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The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Kokeguchi, Kiyoshi / Shimokawa, Atsushi / Kohchi, Jun / Towhata, Ikuo / Yoshikawa, Aya (2001): Experimental Study On Strain-rate Dependency In Post-liquefaction Behaviour Of Sand. In: 土木学会論文集 (Doboku Gakkai rombunshū), v. 2001, n. 680 (June 2001).


  2. Mao, Wuwei / Yang, Yang / Lin, Wenli / Aoyama, Shogo / Towhata, Ikuo (2018): High Frequency Acoustic Emissions Observed during Model Pile Penetration in Sand and Implications for Particle Breakage Behavior. In: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 18, n. 11 (November 2018).


  3. Towhata, Ikuo / Al-Hussaini, T. M. (1988): Lateral Loads On Offshore Structures Exerted by Submarine Mudflows. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 28, n. 3 (September 1988).


  4. Ishihara, Kenji / Muroi, Takahito / Towhata, Ikuo (1989): In-Situ Pore Water Pressures and Ground Motions During the 1987 Chiba-Toho-Oki Earthquake. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 29, n. 4 (December 1989).


  5. Ishihara, Kenji / Haeri, S. Mohsen / Moinfar, Ali A. / Towhata, Ikuo / Tsujino, Shuichi (1992): Geotechnical Aspects of the June 20, 1990 Manjil Earthquake in Iran. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 32, n. 3 (September 1992).


  6. Gutierrez, Marte / Ishihara, Kenji / Towhata, Ikuo (1991): Flow Theory for Sand During Rotation of Principal Stress Direction. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 31, n. 4 (December 1991).


  7. Meneses, Jorge / Ishihara, Kenji / Towhata, Ikuo (1998): Effects of Superimposing Cyclic Shear Stress on the Undrained Behavior of Saturated Sand Under Monotonic Loading. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 38, n. 4 (December 1998).


  8. Orense, Rolando / Farooq, Khalid / Towhata, Ikuo (2004): Deformation Behavior of Sandy Slopes During Rainwater Infiltration. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 44, n. 2 (April 2004).


  9. Towhata, Ikuo / Prasad, S. K. / Honda, Tsuyoshi / Chandradhara, G. P. (2002): Geotechnical Reconnaissance Study on Damage Caused by 2001 Gujarat Earthquake, India. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 42, n. 4 (August 2002).


  10. Nishimura, Satoshi / Towhata, Ikuo / Honda, Tsuyoshi (2002): Laboratory Shear Tests on Viscous Nature of Liquefied Sand. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 42, n. 4 (August 2002).


  11. Nong, Xuefeng / Towhata, Ikuo (2017): Investigation of mechanical properties of soft rock due to laboratory reproduction of physical weathering process. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 57, n. 2 (April 2017).


  12. Mizuhashi, Masanori / Towhata, Ikuo / Sato, Junichi / Tsujimura, Takashi (2006): Examination of Slope Hazard Assessment by Using Case Studies of Earthquake- and Rainfall-Induced Landslides. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 46, n. 6 (December 2006).


  13. Bahadori, Hadi / Ghalandarzadeh, Abbas / Towhata, Ikuo (2008): Effect of Non Plastic Silt On the Anisotropic Behavior of Sand. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 48, n. 4 (August 2008).


  14. Yoshida, Nozomu / Tazoh, Takashi / Wakamatsu, Kazue / Yasuda, Susumu / Towhata, Ikuo / Nakazawa, Hiroshi / Kiku, Hiroyoshi (2007): Causes of Showa Bridge Collapse in the 1964 Niigata Earthquake Based on Eyewitness Testimony. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 47, n. 6 (December 2007).


  15. Towhata, Ikuo / Maruyama, Shogo / Kasuda, Kin-ichi / Koseki, Junichi / Wakamatsu, Kazue / Kiku, Hiroyoshi / Kiyota, Takashi / Yasuda, Susumu / Taguchi, Yuichi / Aoyama, Shogo / Hayashida, Toshihiko (2014): Liquefaction in the Kanto region during the 2011 off the pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 54, n. 4 (August 2014).


  16. Motamed, Ramin / Towhata, Ikuo / Honda, Tsuyoshi / Yasuda, Susumu / Tabata, Kentaro / Nakazawa, Hiroshi (2009): Behaviour of Pile Group behind a Sheet Pile Quay Wall Subjected to Liquefaction-Induced Large Ground Deformation Observed in Shaking Test in E-Defense Project. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 49, n. 3 (June 2009).


  17. Gratchev, Ivan / Irsyam, Masyhur / Towhata, Ikuo / Muin, Bakhtiar / Nawir, Hasbullah (2011): Geotechnical Aspects of the Sumatra Earthquake of September 30, 2009, Indonesia. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 51, n. 2 (April 2011).


  18. Towhata, Ikuo / Toyota, Hirofumi (2010): Lessons from Earthquakes in Recent Times and their Effects on the Development of Geotechnology. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 50, n. 6 (December 2010).


  19. Motamed, Ramin / Sesov, Vlatko / Towhata, Ikuo / Anh, Ngo Tuan (2010): Experimental Modeling of Large Pile Groups in Sloping Ground Subjected to Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Flow: 1-G Shaking Table Tests. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 50, n. 2 (April 2010).


  20. Qureshi, Mohsin Usman / Towhata, Ikuo / Yamada, Suguru (2019): Experimental relation between shear strength under low pressure and S-wave velocity of rock subjected to mechanical weathering. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 59, n. 5 (October 2019).


  21. Hernández, Yolanda Alberto / Towhata, Ikuo / Gunji, Keigo / Yamada, Suguru (2015): Laboratory tests on cyclic undrained behavior of loose sand with cohesionless silt and its application to assessment of seismic performance of subsoil. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 79 (December 2015).


  22. Harada, Naoyuki / Towhata, Ikuo / Takatsu, Tadashi / Tsunoda, Shinsuke / Sesov, Vlatko (2006): Development of new drain method for protection of existing pile foundations from liquefaction effects. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 26, n. 2-4 (February 2006).


  23. Kawamata, Yohsuke / Nakayama, Manabu / Towhata, Ikuo / Yasuda, Susumu (2016): Dynamic behaviors of underground structures in E-Defense shaking experiments. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 82 (March 2016).


  24. Aghaei Araei, Ata / Towhata, Ikuo (2014): Impact and cyclic shaking on loose sand properties in laminar box using gap sensors. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 66 (November 2014).


  25. Torisu, Seda Sendir / Sato, Junichi / Towhata, Ikuo / Honda, Tsuyoshi (2010): 1-G model tests and hollow cylindrical torsional shear experiments on seismic residual displacements of fill dams from the viewpoint of seismic performance-based design. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 30, n. 6 (June 2010).


  26. Wada, Akira / Towhata, Ikuo / Tamura, Kazuo / Zhe, Qu (2018): A complete introduction to the SCJ proposal and its commentary on the development of seismically resilient cities. In: Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, v. 17, n. 4 (October 2018).


  27. Towhata, Ikuo / Gunji, Keigo (2018): Experimental interpretation of seismically induced instability of mountain slopes. In: ce/papers, v. 2, n. 2-3 (June 2018).


  28. Gratchev, Ivan / Towhata, Ikuo (2015): Compressibility of soils containing kaolinite in acidic environments. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 20, n. 2 (April 2015).


  29. Mostafavi Moghadam, Amirali / Ghalandarzadeh, Abbas / Moradi, Majid / Towhata, Ikuo / Hajialikhani, Pouria (2011): Displacement reducer fuses for improving seismic performance of caisson quay walls. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 9, n. 4 (February 2011).


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