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Aleksandrs Korjakins ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Markin, Slava / Sahmenko, Genadijs / Korjakins, Aleksandrs / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2024): The Impact of Production Techniques on Pore Size Distribution in High-Strength Foam Concrete. In: Infrastructures, v. 10, n. 1 (25 December 2024).


  2. Lencis, Uldis / Udris, Aigars / Kara De Maeijer, Patricia / Korjakins, Aleksandrs (2024): Methodology for Determining the Correct Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity in Concrete. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 3 (21 February 2024).


  3. Tihomirovs, Pavels / Kara De Maeijer, Patricia / Korjakins, Aleksandrs (2023): Demolition Waste Glass Usage in the Construction Industry. In: Infrastructures, v. 8, n. 12 (17 December 2023).


  4. Kriptavičius, Dalius / Girskas, Giedrius / Ivanauskas, Ernestas / Korjakins, Aleksandrs (2023): Complex Effect of Portland Cement Modified with Natural Zeolite and Ground Glass Mixture on Durability Properties of Concrete. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 10 (10 October 2023).


  5. Lencis, Uldis / Udris, Aigars / Korjakins, Aleksandrs (2021): frost influence on the ultrasonic pulse velocity in concrete at early phases of hydration process. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 15 (December 2021).


  6. Korjakins, Aleksandrs / Shakhmenko, Genadij / Bumanis, Girts (2012): Utilisation of Borosilicate Glass Waste as a Micro-Filler for Concrete. In: Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, v. 6, n. 7 (July 2012).


  7. Bumanis, Girts / Dembovska, Laura / Korjakins, Aleksandrs / Bajare, Diana (2018): Applicability of freeze-thaw resistance testing methods for high strength concrete at extreme −52.5 °C and standard −18 °C testing conditions. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 8 (June 2018).


  8. Bumanis, Girts / Vitola, Laura / Stipniece, Liga / Locs, Janis / Korjakins, Aleksandrs / Bajare, Diana (2020): Evaluation of Industrial by-products as pozzolans: A road map for use in concrete production. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 13 (December 2020).


  9. Rucevskis, Sandris / Akishin, Pavel / Korjakins, Aleksandrs (2020): Parametric analysis and design optimisation of PCM thermal energy storage system for space cooling of buildings. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 224 (October 2020).


  10. Vasiļjeva, Tatjana / Korjakins, Aleksandrs (2017): The Development of Peat and Wood-Based Thermal Insulation Material Production Technology. In: Construction Science, v. 20, n. 1 (January 2017).


  11. Namsone, Elvija / Sahmenko, Genadijs / Korjakins, Aleksandrs / Namsone, Eva (2016): Influence of Porous Aggregate on the Properties of Foamed Concrete. In: Construction Science, v. 19, n. 1 (January 2016).


  12. Neverkovica, Darja / Korjakins, Aleksandrs (2014): Influence of Additives on Reinforced Concrete Durability. In: Construction Science, v. 16, n. 1 (January 2014).


  13. Justs, Janis / Bajare, Diana / Korjakins, Aleksandrs / Mezinskis, Gundars / Locs, Janis / Bumanis, Girts (2013): Microstructural Investigations of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Obtained by Pressure Application within the First 24 Hours of Hardening. In: Construction Science, v. 14 (January 2013).


  14. Lencis, Uldis / Udris, Aigars / Korjakins, Aleksandrs (2013): Moisture Effect on the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity in Concrete Cured under Normal Conditions and at Elevated Temperature. In: Construction Science, v. 14 (January 2013).


  15. Kara, Patricija / Korjakins, Aleksandrs / Kovalenko, Kirils (2012): The usage of fluorescent waste glass powder in concrete. In: Construction Science, v. 13 (January 2012).


  16. Kara, Patricija / Korjakins, Aleksandrs / Stokmanis-Blaus, Valdemars (2012): Evaluation of properties of concrete incorporating ash as mineral admixtures. In: Construction Science, v. 13 (January 2012).


  17. Moceikis, Rimvydas / Kicaite, Asta / Skripkiūnas, Gintautas / Korjakins, Aleksandrs (2018): Ageing Models And Accelerated Ageing Tests of Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete. In: Engineering Structures and Technologies, v. 10, n. 1 (April 2018).


  18. Girskas, Giedrius / Skripkiūnas, Gintautas / Sahmenko, Genadijs / Korjakins, Aleksandrs (2016): Durability of concrete containing synthetic zeolite from aluminum fluoride production waste as a supplementary cementitious material. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 117 (August 2016).


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