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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Liu, Yuan / Zhang, Cheng-Cheng / Wu, Huai-Na / Chen, Ren-Peng / Gao, Bing-Yong / Zeng, Wei / Wu, Wen-bin (2024): Assessment method for deformation and structural damage of the masonry building caused by shield tunnelling. In: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 15, n. 1 (July 2024).


  2. Sanda, Sayano / Liu, Yuan / Tian, Zhehua / Nishiyama, Minehiro (2024): Development of Novel Buckling-Restrained Steel Braces Enabled by Partial Induction Hardening. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 150, n. 10 (October 2024).


  3. Chen, Yujie / Chen, Yingying / Xie, Yuxiang / Liu, Yuan / Tao, Jia / Liu, Runxia / Li, Ziwei / Liu, Fei / Li, Min (2024): The effect of alkyl acrylate ester side chain length of polycarboxylate superplasticizer on the flow behaviour of concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 443 (September 2024).


  4. Lin, Lanri / Zhang, Xing / Zhang, Dongliang / Wu, Xiangguo / Liu, Yuan / Wang, Xiao / Wang, Hao / Wang, Fei / Yang, Tao (2023): Damage evolution and failure analysis of the advanced transition segment behavior of wind turbine tower. In: Engineering Failure Analysis, v. 152 (October 2023).


  5. Liu, Xiangju / Liu, Yuan / Fan, Yanfeng (2023): Application exploration of building deep learning model by adjusting algorithm combination relationship. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v. 2425, n. 1 (1 February 2023).


  6. Ye, Yanxia / Ma, Simin / Han, Yizhuo / Jing, Cong / Xie, Fulin / Liu, Yuan (2024): Evaluating Durability: A Comparative Study on the Influence of Fly Ash and Silica Fume in Potassium Magnesium Phosphate Cement Mortar. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 5 (May 2024).


  7. Zhu, Yiping / Wang, Peng / Guo, Haoping / Lou, Rongrong / Ye, Weidong / Liu, Yuan / Liu, Ke (2024): Effect of dry process manufactured sands dust on the mechanical property and durability of recycled concrete. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 87 (June 2024).


  8. Ye, Yanxia / Ma, Simin / Li, Ran / Han, Yizhuo / Liu, Yuan (2024): Bonding properties and mechanism of magnesium phosphate cement mortar-normal concrete interface. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 85 (May 2024).


  9. Gan, Lei / Liu, Yuan / Zhang, Zongliang / Liu, Jun / Jin, Hongjie / Sun, Yiqing (2023): Dynamic mechanical properties of concrete with freeze-thaw damage under different low-temperature conditions. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 80 (December 2023).


  10. Wang, Baojie / Liu, Yuan / Liang, Guohua / Men, Yubao (2023): Behavior-Based Safety Evaluation Model of Vehicles Turning Left at Intersections with a Permitted Left-Turn Phase. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, v. 149, n. 9 (September 2023).


  11. Chen, Shaozhen / Liu, Yuan / Luo, Jinhui / Gao, Shuyu (2022): Experimental and numerical analysis on rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular columns with T-shaped stiffeners. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 45 (January 2022).


  12. Li, Zhao-Zhao / Luan, Yu / Hu, Jin-Bo / Fang, Chang-Hua / Liu, Li-Tong / Ma, Yi-Fan / Liu, Yuan / Fei, Ben-Hua (2022): Bamboo heat treatments and their effects on bamboo properties. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 331 (May 2022).


  13. Liu, Yuan / Hong, Xiaobin / Zhang, Bin (2019): Contact delamination detection of anisotropic composite plates using non-elliptical probability imaging of nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves. In: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 22, n. 1 (November 2019).


  14. Gan, Lei / Ren, Hong / Cai, Weiguang / Wu, Kun / Liu, Yuan / Liu, Yang (2022): Allocation of carbon emission quotas for China's provincial public buildings based on principles of equity and efficiency. In: Building and Environment, v. 216 (May 2022).


