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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Chen, Xue / Gan, Khong Wui / Pu, Suan Hui / Jalalvand, Meisam / Hamilton, Andrew R.: Laser-induced graphene as an embedded sensor for impact damage in composite structures assisted by machine learning. In: Structural Health Monitoring.


  2. Laux, Tobias / Gan, Khong Wui / Tavares, Rodrigo P. / Furtado, Carolina / Arteiro, Albertino / Camanho, Pedro P. / Thomsen, Ole T. / Dulieu-Barton, Janice M. (2021): Modelling damage in multidirectional laminates subjected to multi-axial loading: Ply thickness effects and model assessment. In: Composite Structures, v. 266 (June 2021).


  3. Gan, Khong Wui / Laux, Tobias / Taher, Siavash T. / Dulieu-Barton, Janice M. / Thomsen, Ole T. (2018): A novel fixture for determining the tension/compression-shear failure envelope of multidirectional composite laminates. In: Composite Structures, v. 184 (January 2018).


  4. Gan, Khong Wui / Wisnom, Michael R. / Hallett, Stephen R. (2013): An approximate model of cylindrical and spherical contact on composite laminates of finite thickness. In: Composite Structures, v. 103 (September 2013).


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