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Mehmet Serkan Kirgiz ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Waqas, Rana Muhammad / Elahi, Ayub / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan (2025): Experimental and finite element analysis of shear deficient of reinforced concrete beam retrofitted externally with carbon fiber reinforced polymer sheet. In: Structures, v. 72 (February 2025).


  2. Khalid, Faiza / Elahi, Ayub / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Afridi, Musarrat Ullah Khan / Waqas, Rana Muhammad (2024): An experimental research on the application of retrofitted reinforced-composite beam by polymer-modified mortars to overcome flexural deficient structural systems. In: Structures, v. 70 (December 2024).


  3. Al-Massri, Ginan / Ghanem, Hassan / Khatib, Jamal / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Elkordi, Adel (2024): Chemical shrinkage, autogenous shrinkage, drying shrinkage, and expansion stability of interfacial transition zone material using alkali-treated banana fiber for concrete. In: Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, v. 9, n. 3 (2 July 2024).


  4. Horma, Othmane / El Hammouti, Aboubakr / El Hassani, Sara / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Channouf, Salaheddine / Moussaoui, Mohammed Amine / Mezrhab, Ahmed (2024): Sustainable Approach to Mortar Production Using Mint Stem Aggregates: Investigating the Thermal, Mechanical, and Physical Performance. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 10 (October 2024).


  5. Tahenni, Touhami / Bouziadi, Farid / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Kouider-Djelloul, Omar / Boulekbache, Bensaid / Amziane, Sofiane (2024): Experimental and numerical studyof the effectof stirrups and steel fibres on the shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams. In: Engineering Structures, v. 319 (November 2024).


  6. Singh, Deepak / Kumar, Rajesh / Nighot, Nikhil Sanjay / Rajput, Anurag / Prajapati, Abhilasha / Singh, Bibhakar Kumar / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Srinivasaraonaik, B. / Kumar Mishra, Raghav / Khan, Shahnavaz / Lakhani, Rajni (2023): A comprehensive review on valorisation of octal by-product as supplementary admixtures in the production of fired and unfired bricks. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 408 (December 2023).


  7. Karimi Pour, Arash / Shirkhani, Amir / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Farsangi, Ehsan Noroozinejad (2023): Influence of Fiber Type on the Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams Made of Waste Aggregates: Experimental, Numerical, and Cost Analyses. In: Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, v. 28, n. 2 (May 2023).


  8. Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Mirza, Jahangir / Cuc, Stanca / Prodan, Doina / Saroşi, Codruţa / Perhaiţă, Ioana / Carpa, Rahela / Moldovan, Marioara / Popa, Dorin / Varvara, Simona / Popa, Maria (2023): Physico-Antibacterial Feature and SEM Morphology of Bio-Hydraulic Lime Mortars Incorporating Nano-Graphene Oxide and Binary Combination of Nano-Graphene Oxide with Nano Silver, Fly Ash, Zinc, and Titanium Powders. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 1 (13 January 2023).


  9. Karimi Pour, Arash / Shirkhani, Amir / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Farsangi, Ehsan Noroozinejad (2023): Experimental investigation of GFRP‐reinforced concrete columns made with waste aggregates under concentric and eccentric loads. In: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 1 (February 2023).


  10. Katman, Herda Yati Binti / Khai, Wong Jee / Bheel, Naraindas / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Kumar, Aneel / Benjeddou, Omrane (2022): Fabrication and Characterization of Cement-Based Hybrid Concrete Containing Coir Fiber for Advancing Concrete Construction. In: Buildings, v. 12, n. 9 (16 September 2022).


  11. Katman, Herda Yati Binti / Khai, Wong Jee / Bheel, Naraindas / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Kumar, Aneel / Khatib, Jamal / Benjeddou, Omrane (2022): Workability, Strength, Modulus of Elasticity, and Permeability Feature of Wheat Straw Ash-Incorporated Hydraulic Cement Concrete. In: Buildings, v. 12, n. 9 (16 September 2022).


  12. Bachtiar, Erniati / Rachim, Fatmawaty / Makbul, Ritnawati / Tata, Arbain / Irfan-ul-Hassan, Muhammad / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Syarif, Muhammad / de Sousa Galdino, Andre Gustavo / Khitab, Anwar / Benjeddou, Omrane / Kolovos, Konstantinos G. / Ledesma, Enrique Fernández / Yusri, Andi / Papatzani, Styliani (2022): Monitoring of chloride and Friedel’s salt, hydration components, and porosity in high-performance concrete. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (December 2022).


  13. Katman, Herda Yati Binti / Khai, Wong Jee / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Nehdi, Moncef L. / Benjeddou, Omrane / Thomas, Blessen Skariah / Papatzani, Styliani / Rambhad, Kishor / Kumbhalkar, Manoj A. / Karimipour, Arash (2022): Transforming Conventional Construction Binders and Grouts into High-Performance Nanocarbon Binders and Grouts for Today’s Constructions. In: Buildings, v. 12, n. 7 (5 July 2022).


  14. Khitab, Anwar / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Nehdi, Moncef L. / Mirza, Jahangir / de Sousa Galdino, Andre Gustavo / Karimi Pour, Arash (2022): Mechanical, thermal, durability and microstructural behavior of hybrid waste-modified green reactive powder concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 344 (August 2022).


  15. Karimi Pour, Arash / Shirkhani, Amir / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Nehdi, Moncef / Syarif, Muhammad / Irfan-ul-Hassan, Muhammad / Kolovos, Konstantinos G. / Ledesma, Enrique Fernández / Yusri, Andi / Khitab, Anwar / Benjeddou, Omrane / Khan, Riaz Akhtar / de Sousa Galdino, Andre Gustavo (2022): Alkali-activated fly ash concrete with untreated coal aggregate: Fresh- and hardened state properties. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (December 2022).


  16. Awoyera, Paul O. / Akinrinade, Ayomide D. / de Sousa Galdino, Andre Gustavo / Althoey, Fadi / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Tayeh, Bassam A. (2022): Thermal insulation and mechanical characteristics of cement mortar reinforced with mineral wool and rice straw fibers. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 53 (August 2022).


  17. Arif, Rehan / Khitab, Anwar / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / Khan, Raja Bilal Nasar / Tayyab, Seemab / Khan, Riaz Akhtar / Anwar, Waqas / Arshad, Muhammad Tausif (2021): Experimental analysis on partial replacement of cement with brick powder in concrete. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 15 (December 2021).


  18. Hammat, Sihem / Menadi, Belkacem / Kenai, Said / Thomas, Carlos / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan / de Sousa Galdino, Andre Gustavo (2021): The effect of content and fineness of natural pozzolana on the rheological, mechanical, and durability properties of self-compacting mortar. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 44 (December 2021).


  19. Qi, Hui / Zhang, Yang / Guo, Jing / Chu, Fuqing / Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan (2020): Dynamic Stress Analysis of a Circular-Lined Tunnel in Composite Strata-SH Wave Incidence. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2020 (January 2020).


  20. Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan (2014): Strength gain mechanisms of blended-cements containing marble powder and brick powder. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 1 (July 2014).


  21. Kirgiz, Mehmet Serkan (2011): Chemical Properties of Blended Cement Pastes. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 137, n. 12 (December 2011).


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