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Tung-Chai Ling ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Luo, Shuang / Guo, Ming-Zhi / Ling, Tung-Chai (2024): Modification of early-age microstructure and enhanced mechanical properties of cement paste via injecting low-dose CO2 at fresh stage. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 438 (August 2024).


  2. Liu, Yuxuan / Mehdizadeh, Hamideh / Li, Lufan / Ling, Tung-Chai (2024): Optimize the filler fineness to improve the rheological properties of calcined clay limestone cement and its revelation on hydration. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 98 (December 2024).


  3. Vanoutrive, Hanne / Alderete, Natalia / De Belie, Nele / Etxeberria, Miren / Grengg, Cyrill / Ignjatović, Ivan / Ling, Tung-Chai / Liu, Zhiyuan / Garcia-Lodeiro, Inés / Medina Martínez, César / Sánchez, Javier / Palomo, Angel / Rebolledo, Nuria / Sakoparnig, Marlene / Sideris, Kosmas / Thiel, Charlotte / van den Heede, Philip / Vollpracht, Anya / von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie / Wei, Jinxin / Zajac, Maciej / Gruyaert, Elke (2024): Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to natural carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace cements and its relation to accelerated carbonation. In: Materials and Structures, v. 57, n. 9 (10 October 2024).


  4. Liu, Yi / Mehdizadeh, Hamideh / Ling, Tung-Chai (2024): Improved concrete ITZ and performance via pre-soaking of inert recycled red brick aggregates in carbonation solution. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 86 (June 2024).


  5. Lin, Jiayi / Tan, Tee How / Yeo, Jerome Song / Goh, Yingxin / Ling, Tung-Chai / Mo, Kim Hung (2023): Municipal woody biomass waste ash-based cold-bonded artificial lightweight aggregate produced by one-part alkali-activation method. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 394 (August 2023).


  6. Leong, Geok Wen / Mo, Kim Hung / Ibrahim, Zainah / Radwan, Mohammed K. H. / Ling, Tung-Chai / Sinoh, Saznizam Sazmee (2023): Lightweight cementitious composites incorporating fly ash cenospheres and perlite microspheres. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 404 (November 2023).


  7. Yu, Hao / Guo, Ming-Zhi / Ling, Tung-Chai (2024): Influence of gas impurities (SO2 and NOX) in flue gas on the carbonation and hydration of cement compacts. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 82 (April 2024).


  8. Zhang, Longjian / Mo, Kim Hung / Tan, Tee How / Hung, Chung-Chan / Yap, Soon Poh / Ling, Tung-Chai (2023): Influence of calcination and GGBS addition in preparing β-hemihydrate synthetic gypsum from phosphogypsum. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 19 (December 2023).


  9. Ling, Tung-Chai / Poon, Chi-Sun (2013): High temperatures properties of barite concrete with cathode ray tube funnel glass. In: Fire and Materials, v. 38, n. 2 (February 2013).


  10. Liu, Yuxuan / Zhang, Yuanlan / Li, Lufan / Ling, Tung-Chai (2023): Impact of Limestone–Metakaolin Ratio on the Performance and Hydration of Ternary Blended Cement. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 35, n. 4 (April 2023).


  11. Yu, Zhe / Meng, Yazi / Mo, Kim Hung / Liu, Hongbin / Ling, Tung-Chai (2023): Influences of w/c and CO2 curing duration on the high temperature properties of cement pastes. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 69 (June 2023).


  12. Luo, Shuang / Guo, Ming-Zhi / Ling, Tung-Chai (2022): Mechanical and microstructural performances of fly ash blended cement pastes with mixing CO2 during fresh stage. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 358 (December 2022).


  13. Zhang, Longjian / Mo, Kim Hung / Yap, Soon Poh / Gencel, Osman / Ling, Tung-Chai (2022): Mechanical strength, water resistance and drying shrinkage of lightweight hemihydrate phosphogypsum-cement composite with ground granulated blast furnace slag and recycled waste glass. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 345 (August 2022).


  14. Xiao, Yujia / Pham, Ba Tung / Guo, Ming-Zhi / Ling, Tung-Chai (2022): Influence of luminescent powder type and characteristic on the glow light performance of architectural glass mortar. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 58 (October 2022).


