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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


Gianmarco de Felice ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. De Santis, Stefano / Sangirardi, Marialuigia / Altomare, Vittorio / Meriggi, Pietro / de Felice, Gianmarco (2024): Computer vision-based dynamic identification of a reinforced concrete elevated water tank. In: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 15, n. 1 (July 2024).


  2. Pallante, Luigi / Meriggi, Pietro / D’Amico, Fabrizio / Gagliardi, Valerio / Napolitano, Antonio / Paolacci, Fabrizio / Quinci, Gianluca / Lorello, Mario / de Felice, Gianmarco (2023): An Integrated Data-Driven System for Digital Bridge Management. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 1 (31 December 2023).


  3. de Felice, Gianmarco / Choueiri, Clarisse / Chura, Rodrigo Yanez / Meriggi, Pietro (2023): An integrated approach for the investigation of the seismic behaviour of churches: the case study of St. Maria Maggiore in Tuscania. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).


  4. Fugger, Rebecca / Fares, Sara / Meriggi, Pietro / Nerilli, Francesca / Marfia, Sonia / Sacco, Elio / de Felice, Gianmarco (2023): Experimental investigation of FRCM under shear loading. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).


  5. Sangirardi, Marialuigia / De Santis, Stefano / Altomare, Vittorio / Giannetto, Vincenzo / Meriggi, Pietro / Volpe, Marika / de Felice, Gianmarco (2023): Dynamic identification of an elevated water tank through digital video processing. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).


  6. Júlio, Eduardo / Cavaco, Eduardo / Agnetti, Stefano / Apostolidi, Eftychia / Bencardino, Francesco / Bilotta, Antonio / Buchin-Roulie, Vanessa / Burtscher, Stefan L. / Cabral Fonseca, Susana / Carvelli, Valter / Chen, Ju / Chen, Long / Correia, Luís / Costa, António / Costa, José Paulo / Cuzzilla, Roberto / Cynober, Charles / Czaderski-Forchmann, Christoph / de Felice, Gianmarco / Di Ludovico, Marco / Dourado, Filipe / Dritsos, Stephanos / Dusi, Alberto / Farinha, João / Feng, Ran / Giarlelis, Christos / Guerreiro, Luís / Kotynia, Renata / Kunz, Jakob / Kyriakides, Nicholas / Laco, Jan / Lampropoulos, Andreas / Lima, Luís / Loeffler, Kay / Manfredi, Gaetano / Martinelli, Giorgia / Mateos, Alejandro / Moseley, Jon / Paula, Raquel / Pinto, Alexandre / Prota, Andrea / Quiertant, Marc / Ramôa Correia, Joao / Randl, Norbert / Repapis, Constantinos / Rousakis, Theodoros / Sandberg, Jessica / Schmidt, Jacob / Cruz, José Sena / Shimomura, Takumi / Su, Meini / Triantafillou, Thanasis / Trimboli, Antonio / Ued (2022): Guide for Strengthening of Concrete Structures. fédération internationale du béton (fib), Lausanne (Switzerland), ISBN 978-2-88394-157-1.


  7. Meriggi, Pietro / De Santis, Stefano / Fares, Sara / de Felice, Gianmarco (2021): Design of the shear strengthening of masonry walls with fabric reinforced cementitious matrix. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 279 (April 2021).


  8. Sangirardi, Marialuigia / Altomare, Vittorio / De Santis, Stefano / de Felice, Gianmarco (2022): Detecting Damage Evolution of Masonry Structures through Computer-Vision-Based Monitoring Methods. In: Buildings, v. 12, n. 6 (7 June 2022).


  9. Malena, Marialaura / de Felice, Gianmarco / Marfia, Sonia (2022): AnMas: Anisotropic strength domain for masonry. In: Engineering Structures, v. 257 (April 2022).


  10. Bellini, Alessandro / Aiello, Maria Antonietta / Bencardino, Francesco / de Carvalho Bello, Claudia Brito / Castori, Giulio / Cecchi, Antonella / Ceroni, Francesca / Corradi, Marco / D'Antino, Tommaso / De Santis, Stefano / Fagone, Mario / de Felice, Gianmarco / Leone, Marianovella / Lignola, Gian Piero / Napoli, Annalisa / Nisticò, Mattia / Poggi, Carlo / Prota, Andrea / Ranocchiai, Giovanna / Realfonzo, Roberto / Sacco, Elio / Mazzotti, Claudio (2021): Influence of different set-up parameters on the bond behavior of FRCM composites. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 308 (November 2021).


  11. de Felice, Gianmarco / Malena, Marialaura (2019): Failure pattern prediction in masonry. In: Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v. 14, n. 5 (December 2019).


  12. Tekieli, Marcin / De Santis, Stefano / de Felice, Gianmarco / Kwiecień, Arkadiusz / Roscini, Francesca (2017): Application of Digital Image Correlation to composite reinforcements testing. In: Composite Structures, v. 160 (January 2017).


