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Hatice Öznur Öz ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Güneş, Muhammet / Öz, Hatice Öznur / Yücel, Hasan Erhan: The properties of high-ductility engineered geopolymer composites developed with different design parameters. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering.


  2. Öz, Hatice Öznur / Güneş, Muhammet / Yücel, Hasan Erhan (2023): Rheological and microstructural properties of FA+GGBFS-based engineered geopolymer composites (EGCs) capable of comparing with M45-ECC as mechanical performance. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 65 (April 2023).


  3. Yücel, Hasan Erhan / Öz, Hatice Öznur / Güneş, Muhammet / Kaya, Yasin (2021): Rheological properties, strength characteristics and flexural performances of engineered cementitious composites incorporating synthetic wollastonite microfibers with two different high aspect ratios. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 306 (November 2021).


  4. Öz, Hatice Öznur / Yücel, Hasan Erhan / Güneş, Muhammet / Köker, Turan Şevki (2021): Fly-ash-based geopolymer composites incorporating cold-bonded lightweight fly ash aggregates. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 272 (February 2021).


  5. Öz, Hatice Öznur / Güneş, Muhammet (2021): The effects of synthetic wollastonite developed with calcite and quartz on high performance mortars. In: Structural Concrete, v. 22 (January 2021).


  6. Öz, Hatice Öznur (2018): Properties of pervious concretes partially incorporating acidic pumice as coarse aggregate. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 166 (March 2018).


  7. Öz, Hatice Öznur / Demirel, Sevgi / Güneş, Muhammet (2019): Curing effect on the properties of high‐performance mortars incorporating recycled glass powder. In: Structural Concrete, v. 20, n. 5 (October 2019).


  8. Gesoǧlu, Mehmet / Güneyisi, Erhan / Özturan, Turan / Öz, Hatice Öznur / Asaad, Diler Sabah (2014): Permeation characteristics of self compacting concrete made with partially substitution of natural aggregates with rounded lightweight aggregates. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 59 (May 2014).


  9. Güneyisi, Erhan / Gesoǧlu, Mehmet / Altan, İnan / Öz, Hatice Öznur (2015): Utilization of cold bonded fly ash lightweight fine aggregates as a partial substitution of natural fine aggregate in self-compacting mortars. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 74 (January 2015).


  10. Gesoǧlu, Mehmet / Güneyisi, Erhan / Özturan, Turan / Öz, Hatice Öznur / Asaad, Diler Sabah (2015): Shear thickening intensity of self-compacting concretes containing rounded lightweight aggregates. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 79 (March 2015).


  11. Gesoǧlu, Mehmet / Güneyisi, Erhan / Öz, Hatice Öznur / Taha, Ihsan / Yasemin, Mehmet Taner (2015): Failure characteristics of self-compacting concretes made with recycled aggregates. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 98 (November 2015).


  12. Güneyisi, Erhan / Gesoǧlu, Mehmet / Azez, Oday Ali / Öz, Hatice Öznur (2015): Physico-mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete containing treated cold-bonded fly ash lightweight aggregates and SiO2 nano-particles. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 101 (December 2015).


  13. Güneyisi, Erhan / Gesoǧlu, Mehmet / Azez, Oday Ali / Öz, Hatice Öznur (2016): Effect of nano silica on the workability of self-compacting concretes having untreated and surface treated lightweight aggregates. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 115 (July 2016).


  14. Gesoǧlu, Mehmet / Güneyisi, Erhan / Öz, Hatice Öznur (2012): Properties of lightweight aggregates produced with cold-bonding pelletization of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag. In: Materials and Structures, v. 45, n. 10 (October 2012).


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