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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Li, Qin / Yao, Wanqiang / Tu, Rui / Du, Yanjun / Liu, Mingyue (2025): GPS/Galileo/LEO Uncombined and Ionosphere-Free Combined Precise Relative Positioning and Its Performance Analysis. In: Journal of Surveying Engineering (ASCE), v. 151, n. 2 (May 2025).


  2. Ruan, Zhiwei / Li, Qin / Guo, Liang / Ding, Chenyang (2024): Feedback switching control of a walking piezoelectric actuator for trajectory tracking. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 33, n. 12 (4 November 2024).


  3. Li, Wenlong / Li, Qin / Liu, Yijun / Jia, Lixin / Pei, Xingwang / Cui, Jingya (2024): Satisfaction Evaluation of Civil Air Defense Engineering Renovated into Cooling Place from the Perspective of Public Experience. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 10 (8 October 2024).


  4. Zhang, Hong / Wang, Pengjiao / Li, Qin / Jin, Junhui / Wei, Shiqi / Guo, Fengqi / Feng, Cheng / Deng, Qun (2024): An Experimental and Numerical Study on the Lateral Stiffness Limits of Straddle-Type Monorail Tour-Transit Systems. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 10 (8 October 2024).


  5. Lu, Chan / Li, Qin / Qiao, Zipeng / Li, Bin / Liu, Qin / Wang, Faming (2024): Early and late onset childhood eczema: Role of preconceptional, pre-natal and post-natal environmental exposures. In: Building and Environment, v. 258 (June 2024).


  6. Li, Wenlong / Li, Qin / Liu, Yijun / Jia, Lixin / Pei, Xingwang (2024): Multidimensional measurement and comprehensive evaluation of regeneration value of old industrial structures from the perspective of stock renewal. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 86 (June 2024).


  7. Lu, Chan / Wang, Lin / Liao, Hongsen / Li, Bin / Liu, Qin / Li, Qin / Wang, Faming (2023): Impacts of intrauterine and postnatal exposure to air pollution on preschool children's asthma: A key role in cumulative exposure. In: Building and Environment, v. 245 (November 2023).


  8. Lu, Chan / Liao, Hongsen / Wang, Lin / Li, Qin / Liu, Qin / Wang, Faming (2023): The role of meteorological parameters on childhood asthma: Identifying critical windows of susceptibility during pregnancy. In: Building and Environment, v. 243 (September 2023).


  9. Sheng, Guanghong / Li, Qin / Zhai, Jianping / Li, Feihu (2007): Self-cementitious properties of fly ashes from CFBC boilers co-firing coal and high-sulphur petroleum coke. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 37, n. 6 (June 2007).


  10. Liang, Qi / Liang, Hong / Li, Qin / Tam, Vivian W. Y. / Yu, Jingyu / Zhu, Lin (2023): Function matters: Development of a value engineering building–function–assessment framework from stakeholders’ perspectives using hybrid analytical methods. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 68 (June 2023).


  11. Lu, Chan / Zhang, Xin / Liu, Qin / Li, Qin / Norback, Dan / Deng, Qihong (2023): Effects of timing of complementary food introduction on childhood food allergy development: A modified role of ambient air pollution exposure. In: Building and Environment, v. 231 (March 2023).


  12. Lu, Chan / Liu, Zijing / Liao, Hongsen / Yang, Wenhui / Liu, Qin / Li, Qin / Deng, Qihong (2022): Interaction of exposure to outdoor air pollution and temperature during pregnancy on childhood asthma: Identifying specific windows of susceptibility. In: Building and Environment, v. 225 (November 2022).


  13. Lu, Chan / Liao, Hongsen / Liu, Zijing / Yang, Wenhui / Liu, Qin / Li, Qin (2022): Association between early life exposure to indoor environmental factors and childhood asthma. In: Building and Environment, v. 226 (December 2022).


  14. Lu, Chan / Li, Qin / Liu, Zijing / Yang, Wenhui / Liao, Hongsen / Liu, Qin (2023): Preconceptional, prenatal, and postnatal exposure to home environmental factors and childhood otitis media. In: Building and Environment, v. 228 (January 2023).


  15. Li, Qin / An, Hao / Zhang, Qiu / Cui, Hao / Tao, Dejing / Wei, Zhongbo / Zhai, Jianping (2013): Performance of Chloride Ions on Electrocatalytic Oxidation Process Using Ti-Nanotubes/PDDA-PbO2 Anode for Phenol Removal. In: Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), v. 139, n. 10 (October 2013).


  16. Zhang, Ya / Li, Qin / Sun, Li / Zhai, Jianping (2011): Batch Adsorption and Mechanism of Cr(VI) Removal from Aqueous Solution by Polyaniline/Humic Acid Nanocomposite. In: Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), v. 137, n. 12 (December 2011).


  17. Li, Wenlong / Li, Qin / Liu, Yijun / Li, Huimin / Pei, Xingwang (2020): Effect Evaluation for the Regeneration of Old Industrial Buildings Based on Multilevel Extension Method. In: Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE), v. 26, n. 3 (September 2020).


  18. Li, Qin / Zhao, Gao-Feng / Lian, Jijian (2019): Further development of the distinct lattice spring model for quasi-brittle crack propagation in concrete and its application in underground engineering. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 92 (October 2019).


  19. Sun, Zengqing / Cui, Hao / An, Hao / Tao, Dejing / Xu, Yan / Zhai, Jianping / Li, Qin (2013): Synthesis and thermal behavior of geopolymer-type material from waste ceramic. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 49 (December 2013).


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