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Ibrahim Dincer

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Goren, A. Yagmur / Dincer, Ibrahim / Khalvati, Ali (2025): A new electro-biomembrane integrated renewable-based system to produce power, fresh water and hydrogen for sustainable communities. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 120 (February 2025).


  2. Temiz, Mert / Dincer, Ibrahim (2024): A new integrated system for carbon capture and clean hydrogen production for sustainable societal utilization. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 117 (December 2024).


  3. Khalil, Muarij / Dincer, Ibrahim (2024): Investigation of a new holistic energy system for a sustainable airport with green fuels. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 113 (October 2024).


  4. Gursoy, Mehmet / Dincer, Ibrahim (2024): Development of a novel hybrid hydrogen generator incorporated into a combined system for buildings in sustainable communities. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 319 (September 2024).


  5. Erdemir, Dogan / Dincer, Ibrahim (2024): Novel energy management options for charging stations of electric vehicles in buildings without increasing peak demand for sustainable cities. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 111 (September 2024).


  6. Sharifishourabi, Moslem / Dincer, Ibrahim / Mohany, Atef (2024): Advancing Energy Transition with Novel Biomass-Solar Based Multigeneration Energy System Using Hydrogen and Storage Options for Sustainable Cities. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 108 (August 2024).


  7. Ishaq, Muhammad / Dincer, Ibrahim (2024): Investigation of a tri-renewable energy system coupled with battery and hydrogen storages for a sustainable city. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 104 (May 2024).


  8. Sharifishourabi, Moslem / Dincer, Ibrahim / Mohany, Atef (2023): Development and assessment of a new solar-geothermal based integrated energy system with sonic hydrogen generation for buildings. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 80 (December 2023).


  9. Khalil, Muarij / Dincer, Ibrahim (2023): Development and assessment of integrated hydrogen and renewable energy systems for a sustainable city. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 98 (November 2023).


  10. Abu-Rayash, Azzam / Dincer, Ibrahim (2023): Development of an integrated sustainability model for resilient cities featuring energy, environmental, social, governance and pandemic domains. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 92 (May 2023).


  11. Ismail, Mohamed M. / Dincer, Ibrahim (2022): Development of an Integrated Waste to Energy Multigeneration System Based on Plastic Wastes for Sustainable Cities. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 85 (October 2022).


  12. Temiz, Mert / Dincer, Ibrahim (2021): Development of an HTR-Type nuclear and bifacial PV solar based integrated system to meet the needs of energy, food and fuel for sustainable indigenous cities. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 74 (November 2021).


  13. Abu-Rayash, Azzam / Dincer, Ibrahim (2021): Development of integrated sustainability performance indicators for better management of smart cities. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 67 (April 2021).


  14. Dincer, Ibrahim (2011): Exergy as a potential tool for sustainable drying systems. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 1, n. 2 (July 2011).


  15. Tolga Balta, M. / Dincer, Ibrahim / Hepbasli, Arif (2011): Development of sustainable energy options for buildings in a sustainable society. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 1, n. 2 (July 2011).


  16. Ozbilen, Ahmet / Dincer, Ibrahim / Rosen, Marc A. (2013): Environmental impact assessment of nuclear assisted hydrogen production via Cu–Cl thermochemical cycles. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 7 (July 2013).


  17. Dincer, Ibrahim (2002): On thermal energy storage systems and applications in buildings. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 34, n. 4 (May 2002).


  18. Ozgener, Leyla / Hepbasli, Arif / Dincer, Ibrahim (2006): Performance investigation of two geothermal district heating systems for building applications: Energy analysis. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 38, n. 4 (April 2006).


  19. Tolga Balta, M. / Dincer, Ibrahim / Hepbasli, Arif (2010): Performance and sustainability assessment of energy options for building HVAC applications. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 42, n. 8 (August 2010).


  20. Caliskan, Hakan / Dincer, Ibrahim / Hepbasli, Arif (2011): Exergetic and sustainability performance comparison of novel and conventional air cooling systems for building applications. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 43, n. 6 (June 2011).


  21. Caliskan, Hakan / Dincer, Ibrahim / Hepbasli, Arif (2012): Energy and exergy analyses of combined thermochemical and sensible thermal energy storage systems for building heating applications. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 48 (May 2012).


  22. Kizilkan, Onder / Dincer, Ibrahim (2012): Exergy analysis of borehole thermal energy storage system for building cooling applications. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 49 (June 2012).


  23. Caliskan, Hakan / Dincer, Ibrahim / Hepbasli, Arif (2012): Exergoeconomic, enviroeconomic and sustainability analyses of a novel air cooler. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 55 (December 2012).


  24. Ahmadi, Pouria / Dincer, Ibrahim / Rosen, Marc A. (2013): Performance assessment and optimization of a novel integrated multigeneration system for residential buildings. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 67 (December 2013).


  25. Zafar, Sayem / Dincer, Ibrahim (2014): Energy, exergy and exergoeconomic analyses of a combined renewable energy system for residential applications. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 71 (March 2014).


  26. Hassoun, Anwar / Dincer, Ibrahim (2014): Development of power system designs for a net zero energy house. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 73 (April 2014).


  27. Panchal, Satyam / Dincer, Ibrahim / Agelin-Chaab, Martin (2016): Analysis and evaluation of a new renewable energy based integrated system for residential applications. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 128 (September 2016).


  28. Karasu, Huseyin / Dincer, Ibrahim (2020): Life cycle assessment of integrated thermal energy storage systems in buildings: A case study in Canada. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 217 (June 2020).


  29. Ozgener, Leyla / Hepbasli, Arif / Dincer, Ibrahim (2006): Effect of reference state on the performance of energy and exergy evaluation of geothermal district heating systems: Balcova example. In: Building and Environment, v. 41, n. 6 (June 2006).


  30. Ozgener, Leyla / Hepbasli, Arif / Dincer, Ibrahim (2005): Energy and exergy analysis of geothermal district heating systems: an application. In: Building and Environment, v. 40, n. 10 (October 2005).


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