Giosuè, Chiara / Czerwinska, Natalia / Remia, Giada / Stazi, Francesca / Di Perna, Costanzo / Mobili, Alessandra / Ruello, Maria Letizia / Maqbool, Qaisar / Tittarelli, Francesca (2025): Innovative multifunctional finish for the improvement of Indoor Air Quality: Performance at laboratory and pilot scale. In: Building and Environment, v. 273 (April 2025).
Mobili, Alessandra / Blasi, Elisa / Maqbool, Qaisar / Tittarelli, Francesca (2025): Copper mine tailings and metakaolin as precursors for sustainable alkali-activated mortars. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 103 (June 2025).
Donnini, Jacopo / Mobili, Alessandra / Maracchini, Gianluca / Chiappini, Gianluca / Tittarelli, Francesca / Corinaldesi, Valeria (2024): A multi-performance comparison between lime, cementitious and alkali-activated TRM systems: Mechanical, environmental and energy perspectives. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 440 (August 2024).
Belli, Alberto / Mobili, Alessandra / Bellezze, Tiziano / Cachim, Paulo B. / Tittarelli, Francesca (2023): Commercial and recycled carbon-based fillers and fibers for self-sensing cement-based composites: Comparison of mechanical strength, durability, and piezoresistive behavior. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 73 (August 2023).
Mobili, Alessandra / Belli, Alberto / Giosuè, Chiara / Bellezze, Tiziano / Tittarelli, Francesca (2016): Metakaolin and fly ash alkali-activated mortars compared with cementitious mortars at the same strength class. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 88 (October 2016).
Giosuè, Chiara / Pierpaoli, Mattia / Di Perna, Costanzo / Citterio, Barbara / Mangiaterra, Gianmarco / Ruello, Maria Letizia / Tittarelli, Francesca (2023): Properties of an innovative multi-functional finish for the improvement of indoor air quality. In: Building and Environment, v. 233 (April 2023).
Stazi, Francesca / Pierandrei, Nicola / Di Perna, Costanzo / Tittarelli, Francesca (2022): Experimental evaluation of natural hydraulic lime renders with nanoclay and nanolime to protect raw earth building surfaces. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (December 2022).
Mobili, Alessandra / Cosoli, Gloria / Bellezze, Tiziano / Revel, Gian Marco / Tittarelli, Francesca (2022): Use of gasification char and recycled carbon fibres for sustainable and durable low-resistivity cement-based composites. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 50 (June 2022).
Mobili, Alessandra / Belli, Alberto / Giosuè, Chiara / Pierpaoli, Mattia / Bastianelli, Luca / Mazzoli, Alida / Ruello, Maria Letizia / Bellezze, Tiziano / Tittarelli, Francesca (2021): Mechanical, durability, depolluting and electrical properties of multifunctional mortars prepared with commercial or waste carbon-based fillers. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 283 (May 2021).
Mobili, Alessandra / Telesca, Antonio / Marroccoli, Milena / Tittarelli, Francesca (2020): Calcium sulfoaluminate and alkali-activated fly ash cements as alternative to Portland cement: study on chemical, physical-mechanical, and durability properties of mortars with the same strength class. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 246 (June 2020).
Malaiškienė, Jurgita / Vaiciene, Marija / Giosuè, Chiara / Tittarelli, Francesca (2020): The impact of bitumen roofing production waste (BTw) on cement mortar properties. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 234 (February 2020).
Tittarelli, Francesca / Moriconi, Giacomo / Bonazza, Alessandra (2008): Atmospheric deterioration of cement plaster in a building exposed to a urban environment. In: Journal of Cultural Heritage, v. 9, n. 2 (April 2008).
Stazi, Francesca / Nacci, Andrea / Tittarelli, Francesca / Pasqualini, Erio / Munafò, Placido (2016): An experimental study on earth plasters for earthen building protection: The effects of different admixtures and surface treatments. In: Journal of Cultural Heritage, v. 17, n. 1 (January 2016).
Giosuè, Chiara / Belli, Alberto / Mobili, Alessandra / Citterio, Barbara / Biavasco, Francesca / Ruello, Maria / Tittarelli, Francesca (2017): Improving the Impact of Commercial Paint on Indoor Air Quality by Using Highly Porous Fillers. In: Buildings, v. 7, n. 4 (January 2017).
Rissanen, Jouni / Giosuè, Chiara / Ohenoja, Katja / Kinnunen, Paivo / Marcellini, Mirco / Ruello, Maria Letizia / Tittarelli, Francesca / Illikainen, Mirja (2019): The effect of peat and wood fly ash on the porosity of mortar. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 223 (October 2019).
Giosuè, Chiara / Mobili, Alessandra / Di Perna, Costanzo / Tittarelli, Francesca (2019): Performance of lightweight cement-based and alkali-activated mortars exposed to high-temperature. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 220 (September 2019).
Monosi, Saveria / Tittarelli, Francesca / Giosuè, Chiara / Ruello, Maria Letizia (2013): Effect of two different sources and washing treatment on the properties of UFS by-products for mortar and concrete production. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 44 (July 2013).
Tittarelli, Francesca (2013): Effect of low dosages of waste GRP dust on fresh and hardened properties of mortars: Part 2. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 47 (October 2013).
Tittarelli, Francesca / Shah, Surendra P. (2013): Effect of low dosages of waste GRP dust on fresh and hardened properties of mortars: Part 1. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 47 (October 2013).
Mobili, Alessandra / Giosuè, Chiara / Bitetti, Michele / Tittarelli, Francesca (2016): Cement mortars and geopolymers with the same strength class. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials, v. 169, n. 1 (February 2016).
Mobili, Alessandra / Giosuè, Chiara / Tittarelli, Francesca (2018): Valorisation of GRP Dust Waste in Fired Clay Bricks. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2018 ( 2018).
Tittarelli, Francesca / Giosuè, Chiara / Mobili, Alessandra (2018): Recycled Glass as Aggregate for Architectural Mortars. In: International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, v. 12, n. 1 (October 2018).