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The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Kočí, Václav / Maděra, Jiří / Černý, Robert (2024): Basalt fibers corrosion in concrete: New perspectives originating from computational modelling techniques employment. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 97 (November 2024).


  2. Afolayan, Ayodele / Mildner, Martin / Hotěk, Petr / Keppert, Martin / Černý, Robert / Fořt, Jan (2024): Characterization of Mineralogical and Mechanical Parameters of Alkali-Activated Materials Based on Water Sediments Activated by Potassium Silicate. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 10 (8 October 2024).


  3. Kobetičová, Klára / Krejsová, Jitka / Keppert, Martin / Pommer, Vojtěch / Burianová, Ivana / Böhm, Martin / Černý, Robert (2024): Enhancing Functional Properties and Mold Resistance of Gypsum Plasters with Caffeine. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 11 (22 October 2024).


  4. Kobetičová, Klára / Sedláčková, Hana / Böhm, Martin / Brich, Jiří / Nábělková, Jana / Černý, Robert (2024): Effects of Prolonged Leaching on the Acute Ecotoxicity of Spruce-Pine Oriented Strand Board for Plants. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 6 (19 June 2024).


  5. Fořt, Jan / Šál, Jiří / Keppert, Martin / Mildner, Martin / Hotěk, Petr / Ślosarczyk, Agnieszka / Klapiszewski, Łukasz / Černý, Robert (2024): Durability analysis of sustainable mortars with biomass fly ash as high-volume replacement of Portland cement. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 91 (August 2024).


  6. Jędrzejczak, Patryk / Janczarek, Marcin / Parus, Anna / Gapiński, Bartosz / Hotěk, Petr / Fiala, Lukáš / Jesionowski, Teofil / Ślosarczyk, Agnieszka / Černý, Robert / Klapiszewski, Łukasz (2023): Carbon-modified TiO2 as a promising and efficient admixture for cementitious composites: A comprehensive study of photocatalytic, mechanical and structural properties. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 78 (November 2023).


  7. Kočí, Václav / Vejmelková, Eva / Koňáková, Dana / Pommer, Vojtěch / Grzeszczyk, Stefania / Matuszek-Chmurowska, Aneta / Mordak, Arkadiusz / Černý, Robert (2023): Basic physical, mechanical, thermal and hygric properties of reactive powder concrete with basalt and polypropylene fibers after high-temperature exposure. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 374 (April 2023).


  8. Scheinherrová, Lenka / Keppert, Martin / Černý, Robert (2022): Chemical aspects of the application of basalt in cement composites. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 350 (October 2022).


  9. Jerman, Miloš / Böhm, Martin / Dušek, Jaroslav / Černý, Robert (2022): Effect of steaming temperature on microstructure and mechanical, hygric, and thermal properties of binderless rape straw fiberboards. In: Building and Environment, v. 223 (September 2022).


  10. Fořt, Jan / Šál, Jiří / Ševčík, Radek / Doleželová, Magdalena / Keppert, Martin / Jerman, Miloš / Záleská, Martina / Stehel, Vojtěch / Černý, Robert (2021): Biomass fly ash as an alternative to coal fly ash in blended cements: Functional aspects. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 271 (February 2021).


  11. Kulovaná, Tereza / Vejmelková, Eva / Pokorný, Jaroslav / Siddique, Jamal Akhter / Keppert, Martin / Rovnaníková, Pavla / Ondráček, Michal / Keršner, Zbynĕk / Černý, Robert (2015): Engineering properties of composite materials containing waste ceramic dust from advanced hollow brick production as a partial replacement of Portland cement. In: Journal of Building Physics, v. 40, n. 1 (November 2015).


  12. von Werder, Julia / Venzmer, Helmuth / Černý, Robert (2014): Application of fluorometric and numerical analysis for assessing the algal resistance of external thermal insulation composite systems. In: Journal of Building Physics, v. 38, n. 4 (December 2014).


