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Pizzol, V. D. / Mendes, L. M. / Savastano, H. / Frías, M. / Davila, F. J. / Cincotto, M. A. / John, V. M. / Tonoli, G. H. D. (2014): Mineralogical and microstructural changes promoted by accelerated carbonation and ageing cycles of hybrid fiber–cement composites. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 68 (October 2014).
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Medina, C. / Sáez del Bosque, I. F. / Asensio, E. / Frías, M. / Sánchez de Rojas, M. I. (2016): New additions for eco-efficient cement design. Impact on calorimetric behaviour and comparison of test methods. In: Materials and Structures, v. 49, n. 11 (November 2016).
de la Villa, R. Vigil / De Soto, I. S. / García-Giménez, R. / Frías, M. (2017): Thermodynamic Evaluation of Pozzolanic Reactions between Activated Pozzolan Mix of Clay Waste/Fly Ash and Calcium Hydroxide. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 8 (August 2017).