Villagrán-Zaccardi, Yury / Ellwood, Lucy / Perumal, Priyadharshini / Torrenti, Jean Michel / Zhao, Zengfeng / Bernard, Ellina / Hanein, Theodore / Ling, Tung Chai / Wang, Wei / Zhang, Zhidong / Snellings, Ruben (2024): Carbonated recycled concrete aggregates in construction: potential and bottlenecks identified by RILEM TC 309-MCP. In: Materials and Structures, v. 58, n. 1 (26 December 2024).
Mutti, Marcello / Joseph, Shiju / Snellings, Ruben / Cizer, Özlem (2024): Effect of slag pre-carbonation on its early-age reactivity in alkali activated binder. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 411 (January 2024).
Snellings, Ruben / Machner, Alisa / Bolte, Gerd / Kamyab, Hadi / Durdzinski, Pawel / Teck, Priscilla / Zajac, Maciej / Müller, Arnaud / De Weerdt, Klaartje / Ben Haha, Mohsen (2022): Hydration kinetics of ternary slag-limestone cements: Impact of water to binder ratio and curing temperature. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 151 (January 2022).
Ma, Suhua / Snellings, Ruben / Li, Xuerun / Shen, Xiaodong / Scrivener, Karen L. (2013): Alite-ye'elimite cement: Synthesis and mineralogical analysis. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 45 (March 2013).
Durdziński, Paweł T. / Snellings, Ruben / Dunant, Cyrille F. / Ben Haha, Mohsen / Scrivener, Karen L. (2015): Fly ash as an assemblage of model Ca–Mg–Na-aluminosilicate glasses. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 78 (December 2015).
Souri, Alireza / Kazemi-Kamyab, Hadi / Snellings, Ruben / Naghizadeh, Rahim / Golestani-Fard, Farhad / Scrivener, Karen (2015): Pozzolanic activity of mechanochemically and thermally activated kaolins in cement. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 77 (November 2015).
Avet, Francois / Snellings, Ruben / Alujas Díaz, Adrián / Ben Haha, Mohsen / Scrivener, Karen (2016): Development of a new rapid, relevant and reliable (R3) test method to evaluate the pozzolanic reactivity of calcined kaolinitic clays. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 85 (July 2016).
Skibsted, Jørgen / Snellings, Ruben (2019): Reactivity of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in cement blends. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 124 (October 2019).
Snellings, Ruben / Bazzoni, Amélie / Scrivener, Karen (2014): The existence of amorphous phase in Portland cements: Physical factors affecting Rietveld quantitative phase analysis. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 59 (May 2014).
Snellings, Ruben / Londono-Zuluaga, Diana / Scrivener, Karen (2022): Interlaboratory Test Program to Determine the Precision of the R3 Test Method (ASTM C1897-20) for Measuring Reactivity of Supplementary Cementitious Materials. In: Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, v. 11, n. 2 (12 April 2022).
Gholizadeh-Vayghan, Asghar / Snellings, Ruben (2022): Beneficiation of recycled concrete fines through accelerated carbonation. In: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 7 (5 August 2022).
Srivastava, Sumit / Snellings, Ruben / Nielsen, Peter / Cool, Pegie (2022): Accelerated carbonation of ferrous and non-ferrous slags to produce clinker-free carbonate-bonded blocks: Synergetic reduction in environmental leaching. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 348 (September 2022).
Srivastava, Sumit / Jacklin, Rob / Snellings, Ruben / Barker, Richard / Spooren, Jeroen / Cool, Pegie (2022): Experiments and modelling to understand FeCO3 cement formation mechanism: time-evolution of CO2-species, dissolved-Fe, and pH during CO2-induced dissolution of Fe(0). In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 345 (August 2022).
Alujas Díaz, Adrián / Almenares Reyes, Roger S. / Hanein, Theodore / Irassar, Edgardo F. / Juenger, Maria / Kanavaris, Fragkoulis / Maier, Matthias / Marsh, Alastair T. / Sui, Tongbo / Thienel, Karl-Christian / Valentini, Luca / Wang, Bin / Zunino, Franco / Snellings, Ruben (2022): Properties and occurrence of clay resources for use as supplementary cementitious materials: a paper of RILEM TC 282-CCL. In: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 5 (June 2022).
