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Daniela Scorza ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Reza Torabi, Ali / Carpinteri, Andrea / Głowacka, Karolina / Mohammadi, Sobhan / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Zanichelli, Andrea / Vantadori, Sabrina (2025): Translaminar fracture toughness characterisation for a glass fibre/polyamide 6 laminated composite by a novel approach based on fictitious material concept. In: Composite Structures, v. 351 (January 2025).


  2. Scorza, Daniela / Carpinteri, Andrea / Ronchei, Camilla / Zanichelli, Andrea / Luciano, Raimondo / Vantadori, Sabrina (2023): A nonlocal elasticity theory to model the static behaviour of edge-cracked nanobeams. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 18, n. 67 (17 December 2023).


  3. Colpo, Angélica / Vantadori, Sabrina / Friedrich, Leandro / Zanichelli, Andrea / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Iturrioz, Ignacio (2023): A novel LDEM formulation with crack frictional sliding to estimate fracture and flexural behaviour of the shot-earth 772. In: Composite Structures, v. 305 (February 2023).


  4. Vantadori, Sabrina / Magnani, Giacomo / Mantovani, Luciana / Pontiroli, Daniele / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Sidoli, Michele / Zanichelli, Andrea / Riccò, Mauro (2022): Effect of GO nanosheets on microstructure, mechanical and fracture properties of cement composites. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 361 (December 2022).


  5. Vantadori, Sabrina / Żak, Andrzej / Sadowski, Łukasz / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Zanichelli, Andrea / Viviani, Marco (2022): Microstructural, chemical and physical characterisation of the Shot-Earth 772. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 341 (July 2022).


  6. Fortese, Giovanni / Carpinteri, Andrea / Di Cocco, Vittorio / Iacoviello, Francesco / Natali, Stefano / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Vantadori, Sabrina (2016): Improved Zn-based coatings for ipersandelin steel products. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 2 ( 2016).


  7. Vantadori, Sabrina / Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela (2016): Mode I fracture toughness of fibre-reinforced concrete by means of a modified version of the two-parameter model. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 2 ( 2016).


  8. Vantadori, Sabrina / Boaretto, Joel / Fortese, Giovanni / Giordani, Felipe / Rodrigues, Roberto Isoppo / Iturrioz, Ignacio / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Zanichelli, Andrea (2017): Fatigue strength of welded joints under multiaxial non-proportional loading. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 5 ( 2017).


  9. Zanichelli, Andrea / Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Vantadori, Sabrina (2018): Contribution of date-palm fibres reinforcement to mortar fracture toughness. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 13 ( 2018).


  10. Vantadori, Sabrina / Carpinteri, Andrea / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Zanichelli, Andrea (2020): Total life approach analysis of ductile cast iron smooth specimens. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 28 ( 2020).


  11. Vantadori, Sabrina / Carpinteri, Andrea / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Zanichelli, Andrea (2021): Fatigue strength evaluation and lifetime estimation for ductile cast irons under multiaxial loading. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 33 ( 2021).


  12. Scorza, Daniela / Luciano, Raimondo / Vantadori, Sabrina (2022): Fracture behaviour of nanobeams through Two-Phase Local/Nonlocal Stress-Driven model. In: Composite Structures, v. 280 (January 2022).


  13. Scorza, Daniela / Luciano, Raimondo / Mousa, Saeed / Vantadori, Sabrina (2021): Fracture behaviour of hybrid fibre-reinforced roller-compacted concrete used in pavements. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 271 (February 2021).


  14. Chai, Li-Juan / Guo, Li-Ping / Chen, Bo / Wang, Miao / Carpinteri, Andrea / Scorza, Daniela / Vantadori, Sabrina (2020): Fracture mechanics-based mixture optimization of ecological high-ductility cementitious composites modified with recycled asphalt concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 264 (December 2020).


  15. Brighenti, Roberto / Carpinteri, Andrea / Spagnoli, Andrea / Scorza, Daniela (2012): Crack path dependence on inhomogeneities of material microstructure. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 6, n. 20 (March 2012).


  16. Brighenti, Roberto / Carpinteri, Andrea / Scorza, Daniela (2015): Effect of fibre arrangement on the multiaxial fatigue of fibrous composites: a micromechanical computational model. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 9, n. 34 (September 2015).


  17. Scorza, Daniela / Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Vantadori, Sabrina / Ferretti, Daniele / Brighenti, Roberto (2015): Investigation of Mode I fracture toughness of red Verona marble after thermal treatment. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 9, n. 34 (September 2015).


  18. Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Vantadori, Sabrina / Berto, Filippo (2017): Joined application of a multiaxial critical plane criterion and a strain energy density criterion in low-cycle fatigue. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 11, n. 41 (June 2017).


  19. Vantadori, Sabrina / Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Berto, Filippo (2016): Two-parameter fracture model for cortical bone. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 10, n. 37 (June 2016).


  20. Apuzzo, Andrea / Bartolomeo, Chiara / Luciano, Raimondo / Scorza, Daniela (2020): Novel local/nonlocal formulation of the stress-driven model through closed form solution for higher vibrations modes. In: Composite Structures, v. 252 (November 2020).


  21. Scorza, Daniela / Marsavina, Liviu / Carpinteri, Andrea / Ronchei, Camilla / Vantadori, Sabrina (2019): Size-effect independence of particleboard fracture toughness. In: Composite Structures, v. 229 (December 2019).


  22. Vantadori, Sabrina / Muniz-Calvente, Miguel / Scorza, Daniela / Fernández-Canteli, Alfonso / Vázquez, Adrián Álvarez / Carpinteri, Andrea (2018): The Generalised Local Model applied to Fibreglass. In: Composite Structures, v. 202 (October 2018).


  23. Carpinteri, Andrea / Fernández-Canteli, Alfonso / Fortese, Giovanni / Muniz-Calvente, Miguel / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Vantadori, Sabrina (2017): Probabilistic failure assessment of Fibreglass composites. In: Composite Structures, v. 160 (January 2017).


  24. Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Tasora, Alessandro / Vantadori, Sabrina (2016): Dynamic shieldings for cultural heritage buildings under seismic action. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 89 (October 2016).


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