- Improved implementation of concentrated plasticity models in real-time hybrid simulation. In: Structures, v. 64 (June 2024). (2024):
- Multi‐rate real‐time hybrid simulation with adaptive discrete feedforward controller‐based compensation strategy. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 53, n. 3 (December 2023). (2023):
- Adaptive discrete feedforward controller for tracking error compensation of servo‐hydraulic actuators in real‐time hybrid simulation. In: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 29, n. 3 (2 February 2022). (2022):
- Investigation of the seismic performance of braced low-, mid- and high-rise modular steel building prototypes. In: Engineering Structures, v. 234 (May 2021). (2021):
- Real-time hybrid simulation based on vector form intrinsic finite element and field programmable gate array. In: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 26, n. 1 (January 2019). (2019):