Snellings, Ruben / Almenares Reyes, Roger / Hanein, Theodore / Irassar, Edgardo F. / Kanavaris, Fragkoulis / Maier, Matthias / Marsh, Alastair T. / Valentini, Luca / Zunino, Franco / Alujas Díaz, Adrián (2022): Paper of RILEM TC 282-CCL: mineralogical characterization methods for clay resources intended for use as supplementary cementitious material. In: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 5 (June 2022).
Bouchikhi, Abdelhadi / Safhi, Amine el Mahdi / Rivard, Patrice / Snellings, Ruben / Abriak, Nor-Edine (2022): Fluvial Sediments as SCMs: Characterization, Pozzolanic Performance, and Optimization of Equivalent Binder. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 34, n. 2 (February 2022).
Srivastava, Sumit / Snellings, Ruben / Cool, Pegie (2021): Clinker-free carbonate-bonded (CFCB) products prepared by accelerated carbonation of steel furnace slags: A parametric overview of the process development. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 303 (October 2021).
Snellings, Ruben / Kazemi-Kamyab, Hadi / Nielsen, Peter / Van den Abeele, Liesbet (2021): Classification and Milling Increase Fly Ash Pozzolanic Reactivity. In: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 7 (January 2021).
Gholizadeh-Vayghan, Asghar / Bellinkx, Annelie / Snellings, Ruben / Vandoren, Bram / Quaghebeur, Mieke (2020): The effects of carbonation conditions on the physical and microstructural properties of recycled concrete coarse aggregates. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 257 (October 2020).
Kara De Maeijer, Patricia / Craeye, Bart / Snellings, Ruben / Kazemi-Kamyab, Hadi / Loots, Michel / Janssens, Koen / Nuyts, Gert (2020): Effect of ultra-fine fly ash on concrete performance and durability. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 263 (December 2020).
Ma, Suhua / Snellings, Ruben / Li, Xuerun / Shen, Xiaodong / Scrivener, Karen L. (2021): Alite-ye’elimite clinker: Hydration kinetics, products and microstructure. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 266 (January 2021).
Joseph, Aneeta Mary / Snellings, Ruben / Nielsen, Peter / Matthys, Stijn / De Belie, Nele (2020): Pre-treatment and utilisation of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ashes towards a circular economy. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 260 (November 2020).
Nielsen, Peter / Baciocchi, Renato / Costa, Giulia / Quaghebeur, Mieke / Snellings, Ruben (2018): Carbonate-bonded construction materials from alkaline residues. In: RILEM Technical Letters, v. 2 (April 2018).
Snellings, Ruben (2016): Assessing, Understanding and Unlocking Supplementary Cementitious Materials. In: RILEM Technical Letters, v. 1 (December 2016).
Van Bunderen, Céline / Snellings, Ruben / Vandewalle, Lucie / Cizer, Özlem (2019): Early-age hydration and autogenous deformation of cement paste containing flash calcined dredging sediments. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 200 (March 2019).
De Schepper, Mieke / Snellings, Ruben / De Buysser, Klaartje / Van Driessche, Isabel / De Belie, Nele (2014): The hydration of cement regenerated from Completely Recyclable Concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 60 (June 2014).
Snellings, Ruben / Horckmans, Liesbeth / Van Bunderen, Céline / Vandewalle, Lucie / Cizer, Özlem (2017): Flash-calcined dredging sediment blended cements: effect on cement hydration and properties. In: Materials and Structures, v. 50, n. 6 (December 2017).
Vollpracht, Anya / Lothenbach, Barbara / Snellings, Ruben / Haufe, Johannes (2016): The pore solution of blended cements: a review. In: Materials and Structures, v. 49, n. 8 (August 2016).
Snellings, Ruben / Scrivener, Karen L. (2016): Rapid screening tests for supplementary cementitious materials: past and future. In: Materials and Structures, v. 49, n. 8 (August 2016).