Lee, Dongmin / Park, Seong-Hyun / Sim, Yeonhui / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Lee, Seong-Cheol (2025): Effect of carbon nanotubes on shear behavior of PVA-ECC beams. In: Structures, v. 72 (February 2025).
Mortazavi, Pedram / Binder, Justin / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Christopoulos, Constantin (2023): Ductility-Targeted Design of Cast Steel Replaceable Modular Yielding Links and Their Experimental Validation through Large-Scale Testing. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 149, n. 7 (July 2023).
Cheng, Stanley / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Bentz, Evan / Tcherner, Julia (2022): Comparison of measured strain and thermal effects during reactor building leakage rate tests of a nuclear power plant. In: Engineering Structures, v. 271 (November 2022).
Kwon, Oh-Sung / Einashai, Amr S. (2006): Fragility Analysis of RC Bridge Pier Considering Soil-Structure Interaction. Presented at: Structures Congress 2006, May 18-21, 2006, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.
Mortazavi, Pedram / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Christopoulos, Constantin (2022): Four-Element Pseudodynamic Hybrid Simulation of a Steel Frame with Cast Steel Yielding Connectors under Earthquake Excitations. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 148, n. 2 (February 2022).
Di Sarno, Luigi / Freddi, Fabio / D'Aniello, Mario / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Wu, Jing-Ren / Gutiérrez-Urzúa, Fernando / Landolfo, Raffaele / Park, Jamin / Palios, Xenofon / Strepelias, Elias (2021): Assessment of existing steel frames: Numerical study, pseudo-dynamic testing and influence of masonry infills. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 185 (October 2021).
Kang, Chulyoung / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Song, Junho (2021): Evaluation of correlation between engineering demand parameters of structures for seismic system reliability analysis. In: Structural Safety, v. 93 (November 2021).
Wang, Xuguang / Ahn, Jae-Kwon / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Kim, Robin E. / Yeo, Inwhan (2021): Development of Temperature and Constraint-Dependent Column Demand-Capacity Curves and Their Validation through Hybrid Fire Simulations. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 147, n. 4 (April 2021).
Kwon, Oh-Sung / Kim, Ho-Kyung / Jeong, Un Yong / Hwang, You-Chan / Moni, Moniruzzaman (2019): Design of Experimental Apparatus for Real-Time Wind-Tunnel Hybrid Simulation of Bridge Decks and Buildings. Presented at: Structures Congress 2019, Orlando, Florida, 24-27 April 2019.
Wang, Xuguang / Huang, Xu / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Bentz, Evan / Tcherner, Julia / DeMerchant, Mark / Moland, Mark (2019): Evaluation of the thermal strain of an NPP containment structure during leakage rate tests. In: Engineering Structures, v. 201 (December 2019).
Kwon, Oh-Sung / Elnashai, Amr S. / Spencer, Billie F. (2008): A framework for distributed analytical and hybrid simulations. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 30, n. 3 (October 2008).
Singhal, Tarun K. / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Bentz, Evan C. / Christopoulos, Constantin (2022): Development of a civil infrastructure resilience assessment framework and its application to a nuclear power plant. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 18, n. 1 (June 2022).
Zhong, Chiyun / Binder, Justin / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Christopoulos, Constantin (2020): Full-Scale Experimental Testing and Postfracture Simulations of Cast-Steel Yielding Connectors. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 146, n. 12 (December 2020).
Zhong, Chiyun / Binder, Justin / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Christopoulos, Constantin (2020): Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Ultralow-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Steel Castings. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 146, n. 2 (February 2020).
Wang, Xuguang / Kim, Robin E. / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Yeo, In-Hwan / Ahn, Jae-Kwon (2019): Continuous Real-Time Hybrid Simulation Method for Structures Subject to Fire. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 145, n. 12 (December 2019).
Huang, Xu / Kwon, Oh-Sung (2020): A Generalized Numerical/Experimental Distributed Simulation Framework. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 24, n. 4 ( 2020).
Hernández-Montes, Enrique / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Aschheim, Mark A. (2004): An Energy-Based Formulation for First-And Multiple-mode Nonlinear Static (Pushover) Analyses. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 8, n. 1 ( 2004).
Sadeghian, Vahid / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Vecchio, Frank (2019): A framework for multi-platform simulation of reinforced concrete structures. In: Engineering Structures, v. 181 (February 2019).
Jeong, Seong-Hoon / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Lee, Kwang-Ho (2015): Effective periods and seismic performance of steel moment resisting frames designed for risk categories I and IV according to IBC2009. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 44, n. 9 (25 July 2015).
Del Vecchio, Ciro / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Di Sarno, Luigi / Prota, Andrea (2015): Accuracy of nonlinear static procedures for the seismic assessment of shear critical structures. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 44, n. 10 (August 2015).
Kammula, Viswanath / Erochko, Jeffrey / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Christopoulos, Constantin (2014): Application of hybrid-simulation to fragility assessment of the telescoping self-centering energy dissipative bracing system. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 43, n. 6 (25 April 2014).
Han, Sang Whan / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Lee, Li-Hyung (2004): Evaluation of the seismic performance of a three-story ordinary moment-resisting concrete frame. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 33, n. 6 (May 2004).
Kwon, Oh-Sung / Kim, Eung Soo (2010): Evaluation of building period formulas for seismic design. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 39, n. 14 (November 2010).
Kwon, Oh-Sung / Elnashai, Amr S. (2010): Fragility analysis of a highway over-crossing bridge with consideration of soil–structure interactions. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 6, n. 1-2 (April 2010).
Kwon, Oh-Sung / Kim, Eungsoo (2010): Case study: Analytical investigation on the failure of a two-story RC building damaged during the 2007 Pisco-Chincha earthquake. In: Engineering Structures, v. 32, n. 7 (July 2010).
Kwon, Oh-Sung / Elnashai, Amr (2006): The effect of material and ground motion uncertainty on the seismic vulnerability curves of RC structure. In: Engineering Structures, v. 28, n. 2 (January 2006).
Kwon, Oh-Sung / Kim, Eungsoo / Orton, Sarah (2011): Calibration of Live-Load Factor in LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Based on State-Specific Traffic Environments. In: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 16, n. 6 (November 2011).
Padgett, Jamie / DesRoches, Reginald / Nielson, Bryant / Yashinsky, Mark / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Burdette, Nick / Tavera, Ed (2008): Bridge Damage and Repair Costs from Hurricane Katrina. In: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 13, n. 1 (January 2008).
Mahmoud, Hussam N. / Elnashai, Amr S. / Spencer, Billie F. / Kwon, Oh-Sung / Bennier, David J. (2013): Hybrid Simulation for Earthquake Response of Semirigid Partial-Strength Steel Frames. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 139, n. 7 (July 2013).
Lesgidis, Nikolaos / Sextos, Anastasios / Kwon, Oh-Sung (2018): frequency-dependent and intensity-dependent macroelement for reduced order seismic analysis of soil-structure interacting systems. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 47, n. 11 (September 2018).