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The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Tawa, Kota / Hosoura, Taishi / Tsuyuki, So / Hasegawa, Masami / Sakuma, Motonari / Endo, Ritsu / Ando, Masayuki / Matsumoto, Mitsuhiro / Kuronuma, Hisashi / Nakamura, Keigo / Sagawa, Shiro (2022): Effects of flooding on fish distribution in Tanaka retention pond and fish reproduction in paddy fields under baseflow conditions.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 25, n. 1 (July 2022).


  2. Tawa, Kota / Sagawa, Shiro (2022): Seasonal changes and community characteristic of aquatic insects and frogs in a fallow-field biotope in Toyooka city, Japan.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 24, n. 2 (23 March 2022).


  3. Nagayama, Shigeya / Harada, Morihiro / Sagawa, Shiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2017): 揖斐川の高水敷掘削地におけるイシガイ類生息環境―掘削高さおよび経過年数との関係― (Mussel habitat in excavated flood-channels in the Ibi River with reference to initial ground heights and elapsed years). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 2 ( 2017).


  4. Tawa, Kota / Sagawa, Shiro / Mitsuhashi, Yoko (2016): コウノトリ Ciconia boyciana の再導入個体群における安定同位体比を用いた食性解析 (Estimating feeding habits of the Oriental white stork Ciconia boyciana reintroduced in Central Japan using stable isotopes). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 1 ( 2016).


  5. Sagawa, Shiro / Mori, Seiichi / Kitamura, Jyun-ichi (2012): 天然記念物 4 魚種の生息環境の創造による応用生態工学的挑戦 (Challenges adapted by habitat restoration based on ecology and civil engineering for 4 endangered fish species designated as Japanese natural monuments). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 15, n. 2 ( 2012).


  6. Tsunagawa, Takatoshi / Sakai, Tadayuki / Yoshida, Yutaka / Kubota, Hitoshi / Sagawa, Shiro (2012): 栃木県南東部の自然生息地におけるミヤコタナゴ保全への取り組み (An approach to conservation of the endangered Tokyo bitterling, Tanakia tanago, in a natural habitat in southeastern Tochigi). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 15, n. 2 ( 2012).


  7. Nagayama, Shigeya / Negishi, Junjiro / Kume, Manabu / Sagawa, Shiro / Tsukahara, Koji / Miwa, Yoshiaki / Kayaba, Yuichi (2012): 農業用の水路における季節と生活史段階に応じた魚類の生息場利用 (Habitat use by fish according to seasons and life stages in small perennial agricultural canals). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 15, n. 2 ( 2012).


  8. Sagawa, Shiro / Kayaba, Yuichi / Minagawa, Tomoko / Kawaguchi, Yoichi (2006): 実験河川におけるエレクトリックショッカーによる6魚種の捕獲効率. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 8, n. 2 ( 2006).


  9. Sagawa, Shiro / Kayaba, Yuichi / Arai, Hiroaki / Amano, Kunihiko (2005): コイ科稚仔魚の生息場所選択―人工増水と生息場所との関係―. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 7, n. 2 ( 2005).


  10. Sagawa, Shiro / Nakamori, Touru / Akiba, Kenji / Chou, Yuhei / Kondou, Satoshi / Watanabe, Masatoshi (2004): 滝里ダム運用が下流河川の物理環境および水生生物に与える影響. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 7, n. 1 ( 2004).


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