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Santagata, Ezio / Lanotte, Michele / Baglieri, Orazio (2025): Evaluation of swelling and degradation rates in crumb rubber modified bituminous binders. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 458 (January 2025).
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Tsantilis, Lucia / Baglieri, Orazio / Santagata, Ezio (2018): Low-temperature properties of bituminous nanocomposites for road applications. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 171 (May 2018).
Choorackal, Eldho / Riviera, Pier Paolo / Santagata, Ezio (2019): Mix design and mechanical characterization of self-compacting cement-bound mixtures for paving applications. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 229 (December 2019).
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Riviera, Pier Paolo / Bertagnoli, Grazia / Choorackal, Eldho / Santagata, Ezio (2019): Controlled low-strength materials for pavement foundations in road tunnels: feasibility study and recommendations. In: Materials and Structures, v. 52, n. 4 (June 2019).
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Santagata, Ezio / Baglieri, Orazio / Tsantilis, Lucia / Chiappinelli, Giuseppe / Brignone Aimonetto, Ilaria (2015): Effect of sonication on high temperature properties of bituminous binders reinforced with nano-additives. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 75 (January 2015).
Zanetti, Maria Chiara / Santagata, Ezio / Fiore, Silvia / Ruffino, Barbara / Dalmazzo, Davide / Lanotte, Michele (2016): Evaluation of potential gaseous emissions of asphalt rubber bituminous mixtures. Proposal of a new laboratory test procedure. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 113 (June 2016).
Dalmazzo, Davide / Vercelli, Arianna / Santagata, Ezio / Ruffino, Barbara / Zanetti, Maria Chiara (2017): Rheological characterization and performance-related evaluation of paint sludge modified binders. In: Materials and Structures, v. 50, n. 1 (February 2017).
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Santagata, Ezio / Lanotte, Michele / Baglieri, Orazio / Dalmazzo, Davide / Zanetti, Maria Chiara (2016): Analysis of bitumen–crumb rubber affinity for the formulation of rubberized dry mixtures. In: Materials and Structures, v. 49, n. 5 (May 2016).
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