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Olivia Guerra-Santin

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Upasani, Nitant / Guerra-Santin, Olivia / Mohammadi, Masi (2024): Developing building-specific, occupant-centric thermal comfort models: A methodological approach. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 95 (October 2024).


  2. Ma, Chuan / Guerra-Santin, Olivia / Mohammadi, Masi (2024): Exploring the influence of indoor environment and spatial layout on changed behaviours of people with dementia in a nursing home. In: Building and Environment, v. 256 (May 2024).


  3. Perez-Bezos, Silvia / Guerra-Santin, Olivia / Grijalba, Olatz / Hernandez-Minguillon, Rufino Javier (2023): Occupants’ behavioural diversity regarding the indoor environment in social housing. Case study in Northern Spain. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 77 (October 2023).


  4. Hosseini, Seyed Morteza / Mohammadi, Masi / Schröder, Torsten / Guerra-Santin, Olivia (2021): Bio-inspired interactive kinetic façade: Using dynamic transitory-sensitive area to improve multiple occupants’ visual comfort. In: Frontiers of Architectural Research, v. 10, n. 4 (December 2021).


  5. Cuerda, Elena / Guerra-Santin, Olivia / Sendra, J. J. / Neila González, Fco. Javier (2019): Comparing the impact of presence patterns on energy demand in residential buildings using measured data and simulation models. In: Building Simulation, v. 12, n. 6 (August 2019).


  6. Romero Herrera, Natalia / Doolaard, Jantien / Guerra-Santin, Olivia / Jaskiewicz, Tomasz / Keyson, David (2018): Office occupants as active actors in assessing and informing comfort: a context-embedded comfort assessment in indoor environmental quality investigations. In: Advances in Building Energy Research, v. 14, n. 1 (August 2018).


  7. Guerra-Santin, Olivia / Tweed, Christopher / Jenkins, Huw / Jiang, Shiyu (2013): Monitoring the performance of low energy dwellings: Two UK case studies. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 64 (September 2013).


  8. Guerra-Santin, Olivia / Tweed, Christopher Aidan (2015): In-use monitoring of buildings: An overview of data collection methods. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 93 (April 2015).


  9. Cuerda, Elena / Guerra-Santin, Olivia / Sendra, Juan José / Neila, Fco. Javier (2020): Understanding the performance gap in energy retrofitting: Measured input data for adjusting building simulation models. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 209 (February 2020).


  10. Hosseini, Seyed Morteza / Mohammadi, Masi / Schröder, Torsten / Guerra-Santin, Olivia (2020): Integrating interactive kinetic façade design with colored glass to improve daylight performance based on occupants’ position. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 31 (September 2020).


  11. Guerra-Santin, Olivia / Christopher Tweed, Aidan / Gabriela Zapata-Lancaster, Maria (2014): Learning from design reviews in low energy buildings. In: Structural Survey, v. 32, n. 3 (July 2014).


  12. Hosseini, Seyed Morteza / Mohammadi, Masi / Guerra-Santin, Olivia (2019): Interactive kinetic façade: Improving visual comfort based on dynamic daylight and occupant's positions by 2D and 3D shape changes. In: Building and Environment, v. 165 (November 2019).


  13. Guerra-Santin, Olivia / Itard, Laure (2010): Occupants' behaviour: determinants and effects on residential heating consumption. In: Building Research & Information, v. 38, n. 3 ( 2010).


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