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Amanda Pertzborn ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Li, Yicheng / Chen, Zhelun / Wen, Jin / Fu, Yangyang / Pertzborn, Amanda / O’Neill, Zheng: A framework for calibrating and validating an HVAC system in Modelica. In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation.


  2. Chen, Zhelun / Wen, Jin / Li, Yicheng / Lo, L. James / Grajewski, Gabriel / Payne, W. Vance / Bushby, Steven T. / Pertzborn, Amanda / O’Neill, Zheng / Yang, Zhiyao / Calfa, Caleb (2024): Advanced co-simulation framework for assessing the interplay between occupant behaviors and demand flexibility in commercial buildings. In: Science and Technology for the Built Environment, v. 30, n. 9 (2 September 2024).


  3. Zhang, Liang / Chen, Zhelun / Zhang, Xiangyu / Pertzborn, Amanda / Jin, Xin (2023): Challenges and opportunities of machine learning control in building operations. In: Building Simulation, v. 16, n. 6 (March 2023).


  4. Chen, Zhelun / Wen, Jin / Kearsley, Anthony J. / Pertzborn, Amanda (2021): Evaluating the performance of an Inexact Newton method with a preconditioner for dynamic building system simulation. In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 15, n. 1 (16 December 2021).


  5. Hackel, Scott / Pertzborn, Amanda (2011): Effective design and operation of hybrid ground-source heat pumps: Three case studies. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 43, n. 12 (December 2011).


  6. Pourarian, Shokouh / Kearsley, Anthony / Wen, Jin / Pertzborn, Amanda (2016): Efficient and robust optimization for building energy simulation. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 122 (June 2016).


  7. Pourarian, Shokouh / Wen, Jin / Veronica, Daniel / Pertzborn, Amanda / Zhou, Xiaohui / Liu, Ran (2017): A tool for evaluating fault detection and diagnostic methods for fan coil units. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 136 (February 2017).


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