Ryosuke Shibasaki
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- A Gis Integrated City Planning System Based On Systems Analysis. In: 土木学会論文集 (Doboku Gakkai rombunshū), v. 1993, n. 476 (October 1993). (1993):
- Impact Assessment Of Heat Island Phenomenon On Energy Consumption For Air Conditioning, Heating And Hot Water. In: 土木学会論文集 (Doboku Gakkai rombunshū), v. 1999, n. 629 (August 1999). (1999):
- 建設分野における地理空間情報基盤の構築に向けた地名辞典に関する研究 (A study on the gazetteer as geospatial information infrastructure in public works). In: Journal of Applied Computing in Civil Engineering, v. 16 ( 2007). (2007):
- トータルステーションを活用した道路土工における出来形管理システムの構築と現場実証 (On-site experiments of a system for as-built management by Total Station in a road work). In: Journal of Applied Computing in Civil Engineering, v. 15 ( 2006). (2006):
- 施工管理に活用できる道路構造物の基本設計情報の構造化 (The structuralization of basic design information of road structures for using at the site management). In: Journal of Applied Computing in Civil Engineering, v. 14 ( 2005). (2005):
- Ajax GIS application for GNSS availability simulation. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 11, n. 6 (November 2007). (2007):
- A GIS-based simulation to predict GPS availability along the Tehran Road in Seoul, Korea. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 12, n. 6 (November 2008). (2008):
- Road network extraction from high-resolution satellite image for GIS applications. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 7, n. 5 (September 2003). (2003):
- Assessment of pseudolite layout under urban environments using a simulation system for seamless positioning. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 7, n. 3 (May 2003). (2003):