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Gustavo de Souza Veríssimo

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Emerick, Jean Antônio / Varum, Humberto / Romão, Xavier / de Souza Veríssimo, Gustavo / Paes, José Luiz Rangel (2024): Experimental analysis of the performance of screwed connections for steel-timber composite beams. In: Structures, v. 70 (December 2024).


  2. de Souza Veríssimo, Gustavo / Fakury, Ricardo Hallal / Ribeiro, José Carlos Lopes (2006): Design Aids for Unreinforced Web Openings in Steel and Composite Beams with W-Shapes. In: Engineering Journal, v. 43, n. 3 (September 2006).


  3. Bhering, Alex de Freitas / Franco, Rayane Neves / Santos, Mariana Araújo dos / Sathler, Lorena de Melo / Pedroti, Leonardo Gonçalves / Varum, Humberto / de Souza Veríssimo, Gustavo / Paes, José Luiz Rangel (2023): Experimental Analysis of Watertightness Performance of Interfaces between Masonry and Steel Structures Subjected to Accelerated Aging. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 9 (23 August 2023).


  4. Guim, Luis Felipe Fernandes / Soares de Lima, Gustavo Emilio / de Souza Veríssimo, Gustavo / Paes, José Luiz Rangel (2023): Avaliação da rigidez e do comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto armado reabilitadas com CFRP e injeção de fissuras (Assessment of stiffness and structural behavior of reinforced concrete beams rehabilitated with CFRP and crack injection). In: Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais, v. 16, n. 1 ( 2023).


  5. Almeida, Ricardo Laguardia Justen de / de Souza Veríssimo, Gustavo / Ribeiro, José Carlos Lopes / Paes, José Luiz Rangel / Caldas, Rodrigo Barreto / Cardoso, Hermano de Sousa / Fakury, Ricardo Hallal (2023): Resistência à ruptura do concreto por pry-out em conectores de cisalhamento Crestbond (Assessing the bearing capacity of Crestbond shear connectors to concrete pry-out). In: Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais, v. 16, n. 1 ( 2023).


  6. Justino, Larice Gomes / Ribeiro, José Carlos Lopes / de Souza Veríssimo, Gustavo / Paes, José Luiz Rangel / Pedroti, Leonardo Gonçalves (2020): Shear buckling strength of web-posts in castellated steel beams in fire. In: Engineering Structures, v. 209 (April 2020).


  7. Nalon, Gustavo Henrique / Rezende Santos, Carol Ferreira / Pedroti, Leonardo Gonçalves / Ribeiro, José Carlos Lopes / de Souza Veríssimo, Gustavo / Ferreira, Flávio Antônio (2020): Strength and failure mechanisms of masonry prisms under compression, flexure and shear: Components’ mechanical properties as design constraints. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 28 (March 2020).


  8. Grilo, Lucas Figueiredo / Fakury, Ricardo Hallal / de Castro e Silva, Ana Lydia Reis / de Souza Veríssimo, Gustavo (2018): Design procedure for the web-post buckling of steel cellular beams. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 148 (September 2018).


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