Toshikazu Suruga
- Prefabricated composite girder consisting of steel grating floor and inverted T-beam. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Etude à la résistance post-critique des poutres à âme pleine et des poutres-caissons = Bemessung von Blech- und Kastenträgern im überkritischen Tragbereich = Design of Plate and Box Girders for Ultimate Strength, Praha, CSSR, 1971. (1971):
- Application of composite girders to highway bridges under consideration of maintenance. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Structures en acier et mixtes conçues pour l'usage = Nutzungsgerechtes Bauen im Stahl- und Stahlverbundbau = Steel and Composite Structures for User Needs, Dresden, East Germany, 1975. (1975):
- Selection of hollow steel plate deck for floor system of long-span suspension bridges. Presented at: Tenth Congress of IABSE = Dixième Congrès de l'AIPC = Zehnter Kongress der IVBH, Tokyo, Japan, 6-11 September 1976. (1976):