral Admixtures. In: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, v. 48, n. 1 (December 2023).


  11. Katlav, Metin / Turk, Kazim / Turgut, Paki (2022): Research into effect of hybrid steel fibers on the V-shaped RC folded plate thickness. In: Structures, v. 44 (October 2022).


  12. Turk, Kazim / Bassurucu, Mahmut (2023): An investigation on the effect of hybrid fiber reinforced on the flexural behavior of RC beams having different lap‐spliced lengths. In: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 2 (April 2023).


  13. Tanyildizi, Harun / Marani, Afshin / Turk, Kazim / Nehdi, Moncef L. (2022): Hybrid deep learning model for concrete incorporating microencapsulated phase change materials. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 319 (February 2022).


  14. Bassurucu, Mahmut / Turk, Kazim (2020): An experimental and statistical investigation on the fresh and hardened properties of HFR-SCC: the effect of micro fibre type and fibre hybridization. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, v. 27, n. 1 (November 2020).


  15. Kina, Ceren / Turk, Kazim / Tanyildizi, Harun (2022): Deep learning and machine learning‐based prediction of capillary water absorption of hybrid fiber reinforced self‐compacting concrete. In: Structural Concrete, v. 23, n. 5 (October 2022).


  16. Kina, Ceren / Turk, Kazim / Tanyildizi, Harun (2022): Estimation of strengths of hybrid FR‐SCC by using deep‐learning and support vector regression models. In: Structural Concrete, v. 23, n. 5 (October 2022).


  17. Kina, Ceren / Turk, Kazim (2021): Bond strength of reinforcing bars in hybrid fiber-reinforced SCC with binary, ternary and quaternary blends of steel and PVA fibers. In: Materials and Structures, v. 54, n. 4 (2 July 2021).


  18. Turk, Kazim / Sukru Yildirim, M. (2003): Bond strength of reinforcement in splices in beams. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 16, n. 4 (October 2003).


  19. Turk, Kazim / Caliskan, Sinan / Sukru Yildirim, M. (2005): Influence of loading condition and reinforcement size on the concrete/reinforcement bond strength. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 19, n. 3 (February 2005).


  20. Turk, Kazim / Nehdi, Moncef L. (2021): Flexural toughness of sustainable ECC with high-volume substitution of cement and silica sand. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 270 (February 2021).


  21. Turk, Kazim / Nehdi, Moncef L. (2018): Coupled effects of limestone powder and high-volume fly ash on mechanical properties of ECC. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 164 (March 2018).


  22. Turk, Kazim / Oztekin, Erol / Kina, Ceren (2020): Self-compacting concrete with blended short and long fibres: experimental investigation on the role of fibre blend proportion. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, v. 26, n. 3 (February 2020).


  23. Benli, Ahmet / Turk, Kazim / Kina, Ceren (2018): Influence of Silica Fume and Class F Fly Ash on Mechanical and Rheological Properties and Freeze-Thaw Durability of Self-Compacting Mortars. In: Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, v. 32, n. 3 (September 2018).


  24. Turk, Kazim / Kina, Ceren / Bagdiken, Mahmut (2017): Use of binary and ternary cementitious blends of F-Class fly-ash and limestone powder to mitigate alkali-silica reaction risk. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 151 (October 2017).


  25. Demirhan, Serhat / Turk, Kazim / Ulugerger, Kubra (2019): Fresh and hardened properties of self consolidating Portland limestone cement mortars: Effect of high volume limestone powder replaced by cement. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 196 (January 2019).


  26. Turk, Kazim / Karatas, Mehmet / Ulucan, Zulfu C. (2010): Effect of the use of different types and dosages of mineral additions on the bond strength of lap-spliced bars in self-compacting concrete. In: Materials and Structures, v. 43, n. 4 (May 2010).


  27. Turk, Kazim / Karatas, Mehmet / Gonen, Tahir (2012): Effect of Fly Ash and Silica Fume on compressive strength, sorptivity and carbonation of SCC. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 17, n. 1 (May 2012).


  28. Turgut, Paki / Turk, Kazim / Bakirci, Hasan (2012): Segregation control of SCC with a modified L-box apparatus. In: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 64, n. 8 (August 2012).


  29. Turk, Kazim / Demirhan, Serhat (2013): The mechanical properties of engineered cementitious composites containing limestone powder replaced by microsilica sand. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 40, n. 2 (February 2013).


  30. Karatas, Mehmet / Turk, Kazim / Ulucan, Zulfu C. (2010): Investigation of bond between lap-spliced steel bar and self-compacting concrete: The role of silica fume. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 37, n. 3 (March 2010).


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