Wha-Jung Kim
- Amine-Functionalized Carbonate Mortars of CO2 Absorption for Carbon Neutrality and Enhanced Rebar Corrosion Resistance. In: International Journal of Civil Engineering. :
- 유용미생물을 이용한 포러스콘크리트의 수질정화특성에 대한 현장평가 (Site Assessment for the Water Purification Effect of Porous Concrete by using Effective Micro-organisms). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 19, n. 1 (January 2015). (2015):
- 고강도 콘크리트의 내화 특성에 관한 기존연구 고찰 및 실험적 연구 (State-of-the-Art Research and Experimental Assessment on Fire-Resistance Properties of High Strength Concrete). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 18, n. 3 (May 2014). (2014):
- 실험계획법을 이용한 석고 혼입 기포콘크리트의 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Properties of Foamed Concrete with Plaster Using the Experimental Design). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 17, n. 6 (November 2013). (2013):
- Compressive Properties of Amorphous Metal Fiber Reinforced Concrete Exposed to high Temperature. In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 12, n. 2 (April 2012). (2012):
- Measuring high speed crack propagation in concrete fracture test using mechanoluminescent material. In: Smart Structures and Systems, v. 10, n. 6 (December 2012). (2012):
- Behavior of square hollow steel tubes and steel tubes filled with concrete. In: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 45, n. 12 (December 2007). (2007):
- Characterization of Mortar Using Calcified Cell-CaCO3by Microbial Biomineralization. Presented at: Structures Congress 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 14-16, 2011. (2011):
- (2017): Experiments on Tensile and Shear Characteristics of Amorphous Micro Steel (AMS) Fibre-Reinforced Cementitious Composites. In: International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, v. 11, n. 4 (December 2017).
- Fire-resistant capacity of RC structures considering time-dependent creep strain at elevated temperature. In: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 68, n. 15 (August 2016). (2016):