Morley, Douglas G. / Skorpen, Sarah A. / Adendorff, Jurie F. / Kearsley, Elsabe P. / Jacobsz, S. W. / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2025): Extended Monitoring of Earth Pressures Behind a 90 m Integral Bridge. In: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 30, n. 4 (April 2025).
He, Zhengyao / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2024): Effect of tunnel-building separation distance on the dynamic soil-structure interaction response. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 152 (October 2024).
Morley, Douglas G. / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / Sakufiwa, Dennis / Thusyanthan, Indrasenan: Investigation into soil ratcheting behind integral bridges using centrifuge modelling. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Bridge Engineering.
Sepulveda, Alejandro / Zeghal, Mourad / Kutter, Bruce L. / Manzari, Majid T. / Abdoun, Tarek / Escoffier, Sandra / Haigh, Stuart K. / Hung, Wen-Yi / Korre, Evangelia / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / Manandhar, Satish / Okamura, Mitsu / Tobita, Tetsuo / Ueda, Kyohei / Zhou, Yan-Guo (2024): Correlation of CPT measurements and relative density of LEAP-2017 and LEAP-2020 centrifuge models. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 181 (June 2024).
Zeghal, Mourad / Sepulveda, Alejandro / Manzari, Majid T. / Kutter, Bruce / Abdoun, Tarek / Haigh, Stuart K. / Hung, Wen-Yi / Korre, Evangelia / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / Manandhar, Satish / Okamura, Mitsu / Ueda, Kyohei / Zhou, Yan-Guo (2024): Regression and trend analysis of LEAP 2020 experimental results. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 183 (August 2024).
He, Zhengyao / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2024): Experimental study of the dynamic tunnel response adjacent to a building. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 182 (July 2024).
Zhang, Jinghua / Bilotta, Emilio / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / Yuan, Yong (2024): Numerical modelling of a tunnel adjacent to a surface structure in liquefiable ground. In: Géotechnique, v. 74, n. 13 (December 2024).
Español-Espinel, Carlos / Haigh, Stuart K. / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / Abadie, Christelle N. / Go, James E. / Morrison, Paul R. J. (2024): Evolution of excess pore water pressures around monopiles subjected to moderate seismic loading. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 176 (January 2024).
Gaudio, Domenico / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / Rampello, Sebastiano / Viggiani, Giulia M. B. (2024): Equivalent fundamental period of bridge piers on caisson foundations from dynamic centrifuge testing. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 177 (February 2024).
Esmaeilpour, Pouria / Mamazizi, Arman / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2023): Authors’ reply to discussion on “An overview of the model container types in physical modeling of geotechnical problems”. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 175 (December 2023).
Español-Espinel, Carlos / Haigh, Stuart K. / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2023): Liquefaction analysis of soil plugs within large diameter monopiles using numerical modelling. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 21, n. 12 (August 2023).
Pelekis, Iason / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / DeJong, Matthew J. (2018): Seismic performance of buildings with structural and foundation rocking in centrifuge testing. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 47, n. 12 (10 October 2018).
Esmaeilpour, Pouria / Mamazizi, Arman / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2023): An overview of the model container types in physical modeling of geotechnical problems. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 168 (May 2023).
Seong, Juntae / Abadie, Christelle N. / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / Haigh, Stuart K. (2022): Dynamic and monotonic response of Monopile Foundations for Offshore wind turbines using centrifuge testing. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 21, n. 2 (December 2022).
Natarajan, Karthy / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2022): Seismic response of an offshore wind turbine jacket structure with pile foundations. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 162 (November 2022).
Guan, Xiaoyu / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2022): Dynamic response of a retaining wall with a structure on the dry backfill. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 157 (June 2022).
Pelekis, Iason / McKenna, Frank / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / DeJong, Matthew J. (2021): Finite element modeling of buildings with structural and foundation rocking on dry sand. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 50, n. 12 (10 October 2021).
Futai, Marcos Massao / Haigh, Stuart K. / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2021): Comparison of the dynamic responses of monopiles and gravity base foundations for offshore wind turbines in sand using centrifuge modelling. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 61, n. 1 (February 2021).
Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / Boksmati, Jad I. / Torres, Samy G. (2020): Numerical and Centrifuge Modeling of Gravity Wharf Structures Subjected to Seismic Loading. In: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, v. 146, n. 4 (July 2020).
Boksmati, Jad I. / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2020): Centrifuge modelling of structures with oil dampers under seismic loading. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 49, n. 4 (10 April 2020).
Pelekis, Iason / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. / DeJong, Matthew J. (2019): Soil behaviour beneath buildings with structural and foundation rocking. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 123 (August 2019).
Madabhushi, Srikanth S. C. / Haigh, Stuart K. / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2018): LEAP-GWU-2015: Centrifuge and numerical modelling of slope liquefaction at the University of Cambridge. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 113 (October 2018).
Jabary, Raz Najat / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2018): Tuned Mass Damper Positioning Effects on the Seismic Response of a Soil-MDOF-Structure System. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 22, n. 2 ( 2018).
Heron, Charles M. / Lam, Aaron / Haigh, Stuart K. / Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. (2013): Imaging the failure of a rock-fill dam following liquefaction. In: Dams and Reservoirs, v. 23, n. 1 (March 2013).