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Franck Schoefs ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Schoefs, Franck / Awa Zahui Raissa, Keita / Bonnet, Stéphanie / O’Conor, Alan John (2023): Uncertainty quantification of semi-destructive testing for chloride content assessment for a concrete bridge in maritime environment. In: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 9 (February 2023).


  2. El Hajj, Boutros / Castanier, Bruno / Schoefs, Franck / Bastidas-Arteaga, Emilio (2023): Stochastic Multiphasic Multivariate State-Based Degradation and Maintenance Meta-Models for RC Structures Subject to Chloride Ingress. In: Infrastructures, v. 8, n. 2 (February 2023).


  3. Mell, Ludovic / Rey, Valentine / Schoefs, Franck (2023): Support vectors machines for the estimation of probability of failure: Multifidelity classifiers built from a posteriori discretization error estimators. In: Structural Safety, v. 102 (May 2023).


  4. Mell, Ludovic / Rey, Valentine / Schoefs, Franck (2023): Two multifidelity kriging-based strategies to control discretization error in reliability analysis exploiting a priori and a posteriori error estimators. In: Computers & Structures, v. 274 (January 2023).


  5. Heitner, Barbara / OBrien, Eugene J. / Schoefs, Franck / Yalamas, Thierry / Décatoire, Rodrigue / Leahy, Cathal (2016): Probabilistic Modelling of Bridge Safety Based on Damage Indicators. In: Procedia Engineering, v. 156 ( 2016).


  6. Hossain Bhuyan, Md Delwar / Lecieux, Yann / Thomas, Jean-Christophe / Lupi, Cyril / Schoefs, Franck / Döhler, Michael / Mevel, Laurent (2018): Statistical Vibration-based Damage Localization on Saint-Nazaire Bridge Mock-up. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Tomorrow’s Megastructures, Nantes, France, 19-21 September 2018.


  7. Thomas, Jean-Christophe / Schoefs, Franck (2018): Reliability of Inflatable Bridge Structures: Challenge and First Results for a New Eurocode. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Tomorrow’s Megastructures, Nantes, France, 19-21 September 2018.


  8. Bouteiller, Véronique / Bourreau, Lucas / Gaillet, Laurent / Schoefs, Franck / Thauvin, Benoît / Schneider, Julien (2018): Presentation of the French Project DéCoF-Ré. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Tomorrow’s Megastructures, Nantes, France, 19-21 September 2018.


  9. Tran, Thanh-Binh / Bastidas-Arteaga, Emilio / Schoefs, Franck (2018): Statistical Characterisation of Chloride Ingress Parameters from Normal and Accelerated Tests. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Tomorrow’s Megastructures, Nantes, France, 19-21 September 2018.


  10. Bourreau, Lucas / Bouteiller, Véronique / Schoefs, Franck / Gaillet, Laurent / Thauvin, Benoît / Schneider, Julien / Naar, Samuel (2018): Uncertainty Assessment and Decision from Concrete Electrical Resistivity Measurements on a Coastal Large Bridge. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Tomorrow’s Megastructures, Nantes, France, 19-21 September 2018.


  11. Yáñez-Godoy, Humberto / Schoefs, Franck / Casari, Pascal (2008): Statistical Analysis of the Effects of Building Conditions on the Initial Loadings of On-piles Quays. In: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 7, n. 3 (July 2008).


  12. Bhuyan, Md Delwar Hossain / Döhler, Michael / Lecieux, Yann / Mevel, Laurent / Schoefs, Franck (2017): Statistical damage localization with stochastic load vectors using multiple mode sets. In: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 16, n. 5 (February 2017).


  13. Oumouni, Mestapha / Schoefs, Franck (2021): Spatial variability assessment of structures from adaptive NDT measurements. In: Structural Safety, v. 89 (March 2021).


  14. Heitner, Barbara / Schoefs, Franck / OBrien, Eugene J. / Žnidarič, Aleš / Yalamas, Thierry (2020): Using the unit influence line of a bridge to track changes in its condition. In: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 10, n. 4 (June 2020).


