Hoon Hee Hwang
- 유한요소해석에 의한 장지간 바닥판의 정적파괴형태 예측 (Prediction of Failure Mode Under Static Loading in Long Span Bridge Deck Slabs by FEM). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 16, n. 4 (July 2012). (2012):
- UHPC 바닥판 철근겹침이음 연결부의 휨강도 평가 (Evaluation of Flexural Strength for UHPC Deck Joints with Lap-Spliced Reinforced Steel Bar). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 15, n. 6 (November 2011). (2011):
- UHPC 바닥판 슬래브의 뚫림전단강도 (Punching Shear Strength of Deck Slabs Made of Ultra High Performance Concrete). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 15, n. 4 (July 2011). (2011):