  15. Song, Qifeng / Guo, Ming-Zhi / Ling, Tung-Chai (2022): A review of elevated-temperature properties of alternative binders: Supplementary cementitious materials and alkali-activated materials. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 341 (July 2022).


  16. Kaliyavaradhan, Senthil Kumar / Li, Lufan / Ling, Tung-Chai (2022): Response surface methodology for the optimization of CO2 uptake using waste concrete powder. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 340 (July 2022).


  17. Vanoutrive, Hanne / van den Heede, Philip / Alderete, Natalia / Andrade, Carmen / Bansal, Tushar / Camões, Aires / Cizer, Özlem / De Belie, Nele / Ducman, Vilma / Etxeberria, Miren / Frederickx, Lander / Grengg, Cyrill / Ignjatović, Ivan / Ling, Tung-Chai / Liu, Zhiyuan / Garcia-Lodeiro, Inés / Lothenbach, Barbara / Medina Martínez, César / Sanchez-Montero, Javier / Olonade, Kolawole / Palomo, Angel / Phung, Quoc Tri / Rebolledo, Nuria / Sakoparnig, Marlene / Sideris, Kosmas / Thiel, Charlotte / Visalakshi, Talakokula / Vollpracht, Anya / von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie / Wei, Jinxin / Wu, Bei / Zajac, Maciej / Zhao, Zengfeng / Gruyaert, Elke (2022): Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements. In: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 3 (19 March 2022).


  18. Wu, Yuqing / Mehdizadeh, Hamideh / Mo, Kim Hung / Ling, Tung-Chai (2022): High-temperature CO2 for accelerating the carbonation of recycled concrete fines. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 52 (July 2022).


  19. Zhang, Yuanlan / Liu, Yuxuan / Li, Lufan / Ling, Tung-Chai (2022): Influence of kaolinite content in coal-series metakaolin and soft metakaolin on the performance of cement blends with and without limestone. In: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 4 (19 April 2022).


  20. Jiang, Yi / Ling, Tung-Chai (2021): Interdependent factors contributing towards carbonation of steel slag compact: consideration of casting pressure, water dosage and carbonation duration. In: Materials and Structures, v. 54, n. 4 (2 July 2021).


  21. Tang, Chenxi / Ling, Tung-Chai / Mo, Kim Hung (2021): Raman spectroscopy as a tool to understand the mechanism of concrete durability—A review. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 268 (January 2021).


  22. Lippiatt, Nicholas / Ling, Tung-Chai (2020): Rapid hydration mechanism of carbonic acid and cement. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 31 (September 2020).


  23. Mo, Kim Hung / Lee, Hong Jie / Liu, Michael Yong Jing / Ling, Tung-Chai (2018): Incorporation of expanded vermiculite lightweight aggregate in cement mortar. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 179 (August 2018).


  24. Zhang, Yuanlan / Ling, Tung-Chai (2020): Reactivity activation of waste coal gangue and its impact on the properties of cement-based materials – A review. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 234 (February 2020).


  25. Yang, Shuqing / Ling, Tung-Chai / Cui, Hongzhi / Poon, Chi Sun (2019): Influence of particle size of glass aggregates on the high temperature properties of dry-mix concrete blocks. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 209 (June 2019).


  26. Ling, Tung-Chai (2011): Prediction of density and compressive strength for rubberized concrete blocks. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 25, n. 11 (November 2011).


  27. Xiao, Zhao / Ling, Tung-Chai / Poon, Chi-Sun / Kou, Shi-Cong / Wang, Qingyuan / Huang, Runqiu (2013): Properties of partition wall blocks prepared with high percentages of recycled clay brick after exposure to elevated temperatures. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 49 (December 2013).


  28. Mo, Kim Hung / Ling, Tung-Chai / Alengaram, U. Johnson / Yap, Soon Poh / Yuen, Choon Wah (2017): Overview of supplementary cementitious materials usage in lightweight aggregate concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 139 (May 2017).


  29. Chen, Binmeng / Li, Bo / Gao, Yan / Ling, Tung-Chai / Lu, Zeyu / Li, Zongjin (2017): Investigation on electrically conductive aggregates produced by incorporating carbon fiber and carbon black. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 144 (July 2017).


  30. Ling, Tung-Chai / Mo, Kim Hung / Qu, Lie / Yang, Jiujun / Guo, Lei (2017): Mechanical strength and durability performance of autoclaved lime-saline soil brick. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 146 (August 2017).


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