  15. O'Byrne, Michael / Pakrashi, Vikram / Schoefs, Franck / Ghosh, Bidisha (2018): A Stereo-Matching Technique for Recovering 3D Information from Underwater Inspection Imagery. In: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 33, n. 3 (February 2018).


  16. O'Byrne, Michael / Ghosh, Bidisha / Schoefs, Franck / Pakrashi, Vikram (2014): Regionally Enhanced Multiphase Segmentation Technique for Damaged Surfaces. In: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 29, n. 9 (September 2014).


  17. O'Byrne, Michael / Schoefs, Franck / Ghosh, Bidisha / Pakrashi, Vikram (2013): Texture Analysis Based Damage Detection of Ageing Infrastructural Elements. Texture based damage detection. In: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 28, n. 3 (February 2013).


  18. Schoefs, Franck / Yáñez-Godoy, Humberto / Lanata, Francesca (2011): Polynomial Chaos Representation for Identification of Mechanical Characteristics of Instrumented Structures. Polynomial chaos representation for identification. In: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 26, n. 3 ( 2011).


  19. Bourreau, Lucas / Gaillet, Laurent / Bouteiller, Véronique / Schoefs, Franck / Thauvin, Benoît / Schneider, Julien / Naar, Samuel (2020): Spatial identification of exposure zones of concrete structures exposed to a marine environment with respect to reinforcement corrosion. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 16, n. 2 (August 2020).


  20. Rakotovao Ravahatra, Ndrianary / Bastidas-Arteaga, Emilio / Schoefs, Franck / de Larrard, Thomas / Duprat, Frédéric (2019): Probabilistic and sensitivity analysis of analytical models of corrosion onset for reinforced concrete structures. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, v. 25, n. 9 (April 2019).


  21. Bourreau, Lucas / Bouteiller, Véronique / Schoefs, Franck / Gaillet, Laurent / Thauvin, Benoît / Schneider, Julien / Naar, Samuel (2019): Uncertainty assessment of concrete electrical resistivity measurements on a coastal bridge. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 15, n. 4 (February 2019).


  22. Heitner, Barbara / OBrien, Eugene J. / Yalamas, Thierry / Schoefs, Franck / Leahy, Cathal / Décatoire, Rodrigue (2019): Updating probabilities of bridge reinforcement corrosion using health monitoring data. In: Engineering Structures, v. 190 (July 2019).


  23. Schoefs, Franck / Dubé, Jean-François / Goyet, Jean (2002): Prospection semi-probabiliste de l'arbre de ruine d'une structure existante. In: Revue française de Génie civil, v. 6, n. 3 (March 2002).


  24. Bastidas-Arteaga, Emilio / Schoefs, Franck (2015): Sustainable maintenance and repair of RC coastal structures. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering, v. 168, n. 4 (December 2015).


  25. Schoefs, Franck / Abraham, Odile / Popovics, John S. (2012): Quantitative evaluation of contactless impact echo for non-destructive assessment of void detection within tendon ducts. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 37 (December 2012).


  26. O'Byrne, Michael / Schoefs, Franck / Pakrashi, Vikram / Ghosh, Bidisha (2018): An underwater lighting and turbidity image repository for analysing the performance of image-based non-destructive techniques. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 14, n. 1 (June 2018).


  27. Pakrashi, Vikram / Schoefs, Franck / Memet, Jean Bernard / O'Connor, Alan (2010): ROC dependent event isolation method for image processing based assessment of corroded harbour structures. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 6, n. 3 (June 2010).


  28. Bastidas-Arteaga, Emilio / Schoefs, Franck (2012): Stochastic improvement of inspection and maintenance of corroding reinforced concrete structures placed in unsaturated environments. In: Engineering Structures, v. 41 (August 2012).


  29. Schoefs, Franck / Bastidas-Arteaga, Emilio / Tran, Trung-Viet (2017): Optimal embedded sensor placement for spatial variability assessment of stationary random fields. In: Engineering Structures, v. 152 (December 2017).


  30. Yáñez-Godoy, Humberto / Schoefs, Franck (2015): Probabilistic computational mechanics of structures with a ground anchor device: from identification by SHM to reliability assessment of quays. In: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 5, n. 3 (June 2015).


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