Reza Torabi, Ali / Carpinteri, Andrea / Głowacka, Karolina / Mohammadi, Sobhan / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Zanichelli, Andrea / Vantadori, Sabrina (2025): Translaminar fracture toughness characterisation for a glass fibre/polyamide 6 laminated composite by a novel approach based on fictitious material concept. In: Composite Structures, v. 351 (January 2025).
Scorza, Daniela / Carpinteri, Andrea / Ronchei, Camilla / Zanichelli, Andrea / Luciano, Raimondo / Vantadori, Sabrina (2023): A nonlocal elasticity theory to model the static behaviour of edge-cracked nanobeams. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 18, n. 67 (17 December 2023).
Colpo, Angélica / Vantadori, Sabrina / Friedrich, Leandro / Zanichelli, Andrea / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Iturrioz, Ignacio (2023): A novel LDEM formulation with crack frictional sliding to estimate fracture and flexural behaviour of the shot-earth 772. In: Composite Structures, v. 305 (February 2023).
Vantadori, Sabrina / Magnani, Giacomo / Mantovani, Luciana / Pontiroli, Daniele / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Sidoli, Michele / Zanichelli, Andrea / Riccò, Mauro (2022): Effect of GO nanosheets on microstructure, mechanical and fracture properties of cement composites. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 361 (December 2022).
Vantadori, Sabrina / Żak, Andrzej / Sadowski, Łukasz / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Zanichelli, Andrea / Viviani, Marco (2022): Microstructural, chemical and physical characterisation of the Shot-Earth 772. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 341 (July 2022).
Fortese, Giovanni / Carpinteri, Andrea / Di Cocco, Vittorio / Iacoviello, Francesco / Natali, Stefano / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Vantadori, Sabrina (2016): Improved Zn-based coatings for ipersandelin steel products. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 2 ( 2016).
Vantadori, Sabrina / Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela (2016): Mode I fracture toughness of fibre-reinforced concrete by means of a modified version of the two-parameter model. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 2 ( 2016).
Vantadori, Sabrina / Boaretto, Joel / Fortese, Giovanni / Giordani, Felipe / Rodrigues, Roberto Isoppo / Iturrioz, Ignacio / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Zanichelli, Andrea (2017): Fatigue strength of welded joints under multiaxial non-proportional loading. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 5 ( 2017).
Zanichelli, Andrea / Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Vantadori, Sabrina (2018): Contribution of date-palm fibres reinforcement to mortar fracture toughness. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 13 ( 2018).
Vantadori, Sabrina / Carpinteri, Andrea / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Zanichelli, Andrea (2020): Total life approach analysis of ductile cast iron smooth specimens. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 28 ( 2020).
Vantadori, Sabrina / Carpinteri, Andrea / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Zanichelli, Andrea (2021): Fatigue strength evaluation and lifetime estimation for ductile cast irons under multiaxial loading. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 33 ( 2021).
Scorza, Daniela / Luciano, Raimondo / Vantadori, Sabrina (2022): Fracture behaviour of nanobeams through Two-Phase Local/Nonlocal Stress-Driven model. In: Composite Structures, v. 280 (January 2022).
Scorza, Daniela / Luciano, Raimondo / Mousa, Saeed / Vantadori, Sabrina (2021): Fracture behaviour of hybrid fibre-reinforced roller-compacted concrete used in pavements. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 271 (February 2021).
Chai, Li-Juan / Guo, Li-Ping / Chen, Bo / Wang, Miao / Carpinteri, Andrea / Scorza, Daniela / Vantadori, Sabrina (2020): Fracture mechanics-based mixture optimization of ecological high-ductility cementitious composites modified with recycled asphalt concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 264 (December 2020).
Brighenti, Roberto / Carpinteri, Andrea / Spagnoli, Andrea / Scorza, Daniela (2012): Crack path dependence on inhomogeneities of material microstructure. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 6, n. 20 (March 2012).
Brighenti, Roberto / Carpinteri, Andrea / Scorza, Daniela (2015): Effect of fibre arrangement on the multiaxial fatigue of fibrous composites: a micromechanical computational model. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 9, n. 34 (September 2015).
Scorza, Daniela / Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Vantadori, Sabrina / Ferretti, Daniele / Brighenti, Roberto (2015): Investigation of Mode I fracture toughness of red Verona marble after thermal treatment. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 9, n. 34 (September 2015).
Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Vantadori, Sabrina / Berto, Filippo (2017): Joined application of a multiaxial critical plane criterion and a strain energy density criterion in low-cycle fatigue. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 11, n. 41 (June 2017).
Vantadori, Sabrina / Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Berto, Filippo (2016): Two-parameter fracture model for cortical bone. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 10, n. 37 (June 2016).
Apuzzo, Andrea / Bartolomeo, Chiara / Luciano, Raimondo / Scorza, Daniela (2020): Novel local/nonlocal formulation of the stress-driven model through closed form solution for higher vibrations modes. In: Composite Structures, v. 252 (November 2020).
Scorza, Daniela / Marsavina, Liviu / Carpinteri, Andrea / Ronchei, Camilla / Vantadori, Sabrina (2019): Size-effect independence of particleboard fracture toughness. In: Composite Structures, v. 229 (December 2019).
Vantadori, Sabrina / Muniz-Calvente, Miguel / Scorza, Daniela / Fernández-Canteli, Alfonso / Vázquez, Adrián Álvarez / Carpinteri, Andrea (2018): The Generalised Local Model applied to Fibreglass. In: Composite Structures, v. 202 (October 2018).
Carpinteri, Andrea / Fernández-Canteli, Alfonso / Fortese, Giovanni / Muniz-Calvente, Miguel / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Vantadori, Sabrina (2017): Probabilistic failure assessment of Fibreglass composites. In: Composite Structures, v. 160 (January 2017).
Carpinteri, Andrea / Fortese, Giovanni / Ronchei, Camilla / Scorza, Daniela / Tasora, Alessandro / Vantadori, Sabrina (2016): Dynamic shieldings for cultural heritage buildings under seismic action. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 89 (October 2016).