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Sadjad Gharehbaghi ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Khatibinia, Mohsen / Gharehbaghi, Sadjad / Yazdani, Hessam / Akbari, Sadegh (2025): Optimum design and layout of multiple tuned mass dampers for seismic damage control of steel frame buildings. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 100 ( 2025).


  2. Khatibinia, Mohsen / Bijari, Shima / Nezhad, Fatemeh Sadat Moosavi / Gharehbaghi, Sadjad: Seismic Vulnerability Control of Steel Moment–Resisting Frames Using Optimum Friction Tuned Mass Damper. In: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering.


  3. Nekouei, Ghazal / Oskouei, Asghar Vatani / Gharehbaghi, Sadjad / Plevris, Vagelis (2023): Seismic response modification, over-strength, and displacement amplification factors of steel special truss moment frames. In: Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 24, n. 7 (April 2023).


  4. Gharehbaghi, Sadjad / Gandomi, Mostafa / Plevris, Vagelis / Gandomi, Amir H. (2021): Prediction of seismic damage spectra using computational intelligence methods. In: Computers & Structures, v. 253 (September 2021).


  5. Khatibinia, Mohsen / Jalaipour, Mehdi / Gharehbaghi, Sadjad (2019): Shape optimization of U-shaped steel dampers subjected to cyclic loading using an efficient hybrid approach. In: Engineering Structures, v. 197 (October 2019).


  6. Yazdani, Hessam / Khatibinia, Mohsen / Gharehbaghi, Sadjad / Hatami, Kianoosh (2017): Probabilistic Performance-Based Optimum Seismic Design of RC Structures Considering Soil–Structure Interaction Effects. In: ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, v. 3, n. 2 (June 2017).


  7. Gharehbaghi, Sadjad / Moustafa, Abbas / Salajegheh, Eysa (2016): Optimum seismic design of reinforced concrete frame structures. In: Computers and Concrete, v. 17, n. 6 (June 2016).


  8. Gharehbaghi, Sadjad / Khatibinia, Mohsen (2015): Optimal seismic design of reinforced concrete structures under time-history earthquake loads using an intelligent hybrid algorithm. In: Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, v. 14, n. 1 (February 2015).


  9. Heidari, Ahmad / Gharehbaghi, Sadjad (2015): Seismic performance improvement of Special Truss Moment Frames using damage and energy concepts. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 44, n. 7 (June 2015).


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