Xiaojian Tang
- Effect of Water-to-Cement Ratios on Performance of Concrete with Prewetted Lightweight Aggregates. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 35, n. 6 (June 2023). (2023):
- Estimating Stress Relaxation and Cracking Potential of High-Strength Concrete Reinforced with Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber at Early Age. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 34, n. 9 (September 2022). (2022):
- Effect of Water-to-Cement Ratio on Cracking Resistance of Concrete at Early Age in Restrained Ring Specimens. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 49, n. 5 (May 2022). (2022):
- Effect of pre-wetted lightweight aggregates on residual stress development and stress relaxation in restrained concrete ring specimens. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 258 (October 2020). (2020):
- Effect of internal curing with super absorbent polymers on residual stress development and stress relaxation in restrained concrete ring specimens. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 120 (September 2016). (2016):