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Balázs Kövesdi ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Wei, Qingyang / Kövesdi, Balázs / Dunai, László / Cao, Maosen (2024): Formulation of dynamic damage features sensitive to local fatigue cracks in steel bridges: Numerical study. In: Structures, v. 67 (September 2024).


  2. Radwan, Mohammad / Kövesdi, Balázs (2024): Monte Carlo Simulations for Global and Local Interaction Buckling of Welded Box-sections. In: Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, v. 68, n. 3 (March 2024).


  3. Kövesdi, Balázs / Kollár, Dénes / Szabó, Bence / Dunai, László (2023): Investigations on the historical Széchenyi chain bridge. In: ce/papers, v. 6, n. 3-4 (September 2023).


  4. Somodi, Balázs / Wassfee, Dhiaa / Kövesdi, Balázs (2023): Geometric imperfection measurement on welded hybrid steel box‐section girders. In: ce/papers, v. 6, n. 3-4 (September 2023).


  5. Dunai, László / Kövesdi, Balázs / Gardner, Leroy / Al‐Emrani, Mohammad / Casafont, Miquel / Degée, Hervé / Jandera, Michal / Kuhlmann, Ulrike / Taras, Andreas / Walport, Fiona (2023): Design assisted by finite element analysis – Introduction to prEN 1993‐1‐14 and Technical Report. In: ce/papers, v. 6, n. 3-4 (September 2023).


  6. Radwan, Mohammad / Kövesdi, Balázs: Imperfections for Local and Global Interaction Buckling of Welded Square High-strength Steel Box-section Columns. In: Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering.


  7. Bärnkopf, Erzsébet / Kövesdi, Balázs / Dunai, László (2023): Investigation of Stress Concentration Zones in FEM-Based Design of Welded Plated Structures. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 4 (24 March 2023).


  8. Somodi, Balázs / Bärnkopf, Erzsébet / Kövesdi, Balázs (2022): Applicable Equivalent Bow Imperfections in GMNIA for Eurocode Buckling Curves – in Case of Box Sections. In: ce/papers, v. 5, n. 4 (September 2022).


  9. Radwan, Mohammad / Kövesdi, Balázs (2022): An Enhanced Design Approach for Global and Local Buckling Resistance of Welded Box Section Columns. In: ce/papers, v. 5, n. 4 (September 2022).


  10. Németh, Gábor / Jáger, Bence / Kövesdi, Balázs / Kovács, Nauzika (2022): Experimental investigation of steel-concrete composite push-out tests with embedded corrugated web. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 25, n. 11 (May 2022).


  11. Kovács, Nauzika / Kövesdi, Balázs / Dunai, László / Takács, Bence (2016): Loading Test of the Rákóczi Danube Bridge in Budapest. In: Procedia Engineering, v. 156 ( 2016).


  12. Szatmári, István / Kövesdi, Balázs (2016): Design and Calculation of the "Čadečka" Highway Bridge Launching Technology. In: Procedia Engineering, v. 156 ( 2016).


  13. Dudás, Klára / Jakab, Gábor / Kövesdi, Balázs / Dunai, László (2015): Assessment of Fatigue Behaviour of Orthotropic Steel Bridge Decks using Monitoring System. In: Procedia Engineering, v. 133 ( 2015).


  14. Radwan, Mohammad / Kövesdi, Balázs (2021): Equivalent Geometric Imperfections for Local Buckling of Slender Box-section Columns. In: Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, v. 65, n. 4 ( 2021).


  15. Somodi, Balázs / Kövesdi, Balázs (2021): Flexural buckling resistance of rectangular welded box section columns. In: ce/papers, v. 4, n. 2-4 (September 2021).


  16. Haffar, Muhammad Ziad / Kövesdi, Balázs / Ádány, Sándor (2021): Buckling of compressed plates with closed-section longitudinal stiffeners: Two new mathematical models for resistance prediction. In: Structures, v. 33 (October 2021).


  17. Kövesdi, Balázs (2021): Finite Element Model-based Design of Stiffened Welded Plated Structures Subjected to Combined Loading. In: Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, v. 65, n. 2 ( 2021).


  18. Mecséri, Balázs József / Kövesdi, Balázs: Fatigue Properties of Cruciform and Flange-gusset Joints Using Normal and High Strength Steels. In: Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering.


  19. Kövesdi, Balázs / Kuhlmann, Ulrike / Dunai, László (2010): Combined shear and patch loading of girders with corrugated webs. In: Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, v. 54, n. 2 ( 2010).


  20. Németh, Gábor / Kovács, Nauzika / Jáger, Bence / Kövesdi, Balázs (2019): Analysis of the Effect of Concrete Strength in Embedded Shear Connectors of Steel-concrete Corrugated Web Composite Bridges Through Push-Out Tests. In: ce/papers, v. 3, n. 5-6 (December 2019).


  21. Duna, László / Kövesdi, Balázs / Joó, Attila László / Seres, Noémi / Budaházy, Viktor / Kachichian, Mansour (2019): Cooperation between Weimar and Budapest on computational modelling of steel and composite structures. In: Stahlbau, v. 88, n. 4 (April 2019).


  22. Mecséri, Balázs József / Kövesdi, Balázs (2017): 09.09: Experimental fatigue analysis of high strength steel structures. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


  23. Kovács, Nauzika / Kövesdi, Balázs / Kachichian, Mansour / Frank, Máté Ferenc (2017): 08.33: Full scale test on steel-concrete composite beams: Investigation of innovative shear connectors. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


  24. Kövesdi, Balázs / Somodi, Balázs (2017): 05.20: Modified Ayrton-Perry formula for flexural buckling of HSS welded box sections. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


  25. Pap, Zsuzsa B. / Horváth, László. / Kövesdi, Balázs (2017): 21.07: Refurbishment of the historical Eiffel-hall in Budapest. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


  26. Jáger, Bence / Kövesdi, Balázs / Dunai, László (2017): 16.07: Flange buckling resistance of trapezoidal web girders: Experimental and numerical study. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


  27. Kövesdi, Balázs / Dunai, Péter / Dunai, László (2017): 16.03: Structural analysis of the historical Széchenyi: chain bridge in Budapest. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


  28. Ádány, Sándor / Kachichian, Mansour / Kövesdi, Balázs / Dunai, László (2013): Experimental Studies on Deep Trapezoidal Sheeting with Perforated Webs. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 139, n. 5 (May 2013).


  29. Dunai, László / Kövesdi, Balázs / Kuhlmann, Ulrike / Braun, Benjamin (2012): Design of girders with trapezoidal corrugated webs under the interaction of patch loading, shear and bending. In: Steel Construction, v. 5, n. 1 (February 2012).


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