  13. Fořt, Jan / Pavlík, Zbyšek / Žumár, Jaromír / Pavlíková, Milena / Černý, Robert (2014): Effect of temperature on water vapor transport properties. In: Journal of Building Physics, v. 38, n. 2 (July 2014).


  14. Pavlík, Zbyšek / Jerman, Miloš / Trník, Anton / Kočí, Václav / Černý, Robert (2013): Effective thermal conductivity of hollow bricks with cavities filled by air and expanded polystyrene. In: Journal of Building Physics, v. 37, n. 4 (August 2013).


  15. Kočí, Jan / Žumár, Jaromír / Pavlík, Zbyšek / Černý, Robert (2012): Application of genetic algorithm for determination of water vapor diffusion parameters of building materials. In: Journal of Building Physics, v. 35, n. 3 (January 2012).


  16. Pavlík, Zbyšek / Žumár, Jaromír / Pavlíková, Milena / Černý, Robert (2012): A Boltzmann transformation method for investigation of water vapor transport in building materials. In: Journal of Building Physics, v. 35, n. 3 (January 2012).


  17. Pavlík, Zbyšek / Jiřičková, Milena / Černý, Robert / Sobczuk, Henryk / Suchorab, Zbigniew (2006): Determination of Moisture Diffusivity using the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Method. In: Journal of Building Physics, v. 30, n. 1 (July 2006).


  18. Jiřičková, Milena / Černý, Robert (2006): Chloride Binding in Building Materials. In: Journal of Building Physics, v. 29, n. 3 (January 2006).


  19. Jerman, Miloš / Černý, Robert (2012): Effect of moisture content on heat and moisture transport and storage properties of thermal insulation materials. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 53 (October 2012).


  20. Kočí, Václav / Bažantová, Zdeňka / Černý, Robert (2014): Computational analysis of thermal performance of a passive family house built of hollow clay bricks. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 76 (June 2014).


  21. Kočí, Jan / Maděra, Jiří / Jerman, Miloš / Černý, Robert (2015): Computational assessment of thermal performance of contemporary ceramic blocks with complex internal geometry in building envelopes. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 99 (July 2015).


  22. Vejmelková, Eva / Koňáková, Dana / Doleželová, Magdalena / Scheinherrová, Lenka / Svora, Petr / Keppert, Martin / Reiterman, Pavel / Černý, Robert (2018): Effect of calcined Czech claystone on the properties of high performance concrete: Microstructure, strength and durability. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 168 (April 2018).


  23. Kočí, Václav / Maděra, Jiří / Krejčí, Tomáš / Kruis, Jaroslav / Černý, Robert (2019): Efficient Techniques for Solution of Complex Computational Tasks in Building Physics. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2019 ( 2019).


  24. Zákoutský, Jan / Tydlitát, Vratislav / Černý, Robert (2012): Effect of temperature on the early-stage hydration characteristics of Portland cement: A large-volume calorimetric study. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 36 (November 2012).


  25. Vejmelková, Eva / Koňáková, Dana / Čáchová, Monika / Keppert, Martin / Černý, Robert (2012): Effect of hydrophobization on the properties of lime–metakaolin plasters. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 37 (December 2012).


  26. Tydlitát, Vratislav / Matas, Tomáš / Černý, Robert (2014): Effect of w/c and temperature on the early-stage hydration heat development in Portland-limestone cement. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 50 (January 2014).


  27. Min, Hongguang / Zhang, Weiping / Gu, Xianglin / Černý, Robert (2017): Coupled heat and moisture transport in damaged concrete under an atmospheric environment. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 143 (July 2017).


  28. Jiřičková, Milena / Černý, Robert (2006): Effect of hydrophilic admixtures on moisture and heat transport and storage parameters of mineral wool. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 20, n. 6 (July 2006).


  29. Černý, Robert / Kunca, Aleš / Tydlitát, Vratislav / Drchalová, Jaroslava / Rovnaníková, Pavla (2006): Effect of pozzolanic admixtures on mechanical, thermal and hygric properties of lime plasters. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 20, n. 10 (December 2006).


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