  15. Meng, Fan-yan / Chen, Ren-Peng / Xie, Sheng-wei / Wu, Huai-Na / Liu, Yuan / Lin, Xing-Tao (2022): Excavation-induced arching effect below base level and responses of long-collinear underlying existing tunnel. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 123 (May 2022).


  16. Meng, Fan-yan / Chen, Ren-Peng / Xu, Yong / Wu, Kai / Wu, Huai-Na / Liu, Yuan (2022): Contributions to responses of existing tunnel subjected to nearby excavation: A review. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 119 (January 2022).


  17. Zhang, Bin / Hong, Xiaobin / Liu, Yuan (2021): Distribution adaptation deep transfer learning method for cross-structure health monitoring using guided waves. In: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 21, n. 3 (August 2021).


  18. Chen, Ren-Peng / Ma, Qing-Lei / Zhang, Yang / Wu, Huai-Na / Liu, Yuan / Lu, Li (2021): Experimental study on the mechanical behaviour of eccentric compression short column strengthened by ultra-high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete. In: Structures, v. 33 (October 2021).


  19. Liu, Yuan / Wang, Wei / Wang, Changqing / Bi, Shuosong / Zhu, Jianming (2021): D-Shaped Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Structure in Bridge Engineering. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2021 (January 2021).


  20. Liu, Yuan / Iwata, Kaho / Sanda, Sayano / Nishiyama, Minehiro / Tani, Masanori (2021): Development of curved braces partially strengthened by induction heating. In: Engineering Structures, v. 233 (April 2021).


  21. Liu, Yuan / Nagy, Peter B. / Cawley, Peter (2021): Design optimisation of permanently installed monitoring system for polycrystalline materials. In: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 20, n. 3 (January 2021).


  22. Wang, Dengjia / Gao, Meng / Gao, Qian / Liu, Yanfeng / Liu, Yuan / Liu, Jiaping (2020): Experimental and numerical study of the airflow and thermal characteristic of non-uniform transpired solar collector. In: Building Simulation, v. 13, n. 6 (August 2020).


  23. Hong, Xiaobin / Zhang, Bin / Liu, Yuan / Qi, Hongchang / Li, Weihua (2020): Deep‐learning‐based guided wave detection for liquid‐level state in porcelain bushing type terminal. In: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 28, n. 1 (October 2020).


  24. Ming, Ru / Yu, Wei / Zhao, Xuyuan / Liu, Yuan / Li, Baizhan / Essah, Emmanuel / Yao, Runming (2020): Assessing energy saving potentials of office buildings based on adaptive thermal comfort using a tracking-based method. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 208 (February 2020).


  25. Zhang, Hongbo / Yuan, Xuefeng / Liu, Yuan / Wu, Jianqing / Song, Xiuguang / He, Fangding (2020): Experimental study on the pullout behavior of scrap tire strips and their application as soil reinforcement. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 254 (September 2020).


  26. Bao, Wei / Jiang, Jin / Shao, Yongsong / Liu, Yuan (2019): Experimental study of the lateral performance of a steel stud wall with a semi-rigid connected frame. In: Engineering Structures, v. 183 (March 2019).


  27. Jiang, Liqiang / Zheng, Hong / Liu, Yuan / Yuan, Xiaosa (2014): Experimental investigation of composite steel plate deep beam infill steel frame. In: International Journal of Steel Structures, v. 14, n. 3 ( 2014).


  28. Liu, Yuan / Chen, Chong (2007): The effects of festivals and special events on city image design. In: Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, v. 1, n. 2 (May 2007).


  29. Chen, Ren-Peng / Lin, Xing-Tao / Kang, Xin / Zhong, Zhi-Quan / Liu, Yuan / Zhang, Pin / Wu, Huai-Na (2018): Deformation and stress characteristics of existing twin tunnels induced by close-distance EPBS under-crossing. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 82 (December 2018).


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