Shao, Guodong / Liu, Juan / Zou, Jie / Zhao, Ge / Zheng, Taotao / Meng, Xiangrui / Tian, Li / Liu, Juncai (2025): Experimental Study on the Bearing Performance of Segmented Prestressed Assembled Foundation with Full-Scale Testing. In: Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, v. 23, n. 2 (25 February 2025).
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Zhou, Jun / Sun, Jinshan / Zhao, Guangming / Dong, Chunliang / Meng, Xiangrui (2025): Study on different influence factors of in-situ stress unloading by dynamic excavation in circular tunnel. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 160 (June 2025).
Zhang, Wei / Ding, Zhengzhong / Kang, Hewen / Lin, Pengzhong / Wen, Guolu / Yong, Deng / Lu, Chouxiao / Wang, Jiawei / Meng, Xiangrui / Rong, Kunjie / Tian, Li (2024): Research on Bearing Capacity of a Novel Prestressed Concrete Prefabricated Foundation with High Uplift Resistance Characteristic. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 12 (18 December 2024).
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Rong, Kunjie / Tian, Li / Meng, Xiangrui / Wu, Siyuan: Multi-objective Optimization Design of a MDOF Structure with Attached Nonlinear Gas-spring Damper. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.
Meng, Xiangrui / Jiang, Yu / Chen, Bing / Wang, Liyan (2024): Modification of magnesium phosphate cement with steel slag powder and ground blast furnace slag: Mechanism of hydration and electrical conductivity. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 438 (August 2024).
Zhu, MingZheng / Gu, Kang / Meng, Xiangrui / Chen, Bing (2024): Design and performance of cost-effective green engineered cementitious composites with low drying shrinkage and self-healing. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 96 (November 2024).
Meng, Xiangrui / Tian, Li / Liu, Juncai / Jin, Qingtong (2024): Framework for assessing the performance of overhead transmission lines under wind-temperature effects. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 220 (September 2024).
Liu, Juncai / Meng, Xiangrui / Tian, Li / Yang, Meng / Jin, Qingtong / Shao, Guodong (2024): Multi-metric evaluation of the optimal intensity measure for mainshock-aftershock fragility analysis of transmission towers. In: Engineering Structures, v. 308 (June 2024).
Yan, Pei / Chen, Bing / Zhu, MingZheng / Meng, Xiangrui (2024): Study on mechanical properties and microstructure of green ultra-high performance concrete prepared by recycling waste glass powder. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 82 (April 2024).
Meng, Xiangrui / Jiang, Yu / Chen, Bing / Wang, Liyan (2023): Research progress on the setting time and solidification mechanism of magnesium phosphate cement: A review. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 408 (December 2023).
Zhou, Mengyao / Meng, Xiangrui / Tian, Li / Jin, Qingtong / Liu, Juncai (2023): Shape Memory Alloy-Spring Pendulum for Vibration Suppression of Wind-Induced Transmission Tower-Line Systems. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 23, n. 15 (September 2023).
Liu, Juncai / Tian, Li / Meng, Xiangrui / Yang, Meng (2022): Seismic fragility assessment of a transmission tower considering mainshock-aftershock sequences. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 194 (July 2022).
Chen, Lianjun / Meng, Xiangrui / Liu, Guoming / Zhao, Jipeng / Liu, Zhaoxia (2022): Investigation of a new type of thermal insulation shotcrete with silicone rubber tubes (SSRT). In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 338 (July 2022).
Chen, Lianjun / Zhao, Jipeng / Meng, Xiangrui / Liu, Zhaoxia / Liu, Guoming (2023): Experimental evaluation on mechanical and thermal insulation properties of shotcrete under constantāvariable temperature. In: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 2 (April 2023).
Chen, Chen / Tang, Yake / Zhang, Liang / Niu, Kai / Meng, Xiangrui / Yang, Meng / Liu, Juncai (2022): Analysis of the Bearing Capacity of a Steel Structural Member after Reinforcement. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2022 (January 2022).
Zhao, Jipeng / Meng, Xiangrui / Chen, Lianjun / Liu, Guoming / Zhang, Zongxi / Xu, Qianqian (2021): Correlation between the mechanical properties and the fiber breaking morphology of fiber reinforced shotcrete (FRS). In: Composite Structures, v. 277 (December 2021).
Zhang, Ruofei / Zhao, Guangming / Meng, Xiangrui / Sun, Jian / Xu, Wensong / Li, Yingming / Liu, Zenghui / Kao, Siming (2021): Analysis on Characteristics of Surrounding Rocks of Roadway and Bearing Structure Based on Stress Regulation. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2021 (January 2021).
Kao, Siming / Zhao, Guangming / Meng, Xiangrui / Li, Yingming / Liu, Zenghui / Zhang, Ruofei / Zhou, Jun / Huang, Shunjie (2021): Dynamic Mechanical Characteristics of Fractured Rock Reinforced by Different Grouts. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2021 (January 2021).
Ye, Song / Xue, Bing / Meng, Xiangrui / Wei, Xinli / Nakaso, Koichi / Fukai, Jun (2020): Experimental study of heat and mass recovery on steam generation in an adsorption heat pump with composite zeolite-CaCl2. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 52 (January 2020).
Peng, Rui / Meng, Xiangrui / Zhao, Guangming / Ouyang, Zhenhua / Li, Yingming (2021): Multi-echelon support method to limit asymmetry instability in different lithology roadways under high ground stress. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 108 (February 2021).
Cheng, Xiang / Zhao, Guangming / Li, Yingming / Meng, Xiangrui / Tu, Qingyi / Dong, Chunliang (2020): Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties and Energy Dissipation of Gas Coal under Dynamic and Static Loads. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2020 (January 2020).
Xu, Wensong / Zhao, Guangming / Liu, Chongyan / Meng, Xiangrui / Zhang, Ruofei / Kao, Siming / Huang, Shunjie / Zhou, Jun / Peng, Rui (2020): Evolution Mechanism of Deformation and Failure of Surrounding Rock during Excavation and Unloading of the High-Stress Rock Mass. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2020 (January 2020).
Huang, Shunjie / Meng, Xiangrui / Zhao, Guangming / Li, Yingming / Liu, Gang / Dong, Chunliang / Cheng, Xiang / Xu, Wensong / Liu, Chongyan / Zhou, Jun (2020): Creep Mechanics of the High-Stress Soft Rock under Grade Unloading. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2020 (January 2020).
Zhao, Chengxing / Li, Yingming / Liu, Gang / Chen, Dengguo / Meng, Xiangrui (2020): Research on the Stress Distribution Law of Fully Anchored Bolt and Analysis of Influencing Factors under the Condition of Surrounding Rock Deformation. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2020 (January 2020).
Xu, Wensong / Zhao, Guangming / Meng, Xiangrui / Kao, Siming / Huang, Shunjie / Liu, Chongyan (2020): Effects of Unloading Rate on Energy Evolution Mechanism in the Single-Side Unloading Failure of Highly Stressed Marble. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2020 (January 2020).