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Mohammad Reza Chenaghlou

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Kheirollahi, Mohammad / Mirzaei, Moein (2025): Enhancing the seismic ductility and strength reduction factor of double-layered vaulted spatial shells incorporating buckling-restrained compound truss elements. In: Structures, v. 72 (February 2025).


  2. Saadatkhah, Amir / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Poursha, Mehdi (2024): Equivalent damping ratios of nonclassically damped structures composed of two substructures along the height by using equivalent two‐degree‐of‐freedom systems. In: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, v. 33, n. 18 (20 November 2024).


  3. Mohammadi, Amir Amjad / Safaeipour, Hadi / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Behnejad, Alireza (2025): Geometric Design Algorithm for Karbandi Stellar Ribbed Vaults. In: Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE), v. 31, n. 1 (March 2025).


  4. Sarmasti, Hadi / Talebi, Somayyeh / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Abedi, Karim / Albermani, Faris: Effect of joint-slippage on transmission tower performance with a simplified model of bolted joints. In: Australian Journal of Structural Engineering.


  5. Kheirollahi, Mohammad / Mohammadi, Amir Amjad / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Ebrahimi, Ahad Nejad (2023): Structural morphology and seismic evaluation of intersecting masonry space structure (Karbandi system). In: Structures, v. 56 (October 2023).


  6. Mohammadi, Parisa / Emami, Arefeh / Mostafa Gharabaghi, Ahmad Reza / Tahmooresi, Saeed / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Badri Ghavifekr, Habib (2023): Evaluation of RAOs of a semi-submersible platform using field measurements: A full-scale model in Caspian sea environmental conditions. In: Marine Structures, v. 91 (September 2023).


  7. Kheirollahi, Mohammad / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Abedi, Karim (2023): Buckling-Controlled Member for Improving the Ductile Behavior of Double-Layer Latticed Space Structures. In: International Journal of Space Structures, v. 38, n. 3 (April 2023).


  8. Saeidzadeh, Mahsa / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Akbari Hamed, Arash (2024): Mechanical model and seismic performance of frames with a self-centring connection. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 177, n. 7 (July 2024).


  9. Esmailnejad, Hadi / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Abedi, Karim (2023): Optimized orientation of jointing system in free-form lattice space structures. In: International Journal of Space Structures, v. 38, n. 2 (April 2023).


  10. Masoomzadeh, Mohsen / Basim, Mohammad Charkhtab / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Khajehsaeid, Hesam (2023): Probabilistic performance assessment of eccentric braced frames using artificial neural networks combined with correlation latin hypercube sampling. In: Structures, v. 48 (February 2023).


  11. Mohammadi, Amir Amjad / Safaeipour, Hadi / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Behnejad, Alireza / Khoraskani, Roham Afghani (2022): Configuration processing and construction of large-span karbandi vaults: a case of the karbandi vaulting of Haj-Mohammad-Qoli Timche in Tabriz Historic Bazaar. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 31, n. 1 (September 2022).


  12. Saadatkhah, Amir / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Poursha, Mehdi (2023): A simplified formula for the determination of the fundamental period of mixed structures with vertical combination of different seismic resisting systems. In: Structures, v. 47 (January 2023).


  13. Saeidzadeh, Mahsa / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Akbari Hamed, Arash (2022): Experimental and numerical study on the performance of a novel self-centering beam-column connection equipped with friction dampers. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 52 (July 2022).


  14. Shahbazi, Yaser / Delavari, Ehsan / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad (2014): Predicting the buckling load of smart multilayer columns using soft computing tools. In: Smart Structures and Systems, v. 13, n. 1 (January 2014).


  15. Bakhshi, Sajjad / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Rahimian, Farzad Pour / Edwards, David J. / Dawood, Nashwan (2022): Integrated BIM and DfMA parametric and algorithmic design based collaboration for supporting client engagement within offsite construction. In: Automation in Construction, v. 133 (January 2022).


  16. Kheirollahi, Mohammad / Abedi, Karim / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad (2021): A new pushover procedure for estimating seismic demand of double-layer barrel vault roof with vertical double-layer walls. In: Structures, v. 34 (December 2021).


  17. Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Kheirollahi, Mohammad / Abedi, Karim / Akbari, Ahmad / Fathpour, Aydin (2020): Inherent Adaptive Structures Using Nature-Inspired Compound Elements. In: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 6 (January 2020).


  18. Asghari, Rasoul / Abedi, Karim / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad (2019): Investigation into pre-stress modes and optimal layout of a new hybrid cable-strut system. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 23, n. 7 (December 2019).


  19. Kheirollahi, Mohammad / Abedi, Karim / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad (2019): Seismic collapse assessment of double-layer barrel vault roofs with double-layer vertical walls. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 22, n. 13 (May 2019).


  20. Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Nooshin, Hoshyar (2015): Axial force–bending moment interaction in a jointing system. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 113 (October 2015).


  21. Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Nooshin, Hoshyar (2015): Axial force–bending moment interaction in a jointing system part I: (Experimental study). In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 113 (October 2015).


  22. Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Nooshin, Hoshyar / Harding, John E. (2014): Proposed Mathematical Model for Semi-Rigid Joint Behaviour (M-θ) in Space Structures. In: International Journal of Space Structures, v. 29, n. 2 (June 2014).


  23. Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad / Akbari Hamed, Arash (2017): 03.30: Connection classification for a space structure jointing system. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


  24. Shekastehband, Behzad / Abedi, Karim / Reza Chenaghlou, Mohammad (2011): Propagation of Local Collapse in Double Layer Tensegrity Systems. Presented at: 35th Annual Symposium of IABSE / 52nd Annual Symposium of IASS / 6th International Conference on Space Structures: Taller, Longer, Lighter - Meeting growing demand with limited resources, London, United Kingdom, September 2011.
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