  13. Napoli, Annalisa / de Felice, Gianmarco / De Santis, Stefano / Realfonzo, Roberto (2016): Bond behaviour of Steel Reinforced Polymer strengthening systems. In: Composite Structures, v. 152 (September 2016).


  14. Malena, Marialaura / de Felice, Gianmarco (2014): Debonding of composites on a curved masonry substrate: Experimental results and analytical formulation. In: Composite Structures, v. 112 (June 2014).


  15. Sangirardi, Marialuigia / Amorosi, Angelo / de Felice, Gianmarco (2020): A coupled structural and geotechnical assessment of the effects of a landslide on an ancient monastery in Central Italy. In: Engineering Structures, v. 225 (December 2020).


  16. Pepe, Marco / Sangirardi, Marialuigia / Reccia, Emanuele / Pingaro, Marco / Trovalusci, Patrizia / de Felice, Gianmarco (2020): Discrete and Continuous Approaches for the Failure Analysis of Masonry Structures Subjected to Settlements. In: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 6 (January 2020).


  17. Gobbin, Francesca / de Felice, Gianmarco / Lemos, José V. (2021): A Discrete Element Model for Masonry Vaults Strengthened with Externally Bonded Reinforcement. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 15, n. 12 (April 2021).


  18. Meriggi, Pietro / de Felice, Gianmarco / De Santis, Stefano (2020): Design of the out-of-plane strengthening of masonry walls with fabric reinforced cementitious matrix composites. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 240 (April 2020).


  19. Capecchi, Danilo / de Felice, Gianmarco (2001): Hysteretic Systems with Internal Variables. In: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 127, n. 9 (September 2001).


  20. Meriggi, Pietro / de Felice, Gianmarco / De Santis, Stefano / Gobbin, Francesca / Mordanova, Anna / Pantò, Bartolomeo (2019): Distinct Element Modelling of Masonry Walls under Out-Of-Plane Seismic Loading. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 13, n. 7 ( 2019).


  21. Malena, Marialaura / Portioli, Francesco / Gagliardo, Raffaele / Tomaselli, Giovanni / Cascini, Lucrezia / de Felice, Gianmarco (2019): Collapse mechanism analysis of historic masonry structures subjected to lateral loads: A comparison between continuous and discrete models. In: Computers & Structures, v. 220 (August 2019).


  22. de Felice, Gianmarco / Giannini, Renato (2009): An Efficient Approach for Seismic Fragility Assessment with Application to Old Reinforced Concrete Bridges. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 14, n. 2 ( 2009).


  23. De Santis, Stefano / Hadad, Houman A. / De Caso y Basalo, Francisco / de Felice, Gianmarco / Nanni, Antonio (2018): Acceptance Criteria for Tensile Characterization of Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix Systems for Concrete and Masonry Repair. In: Journal of Composites for Construction, v. 22, n. 6 (December 2018).


  24. Brencich, Antonio / de Felice, Gianmarco (2009): Brickwork under eccentric compression: Experimental results and macroscopic models. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 23, n. 5 (May 2009).


  25. De Santis, Stefano / de Felice, Gianmarco (2014): A fibre beam-based approach for the evaluation of the seismic capacity of masonry arches. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 43, n. 11 (August 2014).


  26. Valluzzi, Maria Rosa / Modena, Claudio / de Felice, Gianmarco (2014): Current practice and open issues in strengthening historical buildings with composites. In: Materials and Structures, v. 47, n. 12 (December 2014).


  27. de Felice, Gianmarco / Aiello, Maria Antonietta / Bellini, Alessandro / Ceroni, Francesca / De Santis, Stefano / Garbin, Enrico / Leone, Marianovella / Lignola, Gian Piero / Malena, Marialaura / Mazzotti, Claudio / Panizza, Matteo / Valluzzi, Maria Rosa (2016): Experimental characterization of composite-to-brick masonry shear bond. In: Materials and Structures, v. 49, n. 7 (July 2016).


  28. de Felice, Gianmarco (2009): Assessment of the load-carrying capacity of multi-span masonry arch bridges using fibre beam elements. In: Engineering Structures, v. 31, n. 8 (August 2009).


  29. de Felice, Gianmarco / De Santis, Stefano (2010): Experimental and Numerical Response of Arch Bridge Historic Masonry Under Eccentric Loading. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 4, n. 2 (January 2010).


  30. Roselli, Ivan / Malena, Marialaura / Mongelli, Marialuisa / Cavalagli, Nicola / Gioffre, Massimiliano / De Canio, Gerardo / de Felice, Gianmarco (2018): Health assessment and ambient vibration testing of the "Ponte delle Torri" of Spoleto during the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence. In: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 8, n. 2 (March 2018).


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