Trung Q. Do
- Measurement Approach to Develop Flood-Based Damage Fragilities for Residential Buildings Following Repeat Inundation Events. In: ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, v. 8, n. 2 (June 2022). (2022):
- Methodology for Regional Multihazard Hurricane Damage and Risk Assessment. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 147, n. 11 (November 2021). (2021):
- Hurricane Surge-Wave Building Fragility Methodology for Use in Damage, Loss, and Resilience Analysis. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 146, n. 1 (January 2020). (2020):
- Performance-based design methodology for inundated elevated coastal structures subjected to wave load. In: Engineering Structures, v. 117 (June 2016). (2016):
- Fatigue Life Fragilities and Performance-Based Design of Wind Turbine Tower Base Connections. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 141, n. 7 (July 2015). (2015):
- Fatigue Life of Wind Turbine Tower Bases throughout Colorado. In: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 29, n. 4 (August 2015). (2015):
- Combined Wind-Wave-Surge Hurricane-Induced Damage Prediction for Buildings. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 145, n. 1 (January 2019). (2019):