Anupama, V. A. / Sassoni, Enrico / Santhanam, Manu (2024): Consolidants in Salt-Weathered Masonry: Retention and Efficiency of DAP and TEOS. In: RILEM Technical Letters, v. 9 (September 2024).
Gabrielli, Alessio / Ugolotti, Greta / Masi, Giulia / Sassoni, Enrico (2024): Resistance of consolidated lime mortars to freeze–thaw and salt crystallization cycles by different accelerated durability tests. In: Materials and Structures, v. 57, n. 4 (12 April 2024).
Masi, Giulia / Dal Pozzo, Alessandro / Ugolotti, Greta / Tugnoli, Alessandro / Sassoni, Enrico (2023): Choosing the consolidant for carbonate substrates: Technical performance and environmental sustainability of selected inorganic and organic products. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 407 (December 2023).
Dal Pozzo, Alessandro / Masi, Giulia / Sassoni, Enrico / Tugnoli, Alessandro (2024): Life cycle assessment of stone consolidants for conservation of cultural heritage. In: Building and Environment, v. 249 (February 2024).
Ugolotti, Greta / Masi, Giulia / Boanini, Elisa / Sassoni, Enrico (2022): Influence of salt contamination on consolidation of slaked lime mortar by ammonium phosphate and nanolimes. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 356 (November 2022).
Masi, Giulia / Sassoni, Enrico (2021): Air lime mortar consolidation by nanolimes and ammonium phosphate: Compatibility, effectiveness and durability. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 299 (September 2021).
Sassoni, Enrico / Delhomme, Clément / Forst, Sébastien / Graziani, Gabriela / Hénin, Jérémy / Masi, Giulia / Palazzo, Azzurra / Rolland, Olivier / Vergès-Belmin, Véronique (2021): Phosphate treatments for stone conservation: 3-year field study in the Royal Palace of Versailles (France). In: Materials and Structures, v. 54, n. 4 (2 July 2021).
Sassoni, Enrico / Ugolotti, Greta / Pagani, Michele (2020): Nanolime, nanosilica or ammonium phosphate? Laboratory and field study on consolidation of a byzantine marble sarcophagus. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 262 (November 2020).
Sassoni, Enrico / Manzi, Stefania / Motori, Antonio / Montecchi, Matteo / Canti, Max (2014): Novel sustainable hemp-based composites for application in the building industry: Physical, thermal and mechanical characterization. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 77 (July 2014).
Sassoni, Enrico / Manzi, Stefania / Motori, Antonio / Montecchi, Matteo / Canti, Max (2015): Experimental study on the physical–mechanical durability of innovative hemp-based composites for the building industry. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 104 (October 2015).
Praticò, Ylenia / Caruso, Francesco / Rodrigues, Jose Delgado / Girardet, Fred / Sassoni, Enrico / Scherer, George W. / Vergès-Belmin, Véronique / Weiss, Norman R. / Wheeler, George / Flatt, Robert J. (2020): Stone consolidation: a critical discussion of theoretical insights and field practice. In: RILEM Technical Letters, v. 4 (February 2020).
Sassoni, Enrico / Franzoni, Elisa (2020): Lime and cement mortar consolidation by ammonium phosphate. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 245 (June 2020).
Sassoni, Enrico (2018): Phosphate-based treatments for conservation of stone. In: RILEM Technical Letters, v. 2 (April 2018).
Sassoni, Enrico / Graziani, Gabriela / Franzoni, Elisa / Scherer, George W. (2018): Conversion of calcium sulfate dihydrate into calcium phosphates as a route for conservation of gypsum stuccoes and sulfated marble. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 170 (May 2018).
Sandrolini, Franco / Franzoni, Elisa / Sassoni, Enrico / Diotallevi, Pier Paolo (2011): The contribution of urban-scale environmental monitoring to materials diagnostics: A study on the Cathedral of Modena (Italy). In: Journal of Cultural Heritage, v. 12, n. 4 (October 2011).
Franzoni, Elisa / Fregni, Alberto / Gabrielli, Rossana / Graziani, Gabriela / Sassoni, Enrico (2014): Compatibility of photocatalytic TiO2-based finishing for renders in architectural restoration: A preliminary study. In: Building and Environment, v. 80 (October 2014).
Franzoni, Elisa / Sassoni, Enrico / Graziani, Gabriela (2015): Brushing, poultice or immersion? The role of the application technique on the performance of a novel hydroxyapatite-based consolidating treatment for limestone. In: Journal of Cultural Heritage, v. 16, n. 2 (March 2015).
Franzoni, Elisa / Sassoni, Enrico / Scherer, George W. / Naidu, Sonia (2013): Artificial weathering of stone by heating. In: Journal of Cultural Heritage, v. 14, n. 3 (June 2013).
Sassoni, Enrico / Naidu, Sonia / Scherer, George W. (2011): The use of hydroxyapatite as a new inorganic consolidant for damaged carbonate stones. In: Journal of Cultural Heritage, v. 12, n. 4 (October 2011).
Mazzotti, Claudio / Sassoni, Enrico / Pagliai, Giulia (2014): Determination of shear strength of historic masonries by moderately destructive testing of masonry cores. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 54 (March 2014).
Sassoni, Enrico / Mazzotti, Claudio / Pagliai, Giulia (2014): Comparison between experimental methods for evaluating the compressive strength of existing masonry buildings. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 68 (October 2014).
Sassoni, Enrico / Graziani, Gabriela / Franzoni, Elisa (2016): An innovative phosphate-based consolidant for limestone. Part 1: Effectiveness and compatibility in comparison with ethyl silicate. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 102 (January 2016).
Sassoni, Enrico / Graziani, Gabriela / Franzoni, Elisa (2016): An innovative phosphate-based consolidant for limestone. Part 2: Durability in comparison with ethyl silicate. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 102 (January 2016).
Graziani, Gabriela / Sassoni, Enrico / Scherer, George W. / Franzoni, Elisa (2017): Penetration depth and redistribution of an aqueous ammonium phosphate solution used for porous limestone consolidation by brushing and immersion. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 148 (September 2017).
Franzoni, Elisa / Graziani, Gabriela / Sassoni, Enrico / Bacilieri, Ginevra / Griffa, Michele / Lura, Pietro (2015): Solvent-based ethyl silicate for stone consolidation: influence of the application technique on penetration depth, efficacy and pore occlusion. In: Materials and Structures, v. 48, n. 11 (November 2015).
Graziani, Gabriela / Sassoni, Enrico / Franzoni, Elisa (2016): Experimental study on the salt weathering resistance of fired clay bricks consolidated by ethyl silicate. In: Materials and Structures, v. 49, n. 7 (July 2016).
Graziani, Gabriela / Colombo, Chiara / Conti, Claudia / Possenti, Elena / Perelli Cippo, Enrico / Realini, Marco / Sassoni, Enrico (2018): Neutron radiography as a tool for assessing penetration depth and distribution of a phosphate consolidant for limestone. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 187 (October 2018).